% !TEX TS-program = bibtex % Frühere Studienarbeiten @unpublished{wolf05, title="{Implementierung eines Kybernetischen System Modells}", author="Wolf, Friedhelm", year=2005, note="{Studienarbeit an der BA-Horb}", } @Unpublished{dreher11, title="{Refactoring und Redesign (2)}", author="Dreher, Tobias", year=2011, note="{Studienarbeit an der DHBW Stuttgart Campus Horb}", } @Unpublished{dreher10, title="{Refactoring und Redesign}", author="Dreher, Tobias", year=2010, note="{Studienarbeit an der DHBW Stuttgart Campus Horb}", } @Unpublished{kienzle11, title="{Plugin Entwicklung: Eclipse Plugin Entwicklung}", author="Kienzle, Felix", year=2011, note="{Seminararbeit Software-Engineering bei Prof. Dr. phil. van Hoof an der DHBW Stuttgart Campus Horb}", } @Unpublished{pustelnik10, title="{Implementierung von Hirarchien in einem KSM}", author="Pustelnik, Thomas", year=2010, note="{Studienarbeit an der DHBW Stuttgart Campus Horb}", } @unpublished{riess03, title="{Kybernetisches Systemmodell KSM 4}", author="Riess, Christian", year=2003, note="{Studienarbeit an der BA-Horb}", } @Unpublished{fischer10, author = "Fischer, Yves", title = "{KSM - Eclipse RCP}", year = 2010, note="{Studienarbeit an der DHBW Stuttgart Campus Horb}", } %Eclipse/Java Books @book{gef1, title="{Create an Eclipse-based application using the Graphical Editing Framework}", author="Aniszczyk, Chris and Hudson, Randy}", year="2007", note="\url{http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-eclipse-gef11/}", publisher="{IBM developerWorks}", } @book{daumEclipse, title="{Java-Entwicklung mit Eclipse 3.1}", author="Daum, Berthold", year=2005, publisher="{dpunkt.verlag}" } @book{eclipse-osgi, title="{Understanding how Eclipse plug-ins work with OSGi}", author="{Scott Delap}", year=2006, note="\url{http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-ecl-osgi/index.html}", publisher="{IBM developerWorks}", } @book{swing2swt, title="{Migrate your Swing application to SWT}", author="{Yannick Saillet}", year=2004, note="\url{http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/tutorials/j-swing2swt/}", publisher="{IBM developerWorks}", } @book{eclipse-plugins, title="{Developing Eclipse plug-ins}", author="Gallardo, David", year=2002, note="\url{http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-ecplug/}", publisher="{IBM developerWorks}", } @book{eclipse-read, title="{Recommended Eclipse reading list}", author="{Chris Aniszczyk, EMC}", year=2006, note="\url{https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-ecl-read/}", publisher="{IBM developerWorks}", } @book{eclipse-codebuch, title="{Das Eclipse-Codebuch}", author="Daum, Berthold", year=2006, publisher="{dpunkt.verlag}", note="{aus Bibliothek DHBW/Horb}", } @book{eclipse:building:plugins, title="{eclipse - Building Commercial-Quality Plug-ins}", author="Gamma and Nackman and Wiegand", year=2006, publisher="{Addison-Wesley}", note="{aus Bibliothek DHBW/Horb}", } @book{book:eclipse-rcp, title="{Eclipse Rich Client Platform}", author="{Sippel, Jastram, Bendisposto}", year=2009, publisher="{entwickler.press}", note="{aus Bibliothek DHBW/Horb}", } @book{bartlett, title = "{OSGi in Practice}", author = "Bartlett, Neil", publisher = "Bartlett, Neil", year = 2010, note = "\url{http://njbartlett.name/osgibook.html}", } @book{gefslides, title = "{GEF in Depth}", author = "Hudson, Randy and Shah, Pratik", publisher = "IBM Rational Software", year = 2005, note = "\url{http://www.eclipsecon.org/2005/presentations/EclipseCon2005_23_GEF_Tutorial_Final.ppt}", } @book{gefredbook, title = "{Eclipse Development using the Graphical Editing Framework and the Eclipse Modeling Framework}", author = "Moore, William and Dean, David and Gerber, Anna and Wagenknecht, Gunnar and Vanderheyden, Philippe", publisher = "{An IBM Redbooks publication}", year = 2004, note = "\url{http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/sg246302.html}" } @misc{vogelrcp, title = "{Eclipse RCP Tutorial}", author = "Vogel, Lars", year = 2011, note = "Version 5.7, \url{http://www.vogella.de/articles/EclipseRCP/article.html}" } @misc{eclipse:wiki, title = "{Eclipse Wiki}", note = "\url{http://wiki.eclipse.org/Main_Page}" } @misc{eclipse:scalabundle, title = "{Scala Bundle}", note = "\url{http://wiki.eclipse.org/Scala_Bundle}" } @misc{eclipse:scalarcp, title = "{Using Scala to Create Eclipse RCP Applications}", note = "\url{http://www.coconut-palm-software.com/the_new_visual_editor/doku.php?id=blog:using_scala_to_create_eclipse_rcp_applications}", } @book{jfaceaction, title = "{SWT/JFace In Action}", author = "Scarpino, Matthew and Holder, Stephen and Ng, Stanford and Mihalkovic, Laurent", publisher = "Manning", year = 2005, } @misc{cathedral, title = "{The Cathedral and the Bazaar}", author = "Raymond, Eric Steven", year = 2002, note = "\url{http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/homesteading/cathedral-bazaar/index.html}", }