diff options
-rw-r--r--pinout.jpgbin0 -> 59263 bytes
-rw-r--r--scripts/esp8266-20171101-v1.9.3.binbin0 -> 600888 bytes
-rw-r--r--scripts/esp8266-20180511-v1.9.4.binbin0 -> 604872 bytes
33 files changed, 11971 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb33e9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Never commit configuration files
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a45d3e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Software used/included:
+* kconfiglib: ISC License
+* GPLv2
+* micropython: MIT License
diff --git a/anzeige0/Kconfig b/anzeige0/Kconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c588b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/anzeige0/Kconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+mainmenu "configuration"
+source ../scripts/Kconfig-wifi
diff --git a/anzeige0/ b/anzeige0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d30893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/anzeige0/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+config = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], int(x[1]) if x[1].isdigit() else x[1][1:-1] if x[1].startswith('"') and x[1].endswith('"') else x[1]), map(lambda x: x.strip().split("=", 1), filter(lambda x: '=' in x, open(".config").readlines()))))
diff --git a/anzeige0/ b/anzeige0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38b60da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/anzeige0/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+"""Provides an API for talking to HD44780 compatible character LCDs."""
+import time
+class LcdApi:
+ """Implements the API for talking with HD44780 compatible character LCDs.
+ This class only knows what commands to send to the LCD, and not how to get
+ them to the LCD.
+ It is expected that a derived class will implement the hal_xxx functions.
+ """
+ # The following constant names were lifted from the avrlib lcd.h
+ # header file, however, I changed the definitions from bit numbers
+ # to bit masks.
+ #
+ # HD44780 LCD controller command set
+ LCD_CLR = 0x01 # DB0: clear display
+ LCD_HOME = 0x02 # DB1: return to home position
+ LCD_ENTRY_MODE = 0x04 # DB2: set entry mode
+ LCD_ENTRY_INC = 0x02 # --DB1: increment
+ LCD_ENTRY_SHIFT = 0x01 # --DB0: shift
+ LCD_ON_CTRL = 0x08 # DB3: turn lcd/cursor on
+ LCD_ON_DISPLAY = 0x04 # --DB2: turn display on
+ LCD_ON_CURSOR = 0x02 # --DB1: turn cursor on
+ LCD_ON_BLINK = 0x01 # --DB0: blinking cursor
+ LCD_MOVE = 0x10 # DB4: move cursor/display
+ LCD_MOVE_DISP = 0x08 # --DB3: move display (0-> move cursor)
+ LCD_MOVE_RIGHT = 0x04 # --DB2: move right (0-> left)
+ LCD_FUNCTION = 0x20 # DB5: function set
+ LCD_FUNCTION_8BIT = 0x10 # --DB4: set 8BIT mode (0->4BIT mode)
+ LCD_FUNCTION_2LINES = 0x08 # --DB3: two lines (0->one line)
+ LCD_FUNCTION_10DOTS = 0x04 # --DB2: 5x10 font (0->5x7 font)
+ LCD_FUNCTION_RESET = 0x30 # See "Initializing by Instruction" section
+ LCD_CGRAM = 0x40 # DB6: set CG RAM address
+ LCD_DDRAM = 0x80 # DB7: set DD RAM address
+ LCD_RS_CMD = 0
+ def __init__(self, num_lines, num_columns):
+ self.num_lines = num_lines
+ if self.num_lines > 4:
+ self.num_lines = 4
+ self.num_columns = num_columns
+ if self.num_columns > 40:
+ self.num_columns = 40
+ self.cursor_x = 0
+ self.cursor_y = 0
+ self.backlight = True
+ self.display_off()
+ self.backlight_on()
+ self.clear()
+ self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_ENTRY_MODE | self.LCD_ENTRY_INC)
+ self.hide_cursor()
+ self.display_on()
+ def clear(self):
+ """Clears the LCD display and moves the cursor to the top left
+ corner.
+ """
+ self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_CLR)
+ self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_HOME)
+ self.cursor_x = 0
+ self.cursor_y = 0
+ def show_cursor(self):
+ """Causes the cursor to be made visible."""
+ self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_ON_CTRL | self.LCD_ON_DISPLAY |
+ def hide_cursor(self):
+ """Causes the cursor to be hidden."""
+ self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_ON_CTRL | self.LCD_ON_DISPLAY)
+ def blink_cursor_on(self):
+ """Turns on the cursor, and makes it blink."""
+ self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_ON_CTRL | self.LCD_ON_DISPLAY |
+ def blink_cursor_off(self):
+ """Turns on the cursor, and makes it no blink (i.e. be solid)."""
+ self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_ON_CTRL | self.LCD_ON_DISPLAY |
+ def display_on(self):
+ """Turns on (i.e. unblanks) the LCD."""
+ self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_ON_CTRL | self.LCD_ON_DISPLAY)
+ def display_off(self):
+ """Turns off (i.e. blanks) the LCD."""
+ self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_ON_CTRL)
+ def backlight_on(self):
+ """Turns the backlight on.
+ This isn't really an LCD command, but some modules have backlight
+ controls, so this allows the hal to pass through the command.
+ """
+ self.backlight = True
+ self.hal_backlight_on()
+ def backlight_off(self):
+ """Turns the backlight off.
+ This isn't really an LCD command, but some modules have backlight
+ controls, so this allows the hal to pass through the command.
+ """
+ self.backlight = False
+ self.hal_backlight_off()
+ def move_to(self, cursor_x, cursor_y):
+ """Moves the cursor position to the indicated position. The cursor
+ position is zero based (i.e. cursor_x == 0 indicates first column).
+ """
+ self.cursor_x = cursor_x
+ self.cursor_y = cursor_y
+ addr = cursor_x & 0x3f
+ if cursor_y & 1:
+ addr += 0x40 # Lines 1 & 3 add 0x40
+ if cursor_y & 2:
+ addr += 0x14 # Lines 2 & 3 add 0x14
+ self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_DDRAM | addr)
+ def putchar(self, char):
+ """Writes the indicated character to the LCD at the current cursor
+ position, and advances the cursor by one position.
+ """
+ if char != '\n':
+ self.hal_write_data(ord(char))
+ self.cursor_x += 1
+ if self.cursor_x >= self.num_columns or char == '\n':
+ self.cursor_x = 0
+ self.cursor_y += 1
+ if self.cursor_y >= self.num_lines:
+ self.cursor_y = 0
+ self.move_to(self.cursor_x, self.cursor_y)
+ def putstr(self, string):
+ """Write the indicated string to the LCD at the current cursor
+ position and advances the cursor position appropriately.
+ """
+ for char in string:
+ self.putchar(char)
+ def custom_char(self, location, charmap):
+ """Write a character to one of the 8 CGRAM locations, available
+ as chr(0) through chr(7).
+ """
+ location &= 0x7
+ self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_CGRAM | (location << 3))
+ time.sleep_us(40)
+ for i in range(8):
+ self.hal_write_data(charmap[i])
+ time.sleep_us(40)
+ self.move_to(self.cursor_x, self.cursor_y)
+ def hal_backlight_on(self):
+ """Allows the hal layer to turn the backlight on.
+ If desired, a derived HAL class will implement this function.
+ """
+ pass
+ def hal_backlight_off(self):
+ """Allows the hal layer to turn the backlight off.
+ If desired, a derived HAL class will implement this function.
+ """
+ pass
+ def hal_write_command(self, cmd):
+ """Write a command to the LCD.
+ It is expected that a derived HAL class will implement this
+ function.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def hal_write_data(self, data):
+ """Write data to the LCD.
+ It is expected that a derived HAL class will implement this
+ function.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/anzeige0/ b/anzeige0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c73e847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/anzeige0/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+import json
+import time
+import machine
+import socket
+import micropython as mp
+from nodemcu_gpio_lcd import GpioLcd
+from machine import Pin, PWM
+import network
+backlight = PWM(Pin(12), freq=500, duty=200)
+wlan = network.WLAN()
+lcd = GpioLcd(rs_pin=Pin(16), enable_pin=Pin(5),
+ d4_pin=Pin(4), d5_pin=Pin(0), d6_pin=Pin(2), d7_pin=Pin(14),
+ num_lines=2, num_columns=16)
+lcd.putstr("Verbinde mit:\n{}".format(wlan.config('essid')))
+while not wlan.isconnected():
+ continue
+HOST = b''
+HEADERS = b'Host:\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n'
+displays = [
+ { # ################ ################ <- 16 chars
+ "name": "Zusammenfassung " + " ",
+ "text": "I: ____ E: ____ " + "W: ____ßS: ____ß",
+ "values" : [
+ """SELECT sum("d4_count")*30 FROM "stromzaehler3" WHERE time > now() - 2m""",
+ """SELECT sum("d1_count")*30 FROM "stromzaehler3" WHERE time > now() - 2m""",
+ """SELECT last(value) FROM temp0 WHERE sensor = '28-8B-DC-E9-16-13-01-D5'""",
+ """SELECT last(value) FROM temp0 WHERE sensor = '28-7F-69-16-17-13-01-A6'""",
+ ]
+ },
+ { # ################ ################ <- 16 chars
+ "name": "Stromz\xe1hler " + " Heute ",
+ "text": "\xf6 Import ____Wh" + "\xf6 Export ____Wh",
+ "values" : [
+ "SELECT last(sum) FROM (SELECT sum(d4_count) FROM stromzaehler3 WHERE time > now() - 1d GROUP BY time(1d) tz('Europe/Berlin'))",
+ "SELECT last(sum) FROM (SELECT sum(d1_count) FROM stromzaehler3 WHERE time > now() - 1d GROUP BY time(1d) tz('Europe/Berlin'))",
+ ],
+ },
+ { # ################ ################ <- 16 chars
+ "name": "Heizung Solar " + " ",
+ "text": "Von Dach: ____ß " + "Zum Dach: ____ß ",
+ "values" : [
+ "SELECT last(value) FROM temp0 WHERE sensor = '28-7F-69-16-17-13-01-A6'",
+ "SELECT last(value) FROM temp0 WHERE sensor = '28-99-38-EB-16-13-01-22'",
+ ]
+ },
+ { # ################ ################ <- 16 chars
+ "name": "BFT Rheinau " + " ",
+ "text": "S95-E5: __.___ " + "Diesel: __.___ ",
+ "values" : [
+ """SELECT last(value) FROM "tankerkoenig.SP95-E5" WHERE "name" = 'Rheinau-Freistett - BFT - Freistett'""",
+ """SELECT last(value) FROM "tankerkoenig.Diesel" WHERE "name" = 'Rheinau-Freistett - BFT - Freistett'""",
+ ]},
+ ]
+def query_one(db, select):
+ select_esc = select.replace(" ", "%20")
+ select_esc = select_esc.replace("\"", "%22")
+ addr = socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, 80)[0][-1]
+ s = socket.socket()
+ s.connect(addr)
+ s.send(b'GET /grafana/api/datasources/proxy/3/query?db={}&q={}&epoch=ms\r\n'.format(db, select_esc))
+ s.send(HEADERS)
+ data = json.load(s)
+ s.close()
+ return data['results'][0]['series'][0]['values'][0][1]
+current_display = 0
+def update():
+ global UPDATE_RUN, current_display, display, lcd
+ lcd.move_to(0, 0)
+ text = displays[current_display]["text"]
+ s = ""
+ cur = ""
+ pos = 0
+ i = 0
+ while i<len(text):
+ c = text[i]
+ cur_added = False
+ if c == '_' or ( len(cur) > 0 and c == '.' ):
+ cur += c
+ cur_added = True
+ if len(cur) > 0 and (not cur_added or i == len(text) - 1):
+ value_query = displays[current_display]["values"][pos]
+ v = query_one("data", value_query)
+ if isinstance(v, float):
+ if "." in cur:
+ precision = len(cur) - cur.index(".") - 1
+ else:
+ precision = 0
+ fmt_string = "{{: >{}.{}f}}".format(len(cur), precision)
+ elif isinstance(v, int):
+ fmt_string = "{{: >{}d}}".format(len(cur))
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Wrong type: {}".format(type(v)))
+ s += fmt_string.format(v)
+ lcd.putstr(s)
+ s = ""
+ cur = ""
+ pos += 1
+ if not cur_added:
+ s += c
+ if not cur_added and i == len(text)-1:
+ lcd.putstr(s)
+ s = ""
+ i += 1
+ lcd.putstr(s)
+last_update = 0
+def schedule_update(timer=None, force=False):
+ global last_update
+ def ex(none):
+ try:
+ update()
+ except Exception as e:
+ lcd.clear()
+ msg = "Error: {}".format(str(e)[0:(32-7)])
+ lcd.putstr(msg)
+ raise e
+ now = time.ticks_ms()
+ if force:
+ last_update = now
+ ex(None)
+ elif now - last_update > 5000:
+ last_update = now
+ mp.schedule(ex, None)
+timer = machine.Timer(-1)
+def switch_display(none):
+ global current_display, displays
+ current_display += 1
+ current_display %= len(displays)
+ lcd.move_to(0,0)
+ lcd.putstr(displays[current_display]['name'])
+ # trigger update in 1s
+ last_update = time.ticks_ms() - 4000
+last_switch = 0
+def switch_pressed(pin):
+ global last_switch
+ now = time.ticks_ms()
+ if pin.value() == 0 and now - last_switch > 200:
+ mp.schedule(switch_display, None)
+ last_switch = now
+switch = machine.Pin(13, machine.Pin.IN)
+timer.init(period=500, mode=machine.Timer.PERIODIC, callback=schedule_update)
+print(" finished")
diff --git a/anzeige0/ b/anzeige0/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ef68b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/anzeige0/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+PY_SOURCES=" .config"
+. ${0%/*}/../scripts/
diff --git a/anzeige0/ b/anzeige0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bb839c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/anzeige0/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+"""Implements a HD44780 character LCD connected via NodeMCU GPIO pins."""
