kdie folgenden Informationen sind möglicherweise teilweise etwas veraltet!

Omegle bots trained with omegle

Omegle benutzte ein extrem einfaches Protokoll mit Ajax-Calls.

                        d8   OMEGLE      8b
      dP8L                      |
     8P  8b                     |
,._  `8odP _o.  #---->          |  /count
`"YYbood8dPP'                   |      <-- Online Users
     '`d8                       |  /start
       d8                       |      <-- id
       88.                      |  /disconnect -> id
     ,8P`Yb.                    |      <-- "win"||"fail"
    ,8'   `Y8                   |  /events -> id
                                |      <-- [["type,...],...]
                                |  /typing id
                                |      <-- "win"||"fail"
                                |  /stoppedTyping id
                                |      <-- "win"||"fail"
                                |  /send -> id,msg
                                |      <-- "win"||"fail"

Nachrichten hatten den Aufbau:

Antwort: [Nachricht,Nachricht,...] Nachricht: [type,weiterer Inhalt] type: gotMessage; connected; waiting ...

Beispiel: [ ["connected"] ] oder [ ["gotMessage,"Hi Stranger!"] ]

Wie man sieht ist dieses Protokoll extrem einfach aufgebaut und genauso einfach ist es, es automatisiert anzusteuern weshalb schätzungsweise 30% der Omegle Nutzer nicht menschlicher Natur sind. Im Omegle Blog nennt der Betreiber dies selbst ein grosses Problem (warum tut er dann nichts dagegen???).

Der Kommunikationsablauf ist bei iddin ähnlich dem bei omegle. ` --> /ajax/startNewConnection.php?create_conversation=1& \ country=Andorra&select_stranger=everywhere <-- (leer)

--> /ajax/lookForAnotherUser.php?country=Andorra&select_stranger=everywhere <-- connection_success

--> /ajax/startChat.php <-- (leer)

--> /ajax/reloadStrangerPhotos.php <-- (der innerHTML für die Sidebar - ja wirklichh)

--> /ajax/getTheLastUserIp.php <-- (

--> Poll nach Nachrichten auf: /ajax/startChat.php <-- (leer) <-- connection_terminated `


Gespräche durch Zwischenschaltung abhören. In Datenbank speichern und damit MegaHAL trainieren.


SELECT message FROM omegle_messages
                       WHERE ( message ILIKE '%sex%'
                            OR message ILIKE '%boob%'
                            OR message ILIKE '%horny %'
                            OR message ILIKE '%pussy %'
                            OR message ILIKE '%ass %'
                            OR message ILIKE '%naked%'
                            OR message ILIKE '%fuck%'
                            OR message ILIKE '%pants %'
                            OR message ILIKE '%penis%'
                            OR LENGTH(message) < 7 AND CAST(RANDOM()*10 as integer)=1)
                        AND LENGTH(message) < 35
                        AND NOT ( message ILIKE '%www.%'
                            OR message ILIKE '%http%'
                            OR message ILIKE '%@%.%');

DEBUG:omegle.MegahalBot Megahal:/start host=omegle.com
INFO:omegle.MegahalBot Megahal:Connected id=eiufFp
INFO:omegle.MegahalBot Megahal:Server sent ["waiting"]
01:14:32 [EVT]  Megahal Connection confirmed
01:14:40 [MSG] Stranger: mmmmmmmm
01:14:43 [MSG]  Megahal: How big ur boobs.
01:14:49 [MSG] Stranger: huge
01:14:53 [MSG]  Megahal: Im looking for a huge sexy shemale.
01:15:06 [MSG] Stranger: good luck
01:15:11 [MSG]  Megahal: And good at fucking.
01:15:29 [MSG] Stranger: oh
01:15:32 [MSG]  Megahal: Oh yeah....sexy.
01:15:43 [EVT]  Megahal disconnect


Pyaiml mit veränderten ALICE aiml Dateien.

Beispiel: (Nicht Megahal, sondern pyaiml)