+from lcd_api import LcdApi
+from machine import Pin
+from utime import sleep_ms, sleep_us
+class GpioLcd(LcdApi):
+ """Implements a HD44780 character LCD connected via NodeMCU GPIO pins."""
+ def __init__(self, rs_pin, enable_pin, d0_pin=None, d1_pin=None,
+ d2_pin=None, d3_pin=None, d4_pin=None, d5_pin=None,
+ d6_pin=None, d7_pin=None, rw_pin=None, backlight_pin=None,
+ num_lines=2, num_columns=16):
+ """Constructs the GpioLcd object. All of the arguments must be Pin
+ objects which describe which pin the given line from the LCD is
+ connected to.
+ When used in 4-bit mode, only D4, D5, D6, and D7 are physically
+ connected to the LCD panel. This function allows you call it like
+ GpioLcd(rs, enable, D4, D5, D6, D7) and it will interpret that as
+ if you had actually called:
+ GpioLcd(rs, enable, d4=D4, d5=D5, d6=D6, d7=D7)
+ The enable 8-bit mode, you need pass d0 through d7.
+ The rw pin isn't used by this library, but if you specify it, then
+ it will be set low.
+ """
+ self.rs_pin = rs_pin
+ self.enable_pin = enable_pin
+ self.rw_pin = rw_pin
+ self.backlight_pin = backlight_pin
+ self._4bit = True
+ if d4_pin and d5_pin and d6_pin and d7_pin:
+ self.d0_pin = d0_pin
+ self.d1_pin = d1_pin
+ self.d2_pin = d2_pin
+ self.d3_pin = d3_pin
+ self.d4_pin = d4_pin
+ self.d5_pin = d5_pin
+ self.d6_pin = d6_pin
+ self.d7_pin = d7_pin
+ if self.d0_pin and self.d1_pin and self.d2_pin and self.d3_pin:
+ self._4bit = False
+ else:
+ # This is really 4-bit mode, and the 4 data pins were just
+ # passed as the first 4 arguments, so we switch things around.
+ self.d0_pin = None
+ self.d1_pin = None
+ self.d2_pin = None
+ self.d3_pin = None
+ self.d4_pin = d0_pin
+ self.d5_pin = d1_pin
+ self.d6_pin = d2_pin
+ self.d7_pin = d3_pin
+ self.rs_pin.init(Pin.OUT)
+ self.rs_pin.value(0)
+ if self.rw_pin:
+ self.rw_pin.init(Pin.OUT)
+ self.rw_pin.value(0)
+ self.enable_pin.init(Pin.OUT)
+ self.enable_pin.value(0)
+ self.d4_pin.init(Pin.OUT)
+ self.d5_pin.init(Pin.OUT)
+ self.d6_pin.init(Pin.OUT)
+ self.d7_pin.init(Pin.OUT)
+ self.d4_pin.value(0)
+ self.d5_pin.value(0)
+ self.d6_pin.value(0)
+ self.d7_pin.value(0)
+ if not self._4bit:
+ self.d0_pin.init(Pin.OUT)
+ self.d1_pin.init(Pin.OUT)
+ self.d2_pin.init(Pin.OUT)
+ self.d3_pin.init(Pin.OUT)
+ self.d0_pin.value(0)
+ self.d1_pin.value(0)
+ self.d2_pin.value(0)
+ self.d3_pin.value(0)
+ if self.backlight_pin is not None:
+ self.backlight_pin.init(Pin.OUT)
+ self.backlight_pin.value(0)
+ # See about splitting this into begin
+ sleep_ms(20) # Allow LCD time to powerup
+ # Send reset 3 times
+ self.hal_write_init_nibble(self.LCD_FUNCTION_RESET)
+ sleep_ms(5) # need to delay at least 4.1 msec
+ self.hal_write_init_nibble(self.LCD_FUNCTION_RESET)
+ sleep_ms(1)
+ self.hal_write_init_nibble(self.LCD_FUNCTION_RESET)
+ sleep_ms(1)
+ cmd = self.LCD_FUNCTION
+ if not self._4bit:
+ cmd |= self.LCD_FUNCTION_8BIT
+ self.hal_write_init_nibble(cmd)
+ sleep_ms(1)
+ LcdApi.__init__(self, num_lines, num_columns)
+ if num_lines > 1:
+ cmd |= self.LCD_FUNCTION_2LINES
+ self.hal_write_command(cmd)
+ def hal_pulse_enable(self):
+ """Pulse the enable line high, and then low again."""
+ self.enable_pin.value(0)
+ sleep_us(1)
+ self.enable_pin.value(1)
+ sleep_us(1) # Enable pulse needs to be > 450 nsec
+ self.enable_pin.value(0)
+ sleep_us(100) # Commands need > 37us to settle
+ def hal_write_init_nibble(self, nibble):
+ """Writes an initialization nibble to the LCD.
+ This particular function is only used during initialization.
+ """
+ self.hal_write_4bits(nibble >> 4)
+ def hal_backlight_on(self):
+ """Allows the hal layer to turn the backlight on."""
+ if self.backlight_pin:
+ self.backlight_pin.value(1)
+ def hal_backlight_off(self):
+ """Allows the hal layer to turn the backlight off."""
+ if self.backlight_pin:
+ self.backlight_pin.value(0)
+ def hal_write_command(self, cmd):
+ """Writes a command to the LCD.
+ Data is latched on the falling edge of E.
+ """
+ self.rs_pin.value(0)
+ self.hal_write_8bits(cmd)
+ if cmd <= 3:
+ # The home and clear commands require a worst
+ # case delay of 4.1 msec
+ sleep_ms(5)
+ def hal_write_data(self, data):
+ """Write data to the LCD."""
+ self.rs_pin.value(1)
+ self.hal_write_8bits(data)
+ def hal_write_8bits(self, value):
+ """Writes 8 bits of data to the LCD."""
+ if self.rw_pin:
+ self.rw_pin.value(0)
+ if self._4bit:
+ self.hal_write_4bits(value >> 4)
+ self.hal_write_4bits(value)
+ else:
+ self.d3_pin.value(value & 0x08)
+ self.d2_pin.value(value & 0x04)
+ self.d1_pin.value(value & 0x02)
+ self.d0_pin.value(value & 0x01)
+ self.hal_write_4bits(value >> 4)
+ def hal_write_4bits(self, nibble):
+ """Writes 4 bits of data to the LCD."""
+ self.d7_pin.value(nibble & 0x08)
+ self.d6_pin.value(nibble & 0x04)
+ self.d5_pin.value(nibble & 0x02)
+ self.d4_pin.value(nibble & 0x01)
+ self.hal_pulse_enable()
diff --git a/laermsensor0/Kconfig b/laermsensor0/Kconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afb1c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/laermsensor0/Kconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+mainmenu "configuration"
+source ../scripts/Kconfig-wifi
+menu "Influxdb"
+ string "Hostname of influxdb server"
+ int "Port number"
+ string "Path element for POST request"
diff --git a/laermsensor0/ b/laermsensor0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d30893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/laermsensor0/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+config = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], int(x[1]) if x[1].isdigit() else x[1][1:-1] if x[1].startswith('"') and x[1].endswith('"') else x[1]), map(lambda x: x.strip().split("=", 1), filter(lambda x: '=' in x, open(".config").readlines()))))
diff --git a/laermsensor0/ b/laermsensor0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b46afdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/laermsensor0/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import socket
+from micropython import const, schedule
+import network
+import machine
+w = network.WLAN()
+print("Waiting for WLAN")
+while not w.isconnected():
+ machine.idle()
+print("WLAN found")
+UTF_8 = 'utf8'
+HTTP_REQUEST = bytes('POST /%s HTTP/1.1\r\n' % PATH, UTF_8)
+HTTP_HOST = bytes('Host: %s\r\n' % HOST, UTF_8)
+HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE = bytes('Content-Type: application/x-www-urlencoded\r\n', UTF_8)
+HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH = bytes('Content-Length: %s\r\n', UTF_8)
+HTTP_CONNECTION = bytes('Connection: close\r\n', UTF_8)
+HTTP_NL = bytes('\r\n', UTF_8)
+def post(data):
+ print('Send HTTP POST: %s' % data)
+ addr = socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, PORT)[0][-1]
+ data = bytes(data, UTF_8)
+ s = socket.socket()
+ s.connect(addr)
+ s.send(HTTP_REQUEST)
+ s.send(HTTP_HOST)
+ s.send(HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH % len(data))
+ s.send(HTTP_NL)
+ s.send(data)
+ first_data = s.recv(100)
+ if first_data:
+ line, *_ = first_data.split(HTTP_NL)
+ print(line)
+ while data:
+ data = s.recv(100)
+ s.close()
+from machine import Timer, ADC
+CONVERT = ( 1024.0 * 3.3 ) / 1000.0 # convert to decibel
+values = []
+def update(args):
+ (v_max, v_min, v_mean) = args
+ post('laermsensor0 max=%s,min=%s,mean=%s' % (v_max, v_min, v_mean))
+def process_adc(t):
+ global adc
+ global values
+ if len(values) == 50:
+ v_max = max(values) / CONVERT
+ v_min = min(values) / CONVERT
+ v_mean = (sum(values) / 50.0) / CONVERT
+ schedule(update, (v_max, v_min, v_mean))
+ values = []
+ else:
+ values.append(
+adc = ADC(0)
+timer = Timer(-1)
+timer.init(period=100, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=process_adc)
+def disable():
+ global timer
+ timer.deinit()
+print(' finished')
diff --git a/laermsensor0/ b/laermsensor0/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8266585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/laermsensor0/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+PY_SOURCES=" .config"
+. ${0%/*}/../scripts/
diff --git a/pinout.jpg b/pinout.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7c153a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pinout.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scripts/Kconfig-wifi b/scripts/Kconfig-wifi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5864fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/Kconfig-wifi
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+menu "temp0 configuration"
+ string "WPA Network secret keyphrase"
+config WPA_SSID
+ string "WPA SSID"
+ string "DHCP Hostname"
diff --git a/scripts/esp8266-20171101-v1.9.3.bin b/scripts/esp8266-20171101-v1.9.3.bin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df1adc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/esp8266-20171101-v1.9.3.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scripts/esp8266-20180511-v1.9.4.bin b/scripts/esp8266-20180511-v1.9.4.bin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..543f553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/esp8266-20180511-v1.9.4.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..de7edfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,2422 @@
+# ESP8266 & ESP32 ROM Bootloader Utility
+# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Fredrik Ahlberg, Angus Gratton, Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD, other contributors as noted.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
+# Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+from __future__ import print_function, division
+import argparse
+import hashlib
+import inspect
+import os
+import serial
+import struct
+import sys
+import time
+import base64
+import zlib
+import shlex
+import copy
+import io
+__version__ = "2.1"
+MAX_UINT32 = 0xffffffff
+MAX_UINT24 = 0xffffff
+DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 3 # timeout for most flash operations
+START_FLASH_TIMEOUT = 20 # timeout for starting flash (may perform erase)
+CHIP_ERASE_TIMEOUT = 120 # timeout for full chip erase
+SYNC_TIMEOUT = 0.1 # timeout for syncing with bootloader
+DETECTED_FLASH_SIZES = {0x12: '256KB', 0x13: '512KB', 0x14: '1MB',
+ 0x15: '2MB', 0x16: '4MB', 0x17: '8MB', 0x18: '16MB'}
+def check_supported_function(func, check_func):
+ """
+ Decorator implementation that wraps a check around an ESPLoader
+ bootloader function to check if it's supported.
+ This is used to capture the multidimensional differences in
+ functionality between the ESP8266 & ESP32 ROM loaders, and the
+ software stub that runs on both. Not possible to do this cleanly
+ via inheritance alone.
+ """
+ def inner(*args, **kwargs):
+ obj = args[0]
+ if check_func(obj):
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedInROMError(obj, func)
+ return inner
+def stub_function_only(func):
+ """ Attribute for a function only supported in the software stub loader """
+ return check_supported_function(func, lambda o: o.IS_STUB)
+def stub_and_esp32_function_only(func):
+ """ Attribute for a function only supported by software stubs or ESP32 ROM """
+ return check_supported_function(func, lambda o: o.IS_STUB or o.CHIP_NAME == "ESP32")
+PYTHON2 = sys.version_info[0] < 3 # True if on pre-Python 3
+# Function to return nth byte of a bitstring
+# Different behaviour on Python 2 vs 3
+if PYTHON2:
+ def byte(bitstr, index):
+ return ord(bitstr[index])
+ def byte(bitstr, index):
+ return bitstr[index]
+def esp8266_function_only(func):
+ """ Attribute for a function only supported on ESP8266 """
+ return check_supported_function(func, lambda o: o.CHIP_NAME == "ESP8266")
+class ESPLoader(object):
+ """ Base class providing access to ESP ROM & softtware stub bootloaders.
+ Subclasses provide ESP8266 & ESP32 specific functionality.
+ Don't instantiate this base class directly, either instantiate a subclass or
+ call ESPLoader.detect_chip() which will interrogate the chip and return the
+ appropriate subclass instance.
+ """
+ CHIP_NAME = "Espressif device"
+ IS_STUB = False
+ DEFAULT_PORT = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
+ # Commands supported by ESP8266 ROM bootloader
+ ESP_FLASH_END = 0x04
+ ESP_MEM_BEGIN = 0x05
+ ESP_MEM_END = 0x06
+ ESP_MEM_DATA = 0x07
+ ESP_SYNC = 0x08
+ ESP_WRITE_REG = 0x09
+ ESP_READ_REG = 0x0a
+ # Some comands supported by ESP32 ROM bootloader (or -8266 w/ stub)
+ ESP_SPI_FLASH_MD5 = 0x13
+ # Some commands supported by stub only
+ # Maximum block sized for RAM and Flash writes, respectively.
+ ESP_RAM_BLOCK = 0x1800
+ # Default baudrate. The ROM auto-bauds, so we can use more or less whatever we want.
+ ESP_ROM_BAUD = 115200
+ # First byte of the application image
+ # Initial state for the checksum routine
+ # Flash sector size, minimum unit of erase.
+ UART_DATA_REG_ADDR = 0x60000078
+ # Memory addresses
+ IROM_MAP_START = 0x40200000
+ IROM_MAP_END = 0x40300000
+ # The number of bytes in the UART response that signify command status
+ def __init__(self, port=DEFAULT_PORT, baud=ESP_ROM_BAUD):
+ """Base constructor for ESPLoader bootloader interaction
+ Don't call this constructor, either instantiate ESP8266ROM
+ or ESP32ROM, or use ESPLoader.detect_chip().
+ This base class has all of the instance methods for bootloader
+ functionality supported across various chips & stub
+ loaders. Subclasses replace the functions they don't support
+ with ones which throw NotImplementedInROMError().
+ """
+ if isinstance(port, serial.Serial):
+ self._port = port
+ else:
+ self._port = serial.serial_for_url(port)
+ self._slip_reader = slip_reader(self._port)
+ # setting baud rate in a separate step is a workaround for
+ # CH341 driver on some Linux versions (this opens at 9600 then
+ # sets), shouldn't matter for other platforms/drivers. See
+ #
+ self._set_port_baudrate(baud)
+ def _set_port_baudrate(self, baud):
+ try:
+ self._port.baudrate = baud
+ except IOError:
+ raise FatalError("Failed to set baud rate %d. The driver may not support this rate." % baud)
+ @staticmethod
+ def detect_chip(port=DEFAULT_PORT, baud=ESP_ROM_BAUD, connect_mode='default_reset'):
+ """ Use serial access to detect the chip type.
+ We use the UART's datecode register for this, it's mapped at
+ the same address on ESP8266 & ESP32 so we can use one
+ memory read and compare to the datecode register for each chip
+ type.
+ This routine automatically performs ESPLoader.connect() (passing
+ connect_mode parameter) as part of querying the chip.
+ """
+ detect_port = ESPLoader(port, baud)
+ detect_port.connect(connect_mode)
+ print('Detecting chip type...', end='')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ date_reg = detect_port.read_reg(ESPLoader.UART_DATA_REG_ADDR)
+ for cls in [ESP8266ROM, ESP32ROM]:
+ if date_reg == cls.DATE_REG_VALUE:
+ # don't connect a second time
+ inst = cls(detect_port._port, baud)
+ print(' %s' % inst.CHIP_NAME)
+ return inst
+ print('')
+ raise FatalError("Unexpected UART datecode value 0x%08x. Failed to autodetect chip type." % date_reg)
+ """ Read a SLIP packet from the serial port """
+ def read(self):
+ return next(self._slip_reader)
+ """ Write bytes to the serial port while performing SLIP escaping """
+ def write(self, packet):
+ buf = b'\xc0' \
+ + (packet.replace(b'\xdb',b'\xdb\xdd').replace(b'\xc0',b'\xdb\xdc')) \
+ + b'\xc0'
+ self._port.write(buf)
+ """ Calculate checksum of a blob, as it is defined by the ROM """
+ @staticmethod
+ def checksum(data, state=ESP_CHECKSUM_MAGIC):
+ for b in data:
+ if type(b) is int: # python 2/3 compat
+ state ^= b
+ else:
+ state ^= ord(b)
+ return state
+ """ Send a request and read the response """
+ def command(self, op=None, data=b"", chk=0, wait_response=True):
+ if op is not None:
+ pkt = struct.pack(b'<BBHI', 0x00, op, len(data), chk) + data
+ self.write(pkt)
+ if not wait_response:
+ return
+ # tries to get a response until that response has the
+ # same operation as the request or a retries limit has
+ # exceeded. This is needed for some esp8266s that
+ # reply with more sync responses than expected.
+ for retry in range(100):
+ p =
+ if len(p) < 8:
+ continue
+ (resp, op_ret, len_ret, val) = struct.unpack('<BBHI', p[:8])
+ if resp != 1:
+ continue
+ data = p[8:]
+ if op is None or op_ret == op:
+ return val, data
+ raise FatalError("Response doesn't match request")
+ def check_command(self, op_description, op=None, data=b'', chk=0):
+ """
+ Execute a command with 'command', check the result code and throw an appropriate
+ FatalError if it fails.
+ Returns the "result" of a successful command.
+ """
+ val, data = self.command(op, data, chk)
+ # things are a bit weird here, bear with us
+ # the status bytes are the last 2/4 bytes in the data (depending on chip)
+ if len(data) < self.STATUS_BYTES_LENGTH:
+ raise FatalError("Failed to %s. Only got %d byte status response." % (op_description, len(data)))
+ status_bytes = data[-self.STATUS_BYTES_LENGTH:]
+ # we only care if the first one is non-zero. If it is, the second byte is a reason.
+ if byte(status_bytes, 0) != 0:
+ raise FatalError.WithResult('Failed to %s' % op_description, status_bytes)
+ # if we had more data than just the status bytes, return it as the result
+ # (this is used by the md5sum command, maybe other commands?)
+ if len(data) > self.STATUS_BYTES_LENGTH:
+ return data[:-self.STATUS_BYTES_LENGTH]
+ else: # otherwise, just return the 'val' field which comes from the reply header (this is used by read_reg)
+ return val
+ def flush_input(self):
+ self._port.flushInput()
+ self._slip_reader = slip_reader(self._port)
+ def sync(self):
+ self.command(self.ESP_SYNC, b'\x07\x07\x12\x20' + 32 * b'\x55')
+ for i in range(7):
+ self.command()
+ def _connect_attempt(self, mode='default_reset', esp32r0_delay=False):
+ """ A single connection attempt, with esp32r0 workaround options """
+ # esp32r0_delay is a workaround for bugs with the most common auto reset
+ # circuit and Windows, if the EN pin on the dev board does not have
+ # enough capacitance.
+ #
+ # Newer dev boards shouldn't have this problem (higher value capacitor
+ # on the EN pin), and ESP32 revision 1 can't use this workaround as it
+ # relies on a silicon bug.
+ #
+ # Details:
+ last_error = None
+ # issue reset-to-bootloader:
+ # RTS = either CH_PD/EN or nRESET (both active low = chip in reset
+ # DTR = GPIO0 (active low = boot to flasher)
+ #
+ # DTR & RTS are active low signals,
+ # ie True = pin @ 0V, False = pin @ VCC.
+ if mode != 'no_reset':
+ self._port.setDTR(False) # IO0=HIGH
+ self._port.setRTS(True) # EN=LOW, chip in reset
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ if esp32r0_delay:
+ # Some chips are more likely to trigger the esp32r0
+ # watchdog reset silicon bug if they're held with EN=LOW
+ # for a longer period
+ time.sleep(1.2)
+ self._port.setDTR(True) # IO0=LOW
+ self._port.setRTS(False) # EN=HIGH, chip out of reset
+ if esp32r0_delay:
+ # Sleep longer after reset.
+ # This workaround only works on revision 0 ESP32 chips,
+ # it exploits a silicon bug spurious watchdog reset.
+ time.sleep(0.4) # allow watchdog reset to occur
+ time.sleep(0.05)
+ self._port.setDTR(False) # IO0=HIGH, done
+ self._port.timeout = SYNC_TIMEOUT
+ for _ in range(5):
+ try:
+ self.flush_input()
+ self._port.flushOutput()
+ self.sync()
+ self._port.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
+ return None
+ except FatalError as e:
+ if esp32r0_delay:
+ print('_', end='')
+ else:
+ print('.', end='')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ time.sleep(0.05)
+ last_error = e
+ return last_error
+ def connect(self, mode='default_reset'):
+ """ Try connecting repeatedly until successful, or giving up """
+ print('Connecting...', end='')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ last_error = None
+ try:
+ for _ in range(10):
+ last_error = self._connect_attempt(mode=mode, esp32r0_delay=False)
+ if last_error is None:
+ return
+ last_error = self._connect_attempt(mode=mode, esp32r0_delay=True)
+ if last_error is None:
+ return
+ finally:
+ print('') # end 'Connecting...' line
+ raise FatalError('Failed to connect to %s: %s' % (self.CHIP_NAME, last_error))
+ """ Read memory address in target """
+ def read_reg(self, addr):
+ # we don't call check_command here because read_reg() function is called
+ # when detecting chip type, and the way we check for success (STATUS_BYTES_LENGTH) is different
+ # for different chip types (!)
+ val, data = self.command(self.ESP_READ_REG, struct.pack('<I', addr))
+ if byte(data, 0) != 0:
+ raise FatalError.WithResult("Failed to read register address %08x" % addr, data)
+ return val
+ """ Write to memory address in target """
+ def write_reg(self, addr, value, mask=0xFFFFFFFF, delay_us=0):
+ return self.check_command("write target memory", self.ESP_WRITE_REG,
+ struct.pack('<IIII', addr, value, mask, delay_us))
+ """ Start downloading an application image to RAM """
+ def mem_begin(self, size, blocks, blocksize, offset):
+ return self.check_command("enter RAM download mode", self.ESP_MEM_BEGIN,
+ struct.pack('<IIII', size, blocks, blocksize, offset))
+ """ Send a block of an image to RAM """
+ def mem_block(self, data, seq):
+ return self.check_command("write to target RAM", self.ESP_MEM_DATA,
+ struct.pack('<IIII', len(data), seq, 0, 0) + data,
+ self.checksum(data))
+ """ Leave download mode and run the application """
+ def mem_finish(self, entrypoint=0):
+ return self.check_command("leave RAM download mode", self.ESP_MEM_END,
+ struct.pack('<II', int(entrypoint == 0), entrypoint))
+ """ Start downloading to Flash (performs an erase)
+ Returns number of blocks (of size self.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE) to write.
+ """
+ def flash_begin(self, size, offset):
+ num_blocks = (size + self.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE - 1) // self.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE
+ erase_size = self.get_erase_size(offset, size)
+ self._port.timeout = START_FLASH_TIMEOUT
+ t = time.time()
+ self.check_command("enter Flash download mode", self.ESP_FLASH_BEGIN,
+ struct.pack('<IIII', erase_size, num_blocks, self.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE, offset))
+ if size != 0 and not self.IS_STUB:
+ print("Took %.2fs to erase flash block" % (time.time() - t))
+ self._port.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
+ return num_blocks
+ """ Write block to flash """
+ def flash_block(self, data, seq):
+ self.check_command("write to target Flash after seq %d" % seq,
+ struct.pack('<IIII', len(data), seq, 0, 0) + data,
+ self.checksum(data))
+ """ Leave flash mode and run/reboot """
+ def flash_finish(self, reboot=False):
+ pkt = struct.pack('<I', int(not reboot))
+ # stub sends a reply to this command
+ self.check_command("leave Flash mode", self.ESP_FLASH_END, pkt)
+ """ Run application code in flash """
+ def run(self, reboot=False):
+ # Fake flash begin immediately followed by flash end
+ self.flash_begin(0, 0)
+ self.flash_finish(reboot)
+ """ Read SPI flash manufacturer and device id """
+ def flash_id(self):
+ return self.run_spiflash_command(SPIFLASH_RDID, b"", 24)
+ def parse_flash_size_arg(self, arg):
+ try:
+ return self.FLASH_SIZES[arg]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise FatalError("Flash size '%s' is not supported by this chip type. Supported sizes: %s"
+ % (arg, ", ".join(self.FLASH_SIZES.keys())))
+ def run_stub(self, stub=None):
+ if stub is None:
+ if self.IS_STUB:
+ raise FatalError("Not possible for a stub to load another stub (memory likely to overlap.)")
+ stub = self.STUB_CODE
+ # Upload
+ print("Uploading stub...")
+ for field in ['text', 'data']:
+ if field in stub:
+ offs = stub[field + "_start"]
+ length = len(stub[field])
+ blocks = (length + self.ESP_RAM_BLOCK - 1) // self.ESP_RAM_BLOCK
+ self.mem_begin(length, blocks, self.ESP_RAM_BLOCK, offs)
+ for seq in range(blocks):
+ from_offs = seq * self.ESP_RAM_BLOCK
+ to_offs = from_offs + self.ESP_RAM_BLOCK
+ self.mem_block(stub[field][from_offs:to_offs], seq)
+ print("Running stub...")