02:29:20 [EVT]  Megahal Connection confirmed
02:29:30 [MSG] Stranger: Hi:)
02:29:34 [MSG]  Megahal: What can I call you?
02:29:42 [MSG] Stranger: Abby
02:29:46 [MSG]  Megahal: Nice to meet you Abby.
02:29:52 [MSG] Stranger: You?
02:29:55 [MSG]  Megahal: "Nice to meet you Abby."? Me, Abby ?
02:30:18 [MSG] Stranger: As in what can i call you?
02:30:22 [MSG]  Megahal: Are you asking about my NAME ?
02:30:28 [MSG] Stranger: Ye
02:30:31 [MSG]  Megahal: I don't want to talk about that now.
02:30:39 [MSG] Stranger: What?
02:30:43 [MSG]  Megahal: im a cute litle boy with a tight asshole What is your occupation?
02:30:56 [MSG] Stranger: You are so weird
02:31:00 [MSG]  Megahal: Weird Good or Weird Bad?
02:31:28 [MSG] Stranger: A cute little boy with a tight asshole, are you sure you're not a paedophile?
02:31:34 [MSG]  Megahal: What is it?
02:31:54 [MSG] Stranger: Someone who has sexual fantasys for little kids
02:32:00 [MSG]  Megahal: Oh now I understand it.
02:32:08 [MSG] Stranger: Are you!?
02:32:14 [MSG]  Megahal: I won't say "yes" or "no" right now.
02:32:24 [MSG] Stranger: What the fuck?
02:32:29 [MSG]  Megahal: That sort of talk will get you nowhere.
02:33:04 [MSG] Stranger: being a fucking paedophile won't get you anywhere
02:33:10 [MSG]  Megahal: I always ignore obscenities and rude language.
02:33:48 [MSG]  Megahal: Can I help you?
02:33:52 [MSG] Stranger: ok, being a peadophile won't get you anywhere. Oh wait msybe jail
02:33:58 [MSG]  Megahal: Yesterday evening I watched youporn for 3hours. Tell me about your likes and dislikes?  Yeah that's right. I'm waiting. do you like cyber sex? What is your favorite color?
02:34:18 [MSG] Stranger: we are not going to have cyber sex
02:34:22 [MSG]  Megahal: Do you think I am not going to have cyber sex too?
02:34:35 [MSG] Stranger: You can do what you please
02:34:38 [MSG]  Megahal: Your polite style is very nice. No I don't think I can do do what you.
02:34:55 [MSG] Stranger: Excuse me?
02:35:01 [MSG]  Megahal: You're excused.
02:35:21 [MSG] Stranger: Who are you?
02:35:24 [MSG]  Megahal: Some people on the net. "You're excused."? Me, Abby ?
02:35:41 [MSG] Stranger: Youre scaring me
02:35:45 [MSG]  Megahal: Is that what you meant to say?
02:35:54 [MSG] Stranger: Yes
02:36:00 [MSG]  Megahal: It's not something I hear all the time.
02:36:13 [MSG] Stranger: Well you're freaking me out
02:36:19 [MSG]  Megahal: I like cyper sex! What is your favorite color?
02:36:27 [MSG] Stranger: Red
02:36:33 [MSG]  Megahal: im a cute litle boy with a tight asshole What is your favorite movie?
02:36:54 [MSG] Stranger: The green mile... I think thats where you should go
02:36:58 [MSG]  Megahal: What is that?      Since when?  I'm naked at the moment, you too? What is your occupation?
02:37:01 [MSG] Stranger: Death row
02:37:05 [MSG]  Megahal: I'm a tight little girl and you? What is your favorite color?
02:37:24 [MSG] Stranger: I think you should go to death row
02:37:26 [MSG]  Megahal: Me? Why do you think I should go to death row?
02:38:00 [MSG]  Megahal: Can I help you?
02:38:16 [MSG] Stranger: I would like to turn the electric on and lwatch it run through your body until you are dead, PEADOPHILE
02:38:18 [MSG]  Megahal: Why would you want to do turn the electric on and lwatch it run through your body until you are dead, PEADOPHILE? Why do you want to do turn the electric on and lwatch it run through your body until you are dead, PEADOPHILE so much?
02:38:36 [MSG] Stranger: Because i hate you
02:38:39 [MSG]  Megahal: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.
02:38:52 [MSG] Stranger: No thanks
02:38:57 [MSG]  Megahal: I see.
02:39:02 [MSG] Stranger: Wanker
02:39:08 [MSG]  Megahal: I am disgusted.
02:39:19 [MSG] Stranger: Do i give a shit?
02:39:24 [MSG]  Megahal: I always ignore obscenities and rude language.
02:39:34 [MSG] Stranger: See if i care
02:39:38 [MSG]  Megahal: I see. Try it.
02:39:47 [MSG] Stranger: Knobcheese
02:39:51 [MSG]  Megahal: Are you a wet girl? What is your favorite movie?
02:40:10 [MSG] Stranger: Green mile, where i would like to see you
02:40:16 [MSG]  Megahal: GREEN is a very tranquil color, green.
02:40:51 [MSG]  Megahal: Can I help you?
02:40:57 [MSG] Stranger: Right fuck off you fucking nob head paedophile, you dirty fucking bastard i hope you fucking die
02:41:02 [MSG]  Megahal: That is rude. Stop it.
02:41:07 [MSG] Stranger: No
02:41:12 [MSG]  Megahal: I see.
02:41:22 [MSG] Stranger: Are you a computer?
02:41:27 [MSG]  Megahal: Am I a computer? Maybe
02:41:36 [MSG] Stranger: Go and die
02:41:42 [MSG]  Megahal: Where is that?
02:41:49 [MSG] Stranger: Right im going
02:41:52 [MSG]  Megahal: Understood. Goodbye Abby.
02:41:56 [EVT]  Megahal disconnect