+ self.mem_finish(stub['entry'])
+ p =
+ if p != b'OHAI':
+ raise FatalError("Failed to start stub. Unexpected response: %s" % p)
+ print("Stub running...")
+ return self.STUB_CLASS(self)
+ @stub_and_esp32_function_only
+ def flash_defl_begin(self, size, compsize, offset):
+ """ Start downloading compressed data to Flash (performs an erase)
+ Returns number of blocks (size self.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE) to write.
+ """
+ num_blocks = (compsize + self.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE - 1) // self.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE
+ erase_blocks = (size + self.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE - 1) // self.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE
+ self._port.timeout = START_FLASH_TIMEOUT
+ t = time.time()
+ if self.IS_STUB:
+ write_size = size # stub expects number of bytes here, manages erasing internally
+ else:
+ write_size = erase_blocks * self.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE # ROM expects rounded up to erase block size
+ print("Compressed %d bytes to %d..." % (size, compsize))
+ self.check_command("enter compressed flash mode", self.ESP_FLASH_DEFL_BEGIN,
+ struct.pack('<IIII', write_size, num_blocks, self.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE, offset))
+ if size != 0 and not self.IS_STUB:
+ # (stub erases as it writes, but ROM loaders erase on begin)
+ print("Took %.2fs to erase flash block" % (time.time() - t))
+ self._port.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
+ return num_blocks
+ """ Write block to flash, send compressed """
+ @stub_and_esp32_function_only
+ def flash_defl_block(self, data, seq):
+ self.check_command("write compressed data to flash after seq %d" % seq,
+ self.ESP_FLASH_DEFL_DATA, struct.pack('<IIII', len(data), seq, 0, 0) + data, self.checksum(data))
+ """ Leave compressed flash mode and run/reboot """
+ @stub_and_esp32_function_only
+ def flash_defl_finish(self, reboot=False):
+ if not reboot and not self.IS_STUB:
+ # skip sending flash_finish to ROM loader, as this
+ # exits the bootloader. Stub doesn't do this.
+ return
+ pkt = struct.pack('<I', int(not reboot))
+ self.check_command("leave compressed flash mode", self.ESP_FLASH_DEFL_END, pkt)
+ self.in_bootloader = False
+ @stub_and_esp32_function_only
+ def flash_md5sum(self, addr, size):
+ # the MD5 command returns additional bytes in the standard
+ # command reply slot
+ res = self.check_command('calculate md5sum', self.ESP_SPI_FLASH_MD5, struct.pack('<IIII', addr, size, 0, 0))
+ if len(res) == 32:
+ return res.decode("utf-8") # already hex formatted
+ elif len(res) == 16:
+ return hexify(res).lower()
+ else:
+ raise FatalError("MD5Sum command returned unexpected result: %r" % res)
+ @stub_and_esp32_function_only
+ def change_baud(self, baud):
+ print("Changing baud rate to %d" % baud)
+ self.command(self.ESP_CHANGE_BAUDRATE, struct.pack('<II', baud, 0))
+ print("Changed.")
+ self._set_port_baudrate(baud)
+ time.sleep(0.05) # get rid of crap sent during baud rate change
+ self.flush_input()
+ @stub_function_only
+ def erase_flash(self):
+ # depending on flash chip model the erase may take this long (maybe longer!)
+ self._port.timeout = CHIP_ERASE_TIMEOUT
+ try:
+ self.check_command("erase flash", self.ESP_ERASE_FLASH)
+ finally:
+ self._port.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
+ @stub_function_only
+ def erase_region(self, offset, size):
+ if offset % self.FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE != 0:
+ raise FatalError("Offset to erase from must be a multiple of 4096")
+ if size % self.FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE != 0:
+ raise FatalError("Size of data to erase must be a multiple of 4096")
+ self.check_command("erase region", self.ESP_ERASE_REGION, struct.pack('<II', offset, size))
+ @stub_function_only
+ def read_flash(self, offset, length, progress_fn=None):
+ # issue a standard bootloader command to trigger the read
+ self.check_command("read flash", self.ESP_READ_FLASH,
+ struct.pack('<IIII',
+ offset,
+ length,
+ 64))
+ # now we expect (length // block_size) SLIP frames with the data
+ data = b''
+ while len(data) < length:
+ p =
+ data += p
+ self.write(struct.pack('<I', len(data)))
+ if progress_fn and (len(data) % 1024 == 0 or len(data) == length):
+ progress_fn(len(data), length)
+ if progress_fn:
+ progress_fn(len(data), length)
+ if len(data) > length:
+ raise FatalError('Read more than expected')
+ digest_frame =
+ if len(digest_frame) != 16:
+ raise FatalError('Expected digest, got: %s' % hexify(digest_frame))
+ expected_digest = hexify(digest_frame).upper()
+ digest = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest().upper()
+ if digest != expected_digest:
+ raise FatalError('Digest mismatch: expected %s, got %s' % (expected_digest, digest))
+ return data
+ def flash_spi_attach(self, hspi_arg):
+ """Send SPI attach command to enable the SPI flash pins
+ ESP8266 ROM does this when you send flash_begin, ESP32 ROM
+ has it as a SPI command.
+ """
+ # last 3 bytes in ESP_SPI_ATTACH argument are reserved values
+ arg = struct.pack('<I', hspi_arg)
+ if not self.IS_STUB:
+ # ESP32 ROM loader takes additional 'is legacy' arg, which is not
+ # currently supported in the stub loader or (as it's not usually needed.)
+ is_legacy = 0
+ arg += struct.pack('BBBB', is_legacy, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.check_command("configure SPI flash pins", ESP32ROM.ESP_SPI_ATTACH, arg)
+ def flash_set_parameters(self, size):
+ """Tell the ESP bootloader the parameters of the chip
+ Corresponds to the "flashchip" data structure that the ROM
+ has in RAM.
+ 'size' is in bytes.
+ All other flash parameters are currently hardcoded (on ESP8266
+ these are mostly ignored by ROM code, on ESP32 I'm not sure.)
+ """
+ fl_id = 0
+ total_size = size
+ block_size = 64 * 1024
+ sector_size = 4 * 1024
+ page_size = 256
+ status_mask = 0xffff
+ self.check_command("set SPI params", ESP32ROM.ESP_SPI_SET_PARAMS,
+ struct.pack('<IIIIII', fl_id, total_size, block_size, sector_size, page_size, status_mask))
+ def run_spiflash_command(self, spiflash_command, data=b"", read_bits=0):
+ """Run an arbitrary SPI flash command.
+ This function uses the "USR_COMMAND" functionality in the ESP
+ SPI hardware, rather than the precanned commands supported by
+ hardware. So the value of spiflash_command is an actual command
+ byte, sent over the wire.
+ After writing command byte, writes 'data' to MOSI and then
+ reads back 'read_bits' of reply on MISO. Result is a number.
+ """
+ # SPI_USR register flags
+ SPI_USR_COMMAND = (1 << 31)
+ SPI_USR_MISO = (1 << 28)
+ SPI_USR_MOSI = (1 << 27)
+ # SPI registers, base address differs ESP32 vs 8266
+ base = self.SPI_REG_BASE
+ SPI_CMD_REG = base + 0x00
+ SPI_USR_REG = base + 0x1C
+ SPI_USR1_REG = base + 0x20
+ SPI_USR2_REG = base + 0x24
+ SPI_W0_REG = base + self.SPI_W0_OFFS
+ # following two registers are ESP32 only
+ # ESP32 has a more sophisticated wayto set up "user" commands
+ def set_data_lengths(mosi_bits, miso_bits):
+ SPI_MOSI_DLEN_REG = base + 0x28
+ SPI_MISO_DLEN_REG = base + 0x2C
+ if mosi_bits > 0:
+ self.write_reg(SPI_MOSI_DLEN_REG, mosi_bits - 1)
+ if miso_bits > 0:
+ self.write_reg(SPI_MISO_DLEN_REG, miso_bits - 1)
+ else:
+ def set_data_lengths(mosi_bits, miso_bits):
+ mosi_mask = 0 if (mosi_bits == 0) else (mosi_bits - 1)
+ miso_mask = 0 if (miso_bits == 0) else (miso_bits - 1)
+ self.write_reg(SPI_DATA_LEN_REG,
+ (miso_mask << SPI_MISO_BITLEN_S) | (
+ mosi_mask << SPI_MOSI_BITLEN_S))
+ # SPI peripheral "command" bitmasks for SPI_CMD_REG
+ SPI_CMD_USR = (1 << 18)
+ # shift values
+ if read_bits > 32:
+ raise FatalError("Reading more than 32 bits back from a SPI flash operation is unsupported")
+ if len(data) > 64:
+ raise FatalError("Writing more than 64 bytes of data with one SPI command is unsupported")
+ data_bits = len(data) * 8
+ old_spi_usr = self.read_reg(SPI_USR_REG)
+ old_spi_usr2 = self.read_reg(SPI_USR2_REG)
+ if read_bits > 0:
+ flags |= SPI_USR_MISO
+ if data_bits > 0:
+ flags |= SPI_USR_MOSI
+ set_data_lengths(data_bits, read_bits)
+ self.write_reg(SPI_USR_REG, flags)
+ self.write_reg(SPI_USR2_REG,
+ (7 << SPI_USR2_DLEN_SHIFT) | spiflash_command)
+ if data_bits == 0:
+ self.write_reg(SPI_W0_REG, 0) # clear data register before we read it
+ else:
+ data = pad_to(data, 4, b'\00') # pad to 32-bit multiple
+ words = struct.unpack("I" * (len(data) // 4), data)
+ next_reg = SPI_W0_REG
+ for word in words:
+ self.write_reg(next_reg, word)
+ next_reg += 4
+ self.write_reg(SPI_CMD_REG, SPI_CMD_USR)
+ def wait_done():
+ for _ in range(10):
+ if (self.read_reg(SPI_CMD_REG) & SPI_CMD_USR) == 0:
+ return
+ raise FatalError("SPI command did not complete in time")
+ wait_done()
+ status = self.read_reg(SPI_W0_REG)
+ # restore some SPI controller registers
+ self.write_reg(SPI_USR_REG, old_spi_usr)
+ self.write_reg(SPI_USR2_REG, old_spi_usr2)
+ return status
+ def read_status(self, num_bytes=2):
+ """Read up to 24 bits (num_bytes) of SPI flash status register contents
+ via RDSR, RDSR2, RDSR3 commands
+ Not all SPI flash supports all three commands. The upper 1 or 2
+ bytes may be 0xFF.
+ """
+ status = 0
+ shift = 0
+ for cmd in [SPIFLASH_RDSR, SPIFLASH_RDSR2, SPIFLASH_RDSR3][0:num_bytes]:
+ status += self.run_spiflash_command(cmd, read_bits=8) << shift
+ shift += 8
+ return status
+ def write_status(self, new_status, num_bytes=2, set_non_volatile=False):
+ """Write up to 24 bits (num_bytes) of new status register
+ num_bytes can be 1, 2 or 3.
+ Not all flash supports the additional commands to write the
+ second and third byte of the status register. When writing 2
+ bytes, esptool also sends a 16-byte WRSR command (as some
+ flash types use this instead of WRSR2.)
+ If the set_non_volatile flag is set, non-volatile bits will
+ be set as well as volatile ones (WREN used instead of WEVSR).
+ """
+ enable_cmd = SPIFLASH_WREN if set_non_volatile else SPIFLASH_WEVSR
+ # try using a 16-bit WRSR (not supported by all chips)
+ # this may be redundant, but shouldn't hurt
+ if num_bytes == 2:
+ self.run_spiflash_command(enable_cmd)
+ self.run_spiflash_command(SPIFLASH_WRSR, struct.pack("<H", new_status))
+ # also try using individual commands (also not supported by all chips for num_bytes 2 & 3)
+ for cmd in [SPIFLASH_WRSR, SPIFLASH_WRSR2, SPIFLASH_WRSR3][0:num_bytes]:
+ self.run_spiflash_command(enable_cmd)
+ self.run_spiflash_command(cmd, struct.pack("B", new_status & 0xFF))
+ new_status >>= 8
+ self.run_spiflash_command(SPIFLASH_WRDI)
+ def hard_reset(self):
+ self._port.setRTS(True) # EN->LOW
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ self._port.setRTS(False)
+ def soft_reset(self, stay_in_bootloader):
+ if not self.IS_STUB:
+ if stay_in_bootloader:
+ return # ROM bootloader is already in bootloader!
+ else:
+ # 'run user code' is as close to a soft reset as we can do
+ self.flash_begin(0, 0)
+ self.flash_finish(False)
+ else:
+ if stay_in_bootloader:
+ # soft resetting from the stub loader
+ # will re-load the ROM bootloader
+ self.flash_begin(0, 0)
+ self.flash_finish(True)
+ elif self.CHIP_NAME != "ESP8266":
+ raise FatalError("Soft resetting is currently only supported on ESP8266")
+ else:
+ # running user code from stub loader requires some hacks
+ # in the stub loader
+ self.command(self.ESP_RUN_USER_CODE, wait_response=False)
+class ESP8266ROM(ESPLoader):
+ """ Access class for ESP8266 ROM bootloader
+ """
+ CHIP_NAME = "ESP8266"
+ IS_STUB = False
+ DATE_REG_VALUE = 0x00062000
+ # OTP ROM addresses
+ ESP_OTP_MAC0 = 0x3ff00050
+ ESP_OTP_MAC1 = 0x3ff00054
+ ESP_OTP_MAC3 = 0x3ff0005c
+ SPI_REG_BASE = 0x60000200
+ SPI_W0_OFFS = 0x40
+ '512KB':0x00,
+ '256KB':0x10,
+ '1MB':0x20,
+ '2MB':0x30,
+ '4MB':0x40,
+ '2MB-c1': 0x50,
+ '4MB-c1':0x60,
+ '8MB':0x80,
+ '16MB':0x90,
+ }
+ def get_chip_description(self):
+ return "ESP8266"
+ def flash_spi_attach(self, hspi_arg):
+ if self.IS_STUB:
+ super(ESP8266ROM, self).flash_spi_attach(hspi_arg)
+ else:
+ # ESP8266 ROM has no flash_spi_attach command in serial protocol,
+ # but flash_begin will do it
+ self.flash_begin(0, 0)
+ def flash_set_parameters(self, size):
+ # not implemented in ROM, but OK to silently skip for ROM
+ if self.IS_STUB:
+ super(ESP8266ROM, self).flash_set_parameters(size)
+ def chip_id(self):
+ """ Read Chip ID from OTP ROM - see """
+ id0 = self.read_reg(self.ESP_OTP_MAC0)
+ id1 = self.read_reg(self.ESP_OTP_MAC1)
+ return (id0 >> 24) | ((id1 & MAX_UINT24) << 8)
+ def read_mac(self):
+ """ Read MAC from OTP ROM """
+ mac0 = self.read_reg(self.ESP_OTP_MAC0)
+ mac1 = self.read_reg(self.ESP_OTP_MAC1)
+ mac3 = self.read_reg(self.ESP_OTP_MAC3)
+ if (mac3 != 0):
+ oui = ((mac3 >> 16) & 0xff, (mac3 >> 8) & 0xff, mac3 & 0xff)
+ elif ((mac1 >> 16) & 0xff) == 0:
+ oui = (0x18, 0xfe, 0x34)
+ elif ((mac1 >> 16) & 0xff) == 1:
+ oui = (0xac, 0xd0, 0x74)
+ else:
+ raise FatalError("Unknown OUI")
+ return oui + ((mac1 >> 8) & 0xff, mac1 & 0xff, (mac0 >> 24) & 0xff)
+ def get_erase_size(self, offset, size):
+ """ Calculate an erase size given a specific size in bytes.
+ Provides a workaround for the bootloader erase bug."""
+ sectors_per_block = 16
+ sector_size = self.FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE
+ num_sectors = (size + sector_size - 1) // sector_size
+ start_sector = offset // sector_size
+ head_sectors = sectors_per_block - (start_sector % sectors_per_block)
+ if num_sectors < head_sectors:
+ head_sectors = num_sectors
+ if num_sectors < 2 * head_sectors:
+ return (num_sectors + 1) // 2 * sector_size
+ else:
+ return (num_sectors - head_sectors) * sector_size
+class ESP8266StubLoader(ESP8266ROM):
+ """ Access class for ESP8266 stub loader, runs on top of ROM.
+ """
+ FLASH_WRITE_SIZE = 0x4000 # matches MAX_WRITE_BLOCK in stub_loader.c
+ IS_STUB = True
+ def __init__(self, rom_loader):
+ self._port = rom_loader._port
+ self.flush_input() # resets _slip_reader
+ def get_erase_size(self, offset, size):
+ return size # stub doesn't have same size bug as ROM loader
+ESP8266ROM.STUB_CLASS = ESP8266StubLoader
+class ESP32ROM(ESPLoader):
+ """Access class for ESP32 ROM bootloader
+ """
+ IS_STUB = False
+ DATE_REG_VALUE = 0x15122500
+ IROM_MAP_START = 0x400d0000
+ IROM_MAP_END = 0x40400000
+ DROM_MAP_START = 0x3F400000
+ DROM_MAP_END = 0x3F800000
+ # ESP32 uses a 4 byte status reply
+ SPI_REG_BASE = 0x60002000
+ EFUSE_REG_BASE = 0x6001a000
+ SPI_W0_OFFS = 0x80
+ '1MB':0x00,
+ '2MB':0x10,
+ '4MB':0x20,
+ '8MB':0x30,
+ '16MB':0x40
+ }
+ def get_chip_description(self):
+ blk3 = self.read_efuse(3)
+ chip_version = (blk3 >> 12) & 0xF
+ pkg_version = (blk3 >> 9) & 0x07
+ silicon_rev = {
+ 0: "0",
+ 8: "1"
+ }.get(chip_version, "(unknown 0x%x)" % chip_version)
+ chip_name = {
+ 0: "ESP32D0WDQ6",
+ 1: "ESP32D0WDQ5",
+ 2: "ESP32D2WDQ5",
+ }.get(pkg_version, "unknown ESP32")
+ return "%s (revision %s)" % (chip_name, silicon_rev)
+ def read_efuse(self, n):
+ """ Read the nth word of the ESP3x EFUSE region. """
+ return self.read_reg(self.EFUSE_REG_BASE + (4 * n))
+ def chip_id(self):
+ word16 = self.read_efuse(1)
+ word17 = self.read_efuse(2)
+ return ((word17 & MAX_UINT24) << 24) | (word16 >> 8) & MAX_UINT24
+ def read_mac(self):
+ """ Read MAC from EFUSE region """
+ words = [self.read_efuse(2), self.read_efuse(1)]
+ bitstring = struct.pack(">II", *words)
+ bitstring = bitstring[2:8] # trim the 2 byte CRC
+ try:
+ return tuple(ord(b) for b in bitstring)
+ except TypeError: # Python 3, bitstring elements are already bytes
+ return tuple(bitstring)
+ def get_erase_size(self, offset, size):
+ return size
+class ESP32StubLoader(ESP32ROM):
+ """ Access class for ESP32 stub loader, runs on top of ROM.
+ """
+ FLASH_WRITE_SIZE = 0x4000 # matches MAX_WRITE_BLOCK in stub_loader.c
+ STATUS_BYTES_LENGTH = 2 # same as ESP8266, different to ESP32 ROM
+ IS_STUB = True
+ def __init__(self, rom_loader):
+ self._port = rom_loader._port
+ self.flush_input() # resets _slip_reader
+class ESPBOOTLOADER(object):
+ """ These are constants related to software ESP bootloader, working with 'v2' image files """
+ # First byte of the "v2" application image
+ IMAGE_V2_MAGIC = 0xea
+ # First 'segment' value in a "v2" application image, appears to be a constant version value?
+def LoadFirmwareImage(chip, filename):
+ """ Load a firmware image. Can be for ESP8266 or ESP32. ESP8266 images will be examined to determine if they are
+ original ROM firmware images (ESPFirmwareImage) or "v2" OTA bootloader images.
+ Returns a BaseFirmwareImage subclass, either ESPFirmwareImage (v1) or OTAFirmwareImage (v2).
+ """
+ with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+ if chip == 'esp32':
+ return ESP32FirmwareImage(f)
+ else: # Otherwise, ESP8266 so look at magic to determine the image type
+ magic = ord(
+ if magic == ESPLoader.ESP_IMAGE_MAGIC:
+ return ESPFirmwareImage(f)
+ return OTAFirmwareImage(f)
+ else:
+ raise FatalError("Invalid image magic number: %d" % magic)
+class ImageSegment(object):
+ """ Wrapper class for a segment in an ESP image
+ (very similar to a section in an ELFImage also) """
+ def __init__(self, addr, data, file_offs=None):
+ self.addr = addr
+ # pad all ImageSegments to at least 4 bytes length
+ = pad_to(data, 4, b'\x00')
+ self.file_offs = file_offs
+ self.include_in_checksum = True
+ def copy_with_new_addr(self, new_addr):
+ """ Return a new ImageSegment with same data, but mapped at
+ a new address. """
+ return ImageSegment(new_addr,, 0)
+ def split_image(self, split_len):
+ """ Return a new ImageSegment which splits "split_len" bytes
+ from the beginning of the data. Remaining bytes are kept in
+ this segment object (and the start address is adjusted to match.) """
+ result = copy.copy(self)
+ =[:split_len]
+ =[split_len:]
+ self.addr += split_len
+ self.file_offs = None
+ result.file_offs = None
+ return result
+ def __repr__(self):
+ r = "len 0x%05x load 0x%08x" % (len(, self.addr)
+ if self.file_offs is not None:
+ r += " file_offs 0x%08x" % (self.file_offs)
+ return r
+class ELFSection(ImageSegment):
+ """ Wrapper class for a section in an ELF image, has a section
+ name as well as the common properties of an ImageSegment. """
+ def __init__(self, name, addr, data):
+ super(ELFSection, self).__init__(addr, data)
+ = name.decode("utf-8")
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "%s %s" % (, super(ELFSection, self).__repr__())
+class BaseFirmwareImage(object):
+ """ Base class with common firmware image functions """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.segments = []
+ self.entrypoint = 0
+ def load_common_header(self, load_file, expected_magic):
+ (magic, segments, self.flash_mode, self.flash_size_freq, self.entrypoint) = struct.unpack('<BBBBI',
+ if magic != expected_magic or segments > 16:
+ raise FatalError('Invalid firmware image magic=%d segments=%d' % (magic, segments))
+ return segments
+ def load_segment(self, f, is_irom_segment=False):
+ """ Load the next segment from the image file """
+ file_offs = f.tell()
+ (offset, size) = struct.unpack('<II',
+ self.warn_if_unusual_segment(offset, size, is_irom_segment)
+ segment_data =
+ if len(segment_data) < size:
+ raise FatalError('End of file reading segment 0x%x, length %d (actual length %d)' % (offset, size, len(segment_data)))
+ segment = ImageSegment(offset, segment_data, file_offs)
+ self.segments.append(segment)
+ return segment
+ def warn_if_unusual_segment(self, offset, size, is_irom_segment):
+ if not is_irom_segment:
+ if offset > 0x40200000 or offset < 0x3ffe0000 or size > 65536:
+ print('WARNING: Suspicious segment 0x%x, length %d' % (offset, size))
+ def save_segment(self, f, segment, checksum=None):
+ """ Save the next segment to the image file, return next checksum value if provided """
+ f.write(struct.pack('<II', segment.addr, len(
+ f.write(
+ if checksum is not None:
+ return ESPLoader.checksum(, checksum)
+ def read_checksum(self, f):
+ """ Return ESPLoader checksum from end of just-read image """
+ # Skip the padding. The checksum is stored in the last byte so that the
+ # file is a multiple of 16 bytes.
+ align_file_position(f, 16)
+ return ord(
+ def calculate_checksum(self):
+ """ Calculate checksum of loaded image, based on segments in
+ segment array.
+ """
+ checksum = ESPLoader.ESP_CHECKSUM_MAGIC
+ for seg in self.segments:
+ if seg.include_in_checksum:
+ checksum = ESPLoader.checksum(, checksum)
+ return checksum
+ def append_checksum(self, f, checksum):
+ """ Append ESPLoader checksum to the just-written image """
+ align_file_position(f, 16)
+ f.write(struct.pack(b'B', checksum))
+ def write_common_header(self, f, segments):
+ f.write(struct.pack('<BBBBI', ESPLoader.ESP_IMAGE_MAGIC, len(segments),
+ self.flash_mode, self.flash_size_freq, self.entrypoint))
+ def is_irom_addr(self, addr):
+ """ Returns True if an address starts in the irom region.
+ Valid for ESP8266 only.
+ """
+ return ESP8266ROM.IROM_MAP_START <= addr < ESP8266ROM.IROM_MAP_END
+ def get_irom_segment(self):
+ irom_segments = [s for s in self.segments if self.is_irom_addr(s.addr)]
+ if len(irom_segments) > 0:
+ if len(irom_segments) != 1:
+ raise FatalError('Found %d segments that could be irom0. Bad ELF file?' % len(irom_segments))
+ return irom_segments[0]
+ return None
+ def get_non_irom_segments(self):
+ irom_segment = self.get_irom_segment()
+ return [s for s in self.segments if s != irom_segment]
+class ESPFirmwareImage(BaseFirmwareImage):
+ """ 'Version 1' firmware image, segments loaded directly by the ROM bootloader. """
+ def __init__(self, load_file=None):
+ super(ESPFirmwareImage, self).__init__()
+ self.flash_mode = 0
+ self.flash_size_freq = 0
+ self.version = 1
+ if load_file is not None:
+ segments = self.load_common_header(load_file, ESPLoader.ESP_IMAGE_MAGIC)
+ for _ in range(segments):
+ self.load_segment(load_file)
+ self.checksum = self.read_checksum(load_file)
+ def default_output_name(self, input_file):
+ """ Derive a default output name from the ELF name. """
+ return input_file + '-'
+ def save(self, basename):
+ """ Save a set of V1 images for flashing. Parameter is a base filename. """
+ # IROM data goes in its own plain binary file
+ irom_segment = self.get_irom_segment()
+ if irom_segment is not None:
+ with open("%s0x%05x.bin" % (basename, irom_segment.addr - ESP8266ROM.IROM_MAP_START), "wb") as f:
+ f.write(
+ # everything but IROM goes at 0x00000 in an image file
+ normal_segments = self.get_non_irom_segments()
+ with open("%s0x00000.bin" % basename, 'wb') as f:
+ self.write_common_header(f, normal_segments)
+ checksum = ESPLoader.ESP_CHECKSUM_MAGIC
+ for segment in normal_segments:
+ checksum = self.save_segment(f, segment, checksum)
+ self.append_checksum(f, checksum)
+class OTAFirmwareImage(BaseFirmwareImage):
+ """ 'Version 2' firmware image, segments loaded by software bootloader stub
+ (ie Espressif bootloader or rboot)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, load_file=None):
+ super(OTAFirmwareImage, self).__init__()
+ self.version = 2
+ if load_file is not None:
+ segments = self.load_common_header(load_file, ESPBOOTLOADER.IMAGE_V2_MAGIC)
+ # segment count is not really segment count here, but we expect to see '4'
+ print('Warning: V2 header has unexpected "segment" count %d (usually 4)' % segments)
+ # irom segment comes before the second header
+ #
+ # the file is saved in the image with a zero load address
+ # in the header, so we need to calculate a load address
+ irom_segment = self.load_segment(load_file, True)
+ # for actual mapped addr, add ESP8266ROM.IROM_MAP_START + flashing_Addr + 8
+ irom_segment.addr = 0
+ irom_segment.include_in_checksum = False
+ first_flash_mode = self.flash_mode
+ first_flash_size_freq = self.flash_size_freq
+ first_entrypoint = self.entrypoint
+ # load the second header
+ segments = self.load_common_header(load_file, ESPLoader.ESP_IMAGE_MAGIC)
+ if first_flash_mode != self.flash_mode:
+ print('WARNING: Flash mode value in first header (0x%02x) disagrees with second (0x%02x). Using second value.'
+ % (first_flash_mode, self.flash_mode))
+ if first_flash_size_freq != self.flash_size_freq:
+ print('WARNING: Flash size/freq value in first header (0x%02x) disagrees with second (0x%02x). Using second value.'
+ % (first_flash_size_freq, self.flash_size_freq))
+ if first_entrypoint != self.entrypoint:
+ print('WARNING: Entrypoint address in first header (0x%08x) disagrees with second header (0x%08x). Using second value.'
+ % (first_entrypoint, self.entrypoint))
+ # load all the usual segments
+ for _ in range(segments):
+ self.load_segment(load_file)
+ self.checksum = self.read_checksum(load_file)
+ def default_output_name(self, input_file):
+ """ Derive a default output name from the ELF name. """
+ irom_segment = self.get_irom_segment()
+ if irom_segment is not None:
+ irom_offs = irom_segment.addr - ESP8266ROM.IROM_MAP_START
+ else:
+ irom_offs = 0
+ return "%s-0x%05x.bin" % (os.path.splitext(input_file)[0],
+ irom_offs & ~(ESPLoader.FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE - 1))
+ def save(self, filename):
+ with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
+ # Save first header for irom0 segment
+ self.flash_mode, self.flash_size_freq, self.entrypoint))
+ irom_segment = self.get_irom_segment()
+ if irom_segment is not None:
+ # save irom0 segment, make sure it has load addr 0 in the file
+ irom_segment = irom_segment.copy_with_new_addr(0)
+ self.save_segment(f, irom_segment)
+ # second header, matches V1 header and contains loadable segments
+ normal_segments = self.get_non_irom_segments()
+ self.write_common_header(f, normal_segments)
+ checksum = ESPLoader.ESP_CHECKSUM_MAGIC
+ for segment in normal_segments:
+ checksum = self.save_segment(f, segment, checksum)
+ self.append_checksum(f, checksum)
+class ESP32FirmwareImage(BaseFirmwareImage):
+ """ ESP32 firmware image is very similar to V1 ESP8266 image,
+ except with an additional 16 byte reserved header at top of image,
+ and because of new flash mapping capabilities the flash-mapped regions
+ can be placed in the normal image (just @ 64kB padded offsets).
+ """
+ # ROM bootloader will read the wp_pin field if SPI flash
+ # pins are remapped via flash. IDF actually enables QIO only
+ # from software bootloader, so this can be ignored. But needs
+ # to be set to this value so ROM bootloader will skip it.
+ def __init__(self, load_file=None):
+ super(ESP32FirmwareImage, self).__init__()
+ self.flash_mode = 0
+ self.flash_size_freq = 0
+ self.version = 1
+ self.wp_pin = self.WP_PIN_DISABLED
+ # SPI pin drive levels
+ self.clk_drv = 0
+ self.q_drv = 0
+ self.d_drv = 0
+ self.cs_drv = 0
+ self.hd_drv = 0
+ self.wp_drv = 0
+ self.append_digest = True
+ if load_file is not None:
+ start = load_file.tell()
+ segments = self.load_common_header(load_file, ESPLoader.ESP_IMAGE_MAGIC)
+ self.load_extended_header(load_file)
+ for _ in range(segments):
+ self.load_segment(load_file)
+ self.checksum = self.read_checksum(load_file)
+ if self.append_digest:
+ end = load_file.tell()
+ self.stored_digest =
+ calc_digest = hashlib.sha256()
+ calc_digest.update( - start))
+ self.calc_digest = calc_digest.digest() # TODO: decide what to do here?
+ def is_flash_addr(self, addr):
+ return (ESP32ROM.IROM_MAP_START <= addr < ESP32ROM.IROM_MAP_END) \
+ def default_output_name(self, input_file):
+ """ Derive a default output name from the ELF name. """
+ return "%s.bin" % (os.path.splitext(input_file)[0])
+ def warn_if_unusual_segment(self, offset, size, is_irom_segment):
+ pass # TODO: add warnings for ESP32 segment offset/size combinations that are wrong
+ def save(self, filename):
+ total_segments = 0
+ with io.BytesIO() as f: # write file to memory first
+ self.write_common_header(f, self.segments)
+ # first 4 bytes of header are read by ROM bootloader for SPI
+ # config, but currently unused
+ self.save_extended_header(f)
+ checksum = ESPLoader.ESP_CHECKSUM_MAGIC
+ # split segments into flash-mapped vs ram-loaded, and take copies so we can mutate them
+ flash_segments = [copy.deepcopy(s) for s in sorted(self.segments, key=lambda s:s.addr) if self.is_flash_addr(s.addr)]
+ ram_segments = [copy.deepcopy(s) for s in sorted(self.segments, key=lambda s:s.addr) if not self.is_flash_addr(s.addr)]
+ IROM_ALIGN = 65536
+ # check for multiple ELF sections that are mapped in the same flash mapping region.
+ # this is usually a sign of a broken linker script, but if you have a legitimate
+ # use case then let us know (we can merge segments here, but as a rule you probably
+ # want to merge them in your linker script.)
+ if len(flash_segments) > 0:
+ last_addr = flash_segments[0].addr
+ for segment in flash_segments[1:]:
+ if segment.addr // IROM_ALIGN == last_addr // IROM_ALIGN:
+ raise FatalError(("Segment loaded at 0x%08x lands in same 64KB flash mapping as segment loaded at 0x%08x. " +
+ "Can't generate binary. Suggest changing linker script or ELF to merge sections.") %
+ (segment.addr, last_addr))
+ last_addr = segment.addr
+ def get_alignment_data_needed(segment):
+ # Actual alignment (in data bytes) required for a segment header: positioned so that
+ # after we write the next 8 byte header, file_offs % IROM_ALIGN == segment.addr % IROM_ALIGN
+ #
+ # (this is because the segment's vaddr may not be IROM_ALIGNed, more likely is aligned
+ # IROM_ALIGN+0x18 to account for the binary file header
+ align_past = (segment.addr % IROM_ALIGN) - self.SEG_HEADER_LEN
+ pad_len = (IROM_ALIGN - (f.tell() % IROM_ALIGN)) + align_past
+ if pad_len == 0 or pad_len == IROM_ALIGN:
+ return 0 # already aligned
+ # subtract SEG_HEADER_LEN a second time, as the padding block has a header as well
+ pad_len -= self.SEG_HEADER_LEN
+ if pad_len < 0:
+ pad_len += IROM_ALIGN
+ return pad_len
+ # try to fit each flash segment on a 64kB aligned boundary
+ # by padding with parts of the non-flash segments...
+ while len(flash_segments) > 0:
+ segment = flash_segments[0]
+ pad_len = get_alignment_data_needed(segment)
+ if pad_len > 0: # need to pad
+ if len(ram_segments) > 0 and pad_len > self.SEG_HEADER_LEN:
+ pad_segment = ram_segments[0].split_image(pad_len)
+ if len(ram_segments[0].data) == 0:
+ ram_segments.pop(0)
+ else:
+ pad_segment = ImageSegment(0, b'\x00' * pad_len, f.tell())
+ checksum = self.save_segment(f, pad_segment, checksum)
+ total_segments += 1
+ else:
+ # write the flash segment
+ assert (f.tell() + 8) % IROM_ALIGN == segment.addr % IROM_ALIGN
+ checksum = self.save_segment(f, segment, checksum)
+ flash_segments.pop(0)
+ total_segments += 1
+ # flash segments all written, so write any remaining RAM segments
+ for segment in ram_segments:
+ checksum = self.save_segment(f, segment, checksum)
+ total_segments += 1
+ # done writing segments
+ self.append_checksum(f, checksum)
+ # kinda hacky: go back to the initial header and write the new segment count
+ # that includes padding segments. This header is not checksummed
+ image_length = f.tell()
+ try:
+ f.write(chr(total_segments))
+ except TypeError: # Python 3
+ f.write(bytes([total_segments]))
+ if self.append_digest:
+ # calculate the SHA256 of the whole file and append it
+ digest = hashlib.sha256()
+ digest.update(
+ f.write(digest.digest())
+ with open(filename, 'wb') as real_file:
+ real_file.write(f.getvalue())
+ def load_extended_header(self, load_file):
+ def split_byte(n):
+ return (n & 0x0F, (n >> 4) & 0x0F)
+ fields = list(struct.unpack(self.EXTENDED_HEADER_STRUCT_FMT,
+ self.wp_pin = fields[0]
+ # SPI pin drive stengths are two per byte
+ self.clk_drv, self.q_drv = split_byte(fields[1])
+ self.d_drv, self.cs_drv = split_byte(fields[2])
+ self.hd_drv, self.wp_drv = split_byte(fields[3])
+ if fields[15] in [0, 1]:
+ self.append_digest = (fields[15] == 1)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("Invalid value for append_digest field (0x%02x). Should be 0 or 1.", fields[15])
+ # remaining fields in the middle should all be zero
+ if any(f for f in fields[4:15] if f != 0):
+ print("Warning: some reserved header fields have non-zero values. This image may be from a newer")
+ def save_extended_header(self, save_file):
+ def join_byte(ln,hn):
+ return (ln & 0x0F) + ((hn & 0x0F) << 4)
+ append_digest = 1 if self.append_digest else 0
+ fields = [self.wp_pin,
+ join_byte(self.clk_drv, self.q_drv),
+ join_byte(self.d_drv, self.cs_drv),
+ join_byte(self.hd_drv, self.wp_drv)]
+ fields += [0] * 11
+ fields += [append_digest]
+ packed = struct.pack(self.EXTENDED_HEADER_STRUCT_FMT, *fields)
+ save_file.write(packed)
+class ELFFile(object):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ # Load sections from the ELF file
+ = name
+ with open(, 'rb') as f:
+ self._read_elf_file(f)
+ def get_section(self, section_name):
+ for s in self.sections:
+ if == section_name:
+ return s
+ raise ValueError("No section %s in ELF file" % section_name)
+ def _read_elf_file(self, f):
+ # read the ELF file header
+ try:
+ (ident,_type,machine,_version,
+ self.entrypoint,_phoff,shoff,_flags,
+ _ehsize, _phentsize,_phnum, shentsize,
+ shnum,shstrndx) = struct.unpack("<16sHHLLLLLHHHHHH",
+ except struct.error as e:
+ raise FatalError("Failed to read a valid ELF header from %s: %s" % (, e))
+ if byte(ident, 0) != 0x7f or ident[1:4] != b'ELF':
+ raise FatalError("%s has invalid ELF magic header" %
+ if machine != 0x5e:
+ raise FatalError("%s does not appear to be an Xtensa ELF file. e_machine=%04x" % (, machine))
+ if shentsize != self.LEN_SEC_HEADER:
+ raise FatalError("%s has unexpected section header entry size 0x%x (not 0x28)" % (, shentsize, self.LEN_SEC_HEADER))
+ if shnum == 0:
+ raise FatalError("%s has 0 section headers" % (
+ self._read_sections(f, shoff, shnum, shstrndx)
+ def _read_sections(self, f, section_header_offs, section_header_count, shstrndx):
+ len_bytes = section_header_count * self.LEN_SEC_HEADER
+ section_header =
+ if len(section_header) == 0:
+ raise FatalError("No section header found at offset %04x in ELF file." % section_header_offs)
+ if len(section_header) != (len_bytes):
+ raise FatalError("Only read 0x%x bytes from section header (expected 0x%x.) Truncated ELF file?" % (len(section_header), len_bytes))
+ # walk through the section header and extract all sections
+ section_header_offsets = range(0, len(section_header), self.LEN_SEC_HEADER)
+ def read_section_header(offs):
+ name_offs,sec_type,_flags,lma,sec_offs,size = struct.unpack_from("<LLLLLL", section_header[offs:])
+ return (name_offs, sec_type, lma, size, sec_offs)
+ all_sections = [read_section_header(offs) for offs in section_header_offsets]
+ prog_sections = [s for s in all_sections if s[1] == ELFFile.SEC_TYPE_PROGBITS]
+ # search for the string table section
+ if not (shstrndx * self.LEN_SEC_HEADER) in section_header_offsets:
+ raise FatalError("ELF file has no STRTAB section at shstrndx %d" % shstrndx)
+ _,sec_type,_,sec_size,sec_offs = read_section_header(shstrndx * self.LEN_SEC_HEADER)
+ if sec_type != ELFFile.SEC_TYPE_STRTAB:
+ print('WARNING: ELF file has incorrect STRTAB section type 0x%02x' % sec_type)
+ string_table =
+ # build the real list of ELFSections by reading the actual section names from the
+ # string table section, and actual data for each section from the ELF file itself
+ def lookup_string(offs):
+ raw = string_table[offs:]
+ return raw[:raw.index(b'\x00')]
+ def read_data(offs,size):
+ return
+ prog_sections = [ELFSection(lookup_string(n_offs), lma, read_data(offs, size)) for (n_offs, _type, lma, size, offs) in prog_sections
+ if lma != 0]
+ self.sections = prog_sections
+def slip_reader(port):
+ """Generator to read SLIP packets from a serial port.
+ Yields one full SLIP packet at a time, raises exception on timeout or invalid data.
+ Designed to avoid too many calls to, which can bog
+ down on slow systems.
+ """
+ partial_packet = None
+ in_escape = False
+ while True:
+ waiting = port.inWaiting()
+ read_bytes = if waiting == 0 else waiting)
+ if read_bytes == b'':
+ raise FatalError("Timed out waiting for packet %s" % ("header" if partial_packet is None else "content"))
+ for b in read_bytes:
+ if type(b) is int:
+ b = bytes([b]) # python 2/3 compat
+ if partial_packet is None: # waiting for packet header
+ if b == b'\xc0':
+ partial_packet = b""
+ else:
+ raise FatalError('Invalid head of packet (%r)' % b)
+ elif in_escape: # part-way through escape sequence
+ in_escape = False
+ if b == b'\xdc':
+ partial_packet += b'\xc0'
+ elif b == b'\xdd':
+ partial_packet += b'\xdb'
+ else:
+ raise FatalError('Invalid SLIP escape (%r%r)' % (b'\xdb', b))
+ elif b == b'\xdb': # start of escape sequence
+ in_escape = True
+ elif b == b'\xc0': # end of packet
+ yield partial_packet
+ partial_packet = None
+ else: # normal byte in packet
+ partial_packet += b
+def arg_auto_int(x):
+ return int(x, 0)
+def div_roundup(a, b):
+ """ Return a/b rounded up to nearest integer,
+ equivalent result to int(math.ceil(float(int(a)) / float(int(b))), only
+ without possible floating point accuracy errors.
+ """
+ return (int(a) + int(b) - 1) // int(b)
+def align_file_position(f, size):
+ """ Align the position in the file to the next block of specified size """
+ align = (size - 1) - (f.tell() % size)
+, 1)
+def flash_size_bytes(size):
+ """ Given a flash size of the type passed in args.flash_size
+ (ie 512KB or 1MB) then return the size in bytes.
+ """
+ if "MB" in size:
+ return int(size[:size.index("MB")]) * 1024 * 1024
+ elif "KB" in size:
+ return int(size[:size.index("KB")]) * 1024
+ else:
+ raise FatalError("Unknown size %s" % size)
+def hexify(s):
+ if not PYTHON2:
+ return ''.join('%02X' % c for c in s)
+ else:
+ return ''.join('%02X' % ord(c) for c in s)
+def unhexify(hs):
+ s = bytes()
+ for i in range(0, len(hs) - 1, 2):
+ hex_string = hs[i:i + 2]
+ if not PYTHON2:
+ s += bytes([int(hex_string, 16)])
+ else:
+ s += chr(int(hex_string, 16))
+ return s
+def pad_to(data, alignment, pad_character=b'\xFF'):
+ """ Pad to the next alignment boundary """
+ pad_mod = len(data) % alignment
+ if pad_mod != 0:
+ data += pad_character * (alignment - pad_mod)
+ return data
+class FatalError(RuntimeError):
+ """
+ Wrapper class for runtime errors that aren't caused by internal bugs, but by
+ ESP8266 responses or input content.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ RuntimeError.__init__(self, message)
+ @staticmethod
+ def WithResult(message, result):
+ """
+ Return a fatal error object that appends the hex values of
+ 'result' as a string formatted argument.
+ """
+ message += " (result was %s)" % hexify(result)
+ return FatalError(message)
+class NotImplementedInROMError(FatalError):
+ """
+ Wrapper class for the error thrown when a particular ESP bootloader function
+ is not implemented in the ROM bootloader.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bootloader, func):
+ FatalError.__init__(self, "%s ROM does not support function %s." % (bootloader.CHIP_NAME, func.__name__))
+# "Operation" commands, executable at command line. One function each
+# Each function takes either two args (<ESPLoader instance>, <args>) or a single <args>
+# argument.
+def load_ram(esp, args):
+ image = LoadFirmwareImage(esp, args.filename)
+ print('RAM boot...')
+ for (offset, size, data) in image.segments:
+ print('Downloading %d bytes at %08x...' % (size, offset), end=' ')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ esp.mem_begin(size, div_roundup(size, esp.ESP_RAM_BLOCK), esp.ESP_RAM_BLOCK, offset)
+ seq = 0
+ while len(data) > 0:
+ esp.mem_block(data[0:esp.ESP_RAM_BLOCK], seq)
+ data = data[esp.ESP_RAM_BLOCK:]
+ seq += 1
+ print('done!')
+ print('All segments done, executing at %08x' % image.entrypoint)
+ esp.mem_finish(image.entrypoint)
+def read_mem(esp, args):
+ print('0x%08x = 0x%08x' % (args.address, esp.read_reg(args.address)))
+def write_mem(esp, args):
+ esp.write_reg(args.address, args.value, args.mask, 0)
+ print('Wrote %08x, mask %08x to %08x' % (args.value, args.mask, args.address))
+def dump_mem(esp, args):
+ f = open(args.filename, 'wb')
+ for i in range(args.size // 4):
+ d = esp.read_reg(args.address + (i * 4))
+ f.write(struct.pack(b'<I', d))
+ if f.tell() % 1024 == 0:
+ print('\r%d bytes read... (%d %%)' % (f.tell(),
+ f.tell() * 100 // args.size),
+ end=' ')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ print('Done!')
+def detect_flash_size(esp, args):
+ if args.flash_size == 'detect':
+ flash_id = esp.flash_id()
+ size_id = flash_id >> 16
+ args.flash_size = DETECTED_FLASH_SIZES.get(size_id)
+ if args.flash_size is None:
+ print('Warning: Could not auto-detect Flash size (FlashID=0x%x, SizeID=0x%x), defaulting to 4MB' % (flash_id, size_id))
+ args.flash_size = '4MB'
+ else:
+ print('Auto-detected Flash size:', args.flash_size)
+def _update_image_flash_params(esp, address, args, image):
+ """ Modify the flash mode & size bytes if this looks like an executable bootloader image """
+ if len(image) < 8:
+ return image # not long enough to be a bootloader image
+ # unpack the (potential) image header
+ magic, _, flash_mode, flash_size_freq = struct.unpack("BBBB", image[:4])
+ if address != esp.BOOTLOADER_FLASH_OFFSET or magic != esp.ESP_IMAGE_MAGIC:
+ return image # not flashing a bootloader, so don't modify this
+ if args.flash_mode != 'keep':
+ flash_mode = {'qio':0, 'qout':1, 'dio':2, 'dout': 3}[args.flash_mode]
+ flash_freq = flash_size_freq & 0x0F
+ if args.flash_freq != 'keep':
+ flash_freq = {'40m':0, '26m':1, '20m':2, '80m': 0xf}[args.flash_freq]
+ flash_size = flash_size_freq & 0xF0
+ if args.flash_size != 'keep':
+ flash_size = esp.parse_flash_size_arg(args.flash_size)
+ flash_params = struct.pack(b'BB', flash_mode, flash_size + flash_freq)
+ if flash_params != image[2:4]:
+ print('Flash params set to 0x%04x' % struct.unpack(">H", flash_params))
+ image = image[0:2] + flash_params + image[4:]
+ return image
+def write_flash(esp, args):
+ # set args.compress based on default behaviour:
+ # -> if either --compress or --no-compress is set, honour that
+ # -> otherwise, set --compress unless --no-stub is set
+ if args.compress is None and not args.no_compress:
+ args.compress = not args.no_stub
+ # verify file sizes fit in flash
+ flash_end = flash_size_bytes(args.flash_size)
+ for address, argfile in args.addr_filename:
+,2) # seek to end
+ if address + argfile.tell() > flash_end:
+ raise FatalError(("File %s (length %d) at offset %d will not fit in %d bytes of flash. " +
+ "Use --flash-size argument, or change flashing address.")
+ % (, argfile.tell(), address, flash_end))
+ for address, argfile in args.addr_filename:
+ if args.no_stub:
+ print('Erasing flash...')
+ image = pad_to(, 4)
+ image = _update_image_flash_params(esp, address, args, image)
+ calcmd5 = hashlib.md5(image).hexdigest()
+ uncsize = len(image)
+ if args.compress:
+ uncimage = image
+ image = zlib.compress(uncimage, 9)
+ ratio = uncsize / len(image)
+ blocks = esp.flash_defl_begin(uncsize, len(image), address)
+ else:
+ ratio = 1.0
+ blocks = esp.flash_begin(uncsize, address)
+ # in case we need it again
+ seq = 0
+ written = 0
+ t = time.time()
+ esp._port.timeout = min(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT * ratio,
+ while len(image) > 0:
+ print('\rWriting at 0x%08x... (%d %%)' % (address + seq * esp.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE, 100 * (seq + 1) // blocks), end='')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ block = image[0:esp.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE]
+ if args.compress:
+ esp.flash_defl_block(block, seq)
+ else:
+ # Pad the last block
+ block = block + b'\xff' * (esp.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE - len(block))
+ esp.flash_block(block, seq)
+ image = image[esp.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE:]
+ seq += 1
+ written += len(block)
+ t = time.time() - t
+ speed_msg = ""
+ if args.compress:
+ if t > 0.0:
+ speed_msg = " (effective %.1f kbit/s)" % (uncsize / t * 8 / 1000)
+ print('\rWrote %d bytes (%d compressed) at 0x%08x in %.1f seconds%s...' % (uncsize, written, address, t, speed_msg))
+ else:
+ if t > 0.0:
+ speed_msg = " (%.1f kbit/s)" % (written / t * 8 / 1000)
+ print('\rWrote %d bytes at 0x%08x in %.1f seconds%s...' % (written, address, t, speed_msg))
+ try:
+ res = esp.flash_md5sum(address, uncsize)
+ if res != calcmd5:
+ print('File md5: %s' % calcmd5)
+ print('Flash md5: %s' % res)
+ print('MD5 of 0xFF is %s' % (hashlib.md5(b'\xFF' * uncsize).hexdigest()))
+ raise FatalError("MD5 of file does not match data in flash!")
+ else:
+ print('Hash of data verified.')
+ except NotImplementedInROMError:
+ pass
+ esp._port.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
+ print('\nLeaving...')
+ if esp.IS_STUB:
+ # skip sending flash_finish to ROM loader here,
+ # as it causes the loader to exit and run user code
+ esp.flash_begin(0, 0)
+ if args.compress:
+ esp.flash_defl_finish(False)
+ else:
+ esp.flash_finish(False)
+ if args.verify:
+ print('Verifying just-written flash...')
+ print('(This option is deprecated, flash contents are now always read back after flashing.)')
+ verify_flash(esp, args)
+def image_info(args):
+ image = LoadFirmwareImage(args.chip, args.filename)
+ print('Image version: %d' % image.version)
+ print('Entry point: %08x' % image.entrypoint if image.entrypoint != 0 else 'Entry point not set')
+ print('%d segments' % len(image.segments))
+ print
+ idx = 0
+ for seg in image.segments:
+ idx += 1
+ print('Segment %d: %r' % (idx, seg))
+ calc_checksum = image.calculate_checksum()
+ print('Checksum: %02x (%s)' % (image.checksum,
+ 'valid' if image.checksum == calc_checksum else 'invalid - calculated %02x' % calc_checksum))
+ try:
+ digest_msg = 'Not appended'
+ if image.append_digest:
+ is_valid = image.stored_digest == image.calc_digest
+ digest_msg = "%s (%s)" % (hexify(image.calc_digest).lower(),
+ "valid" if is_valid else "invalid")
+ print('Validation Hash: %s' % digest_msg)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass # ESP8266 image has no append_digest field
+def make_image(args):
+ image = ESPFirmwareImage()
+ if len(args.segfile) == 0:
+ raise FatalError('No segments specified')
+ if len(args.segfile) != len(args.segaddr):
+ raise FatalError('Number of specified files does not match number of specified addresses')
+ for (seg, addr) in zip(args.segfile, args.segaddr):
+ data = open(seg, 'rb').read()
+ image.segments.append(ImageSegment(addr, data))
+ image.entrypoint = args.entrypoint
+def elf2image(args):
+ e = ELFFile(args.input)
+ if args.chip == 'auto': # Default to ESP8266 for backwards compatibility
+ print("Creating image for ESP8266...")
+ args.chip == 'esp8266'
+ if args.chip == 'esp32':
+ image = ESP32FirmwareImage()
+ elif args.version == '1': # ESP8266
+ image = ESPFirmwareImage()
+ else:
+ image = OTAFirmwareImage()
+ image.entrypoint = e.entrypoint
+ image.segments = e.sections # ELFSection is a subclass of ImageSegment
+ image.flash_mode = {'qio':0, 'qout':1, 'dio':2, 'dout': 3}[args.flash_mode]
+ image.flash_size_freq = image.ROM_LOADER.FLASH_SIZES[args.flash_size]
+ image.flash_size_freq += {'40m':0, '26m':1, '20m':2, '80m': 0xf}[args.flash_freq]
+ if args.output is None:
+ args.output = image.default_output_name(args.input)
+def read_mac(esp, args):
+ mac = esp.read_mac()
+ def print_mac(label, mac):
+ print('%s: %s' % (label, ':'.join(map(lambda x: '%02x' % x, mac))))
+ print_mac("MAC", mac)
+def chip_id(esp, args):
+ chipid = esp.chip_id()
+ print('Chip ID: 0x%08x' % chipid)
+def erase_flash(esp, args):
+ print('Erasing flash (this may take a while)...')
+ t = time.time()
+ esp.erase_flash()
+ print('Chip erase completed successfully in %.1fs' % (time.time() - t))
+def erase_region(esp, args):
+ print('Erasing region (may be slow depending on size)...')
+ t = time.time()
+ esp.erase_region(args.address, args.size)
+ print('Erase completed successfully in %.1f seconds.' % (time.time() - t))
+def run(esp, args):
+def flash_id(esp, args):
+ flash_id = esp.flash_id()
+ print('Manufacturer: %02x' % (flash_id & 0xff))
+ flid_lowbyte = (flash_id >> 16) & 0xFF
+ print('Device: %02x%02x' % ((flash_id >> 8) & 0xff, flid_lowbyte))
+ print('Detected flash size: %s' % (DETECTED_FLASH_SIZES.get(flid_lowbyte, "Unknown")))
+def read_flash(esp, args):
+ if args.no_progress:
+ flash_progress = None
+ else:
+ def flash_progress(progress, length):
+ msg = '%d (%d %%)' % (progress, progress * 100.0 / length)
+ padding = '\b' * len(msg)
+ if progress == length:
+ padding = '\n'
+ sys.stdout.write(msg + padding)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ t = time.time()
+ data = esp.read_flash(args.address, args.size, flash_progress)
+ t = time.time() - t
+ print('\rRead %d bytes at 0x%x in %.1f seconds (%.1f kbit/s)...'
+ % (len(data), args.address, t, len(data) / t * 8 / 1000))
+ open(args.filename, 'wb').write(data)
+def verify_flash(esp, args):
+ differences = False
+ for address, argfile in args.addr_filename:
+ image = pad_to(, 4)
+ # rewind in case we need it again
+ image = _update_image_flash_params(esp, address, args, image)
+ image_size = len(image)
+ print('Verifying 0x%x (%d) bytes @ 0x%08x in flash against %s...' % (image_size, image_size, address,
+ # Try digest first, only read if there are differences.
+ digest = esp.flash_md5sum(address, image_size)
+ expected_digest = hashlib.md5(image).hexdigest()
+ if digest == expected_digest:
+ print('-- verify OK (digest matched)')
+ continue
+ else:
+ differences = True
+ if getattr(args, 'diff', 'no') != 'yes':
+ print('-- verify FAILED (digest mismatch)')
+ continue
+ flash = esp.read_flash(address, image_size)
+ assert flash != image
+ diff = [i for i in range(image_size) if flash[i] != image[i]]
+ print('-- verify FAILED: %d differences, first @ 0x%08x' % (len(diff), address + diff[0]))
+ for d in diff:
+ flash_byte = flash[d]
+ image_byte = image[d]
+ if PYTHON2:
+ flash_byte = ord(flash_byte)
+ image_byte = ord(image_byte)
+ print(' %08x %02x %02x' % (address + d, flash_byte, image_byte))
+ if differences:
+ raise FatalError("Verify failed.")
+def read_flash_status(esp, args):
+ print('Status value: 0x%04x' % esp.read_status(args.bytes))
+def write_flash_status(esp, args):
+ fmt = "0x%%0%dx" % (args.bytes * 2)
+ args.value = args.value & ((1 << (args.bytes * 8)) - 1)
+ print(('Initial flash status: ' + fmt) % esp.read_status(args.bytes))
+ print(('Setting flash status: ' + fmt) % args.value)
+ esp.write_status(args.value, args.bytes, args.non_volatile)
+ print(('After flash status: ' + fmt) % esp.read_status(args.bytes))
+def version(args):
+ print(__version__)
+# End of operations functions
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=' v%s - ESP8266 ROM Bootloader Utility' % __version__, prog='esptool')
+ parser.add_argument('--chip', '-c',
+ help='Target chip type',
+ choices=['auto', 'esp8266', 'esp32'],
+ default=os.environ.get('ESPTOOL_CHIP', 'auto'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--port', '-p',
+ help='Serial port device',
+ default=os.environ.get('ESPTOOL_PORT', ESPLoader.DEFAULT_PORT))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--baud', '-b',
+ help='Serial port baud rate used when flashing/reading',
+ type=arg_auto_int,
+ default=os.environ.get('ESPTOOL_BAUD', ESPLoader.ESP_ROM_BAUD))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--before',
+ help='What to do before connecting to the chip',
+ choices=['default_reset', 'no_reset'],
+ default=os.environ.get('ESPTOOL_BEFORE', 'default_reset'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--after', '-a',
+ help='What to do after is finished',
+ choices=['hard_reset', 'soft_reset', 'no_reset'],
+ default=os.environ.get('ESPTOOL_AFTER', 'hard_reset'))
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
+ dest='operation',
+ help='Run esptool {command} -h for additional help')
+ def add_spi_connection_arg(parent):
+ parent.add_argument('--spi-connection', '-sc', help='ESP32-only argument. Override default SPI Flash connection. ' +
+ 'Value can be SPI, HSPI or a comma-separated list of 5 I/O numbers to use for SPI flash (CLK,Q,D,HD,CS).',
+ action=SpiConnectionAction)
+ parser_load_ram = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'load_ram',
+ help='Download an image to RAM and execute')
+ parser_load_ram.add_argument('filename', help='Firmware image')
+ parser_dump_mem = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'dump_mem',
+ help='Dump arbitrary memory to disk')
+ parser_dump_mem.add_argument('address', help='Base address', type=arg_auto_int)
+ parser_dump_mem.add_argument('size', help='Size of region to dump', type=arg_auto_int)
+ parser_dump_mem.add_argument('filename', help='Name of binary dump')
+ parser_read_mem = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'read_mem',
+ help='Read arbitrary memory location')
+ parser_read_mem.add_argument('address', help='Address to read', type=arg_auto_int)
+ parser_write_mem = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'write_mem',
+ help='Read-modify-write to arbitrary memory location')
+ parser_write_mem.add_argument('address', help='Address to write', type=arg_auto_int)
+ parser_write_mem.add_argument('value', help='Value', type=arg_auto_int)
+ parser_write_mem.add_argument('mask', help='Mask of bits to write', type=arg_auto_int)
+ def add_spi_flash_subparsers(parent, is_elf2image):
+ """ Add common parser arguments for SPI flash properties """
+ extra_keep_args = [] if is_elf2image else ['keep']
+ auto_detect = not is_elf2image
+ parent.add_argument('--flash_freq', '-ff', help='SPI Flash frequency',
+ choices=extra_keep_args + ['40m', '26m', '20m', '80m'],
+ default=os.environ.get('ESPTOOL_FF', '40m' if is_elf2image else 'keep'))
+ parent.add_argument('--flash_mode', '-fm', help='SPI Flash mode',
+ choices=extra_keep_args + ['qio', 'qout', 'dio', 'dout'],
+ default=os.environ.get('ESPTOOL_FM', 'qio' if is_elf2image else 'keep'))
+ parent.add_argument('--flash_size', '-fs', help='SPI Flash size in MegaBytes (1MB, 2MB, 4MB, 8MB, 16M)'
+ ' plus ESP8266-only (256KB, 512KB, 2MB-c1, 4MB-c1)',
+ action=FlashSizeAction, auto_detect=auto_detect,
+ default=os.environ.get('ESPTOOL_FS', 'detect' if auto_detect else '1MB'))
+ add_spi_connection_arg(parent)
+ parser_write_flash = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'write_flash',
+ help='Write a binary blob to flash')
+ parser_write_flash.add_argument('addr_filename', metavar='<address> <filename>', help='Address followed by binary filename, separated by space',
+ action=AddrFilenamePairAction)
+ add_spi_flash_subparsers(parser_write_flash, is_elf2image=False)
+ parser_write_flash.add_argument('--no-progress', '-p', help='Suppress progress output', action="store_true")
+ parser_write_flash.add_argument('--verify', help='Verify just-written data on flash ' +
+ '(mostly superfluous, data is read back during flashing)', action='store_true')
+ compress_args = parser_write_flash.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
+ compress_args.add_argument('--compress', '-z', help='Compress data in transfer (default unless --no-stub is specified)',action="store_true", default=None)
+ compress_args.add_argument('--no-compress', '-u', help='Disable data compression during transfer (default if --no-stub is specified)',action="store_true")
+ subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'run',
+ help='Run application code in flash')
+ parser_image_info = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'image_info',
+ help='Dump headers from an application image')
+ parser_image_info.add_argument('filename', help='Image file to parse')
+ parser_make_image = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'make_image',
+ help='Create an application image from binary files')
+ parser_make_image.add_argument('output', help='Output image file')
+ parser_make_image.add_argument('--segfile', '-f', action='append', help='Segment input file')
+ parser_make_image.add_argument('--segaddr', '-a', action='append', help='Segment base address', type=arg_auto_int)
+ parser_make_image.add_argument('--entrypoint', '-e', help='Address of entry point', type=arg_auto_int, default=0)
+ parser_elf2image = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'elf2image',
+ help='Create an application image from ELF file')
+ parser_elf2image.add_argument('input', help='Input ELF file')
+ parser_elf2image.add_argument('--output', '-o', help='Output filename prefix (for version 1 image), or filename (for version 2 single image)', type=str)
+ parser_elf2image.add_argument('--version', '-e', help='Output image version', choices=['1','2'], default='1')
+ add_spi_flash_subparsers(parser_elf2image, is_elf2image=True)
+ subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'read_mac',
+ help='Read MAC address from OTP ROM')
+ subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'chip_id',
+ help='Read Chip ID from OTP ROM')
+ parser_flash_id = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'flash_id',
+ help='Read SPI flash manufacturer and device ID')
+ add_spi_connection_arg(parser_flash_id)
+ parser_read_status = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'read_flash_status',
+ help='Read SPI flash status register')
+ add_spi_connection_arg(parser_read_status)
+ parser_read_status.add_argument('--bytes', help='Number of bytes to read (1-3)', type=int, choices=[1,2,3], default=2)
+ parser_write_status = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'write_flash_status',
+ help='Write SPI flash status register')
+ add_spi_connection_arg(parser_write_status)
+ parser_write_status.add_argument('--non-volatile', help='Write non-volatile bits (use with caution)', action='store_true')
+ parser_write_status.add_argument('--bytes', help='Number of status bytes to write (1-3)', type=int, choices=[1,2,3], default=2)
+ parser_write_status.add_argument('value', help='New value', type=arg_auto_int)
+ parser_read_flash = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'read_flash',
+ help='Read SPI flash content')
+ add_spi_connection_arg(parser_read_flash)
+ parser_read_flash.add_argument('address', help='Start address', type=arg_auto_int)
+ parser_read_flash.add_argument('size', help='Size of region to dump', type=arg_auto_int)
+ parser_read_flash.add_argument('filename', help='Name of binary dump')
+ parser_read_flash.add_argument('--no-progress', '-p', help='Suppress progress output', action="store_true")
+ parser_verify_flash = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'verify_flash',
+ help='Verify a binary blob against flash')
+ parser_verify_flash.add_argument('addr_filename', help='Address and binary file to verify there, separated by space',
+ action=AddrFilenamePairAction)
+ parser_verify_flash.add_argument('--diff', '-d', help='Show differences',
+ choices=['no', 'yes'], default='no')
+ add_spi_flash_subparsers(parser_verify_flash, is_elf2image=False)
+ parser_erase_flash = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'erase_flash',
+ help='Perform Chip Erase on SPI flash')
+ add_spi_connection_arg(parser_erase_flash)
+ parser_erase_region = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'erase_region',
+ help='Erase a region of the flash')
+ add_spi_connection_arg(parser_erase_region)
+ parser_erase_region.add_argument('address', help='Start address (must be multiple of 4096)', type=arg_auto_int)
+ parser_erase_region.add_argument('size', help='Size of region to erase (must be multiple of 4096)', type=arg_auto_int)
+ subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'version', help='Print esptool version')
+ # internal sanity check - every operation matches a module function of the same name
+ for operation in subparsers.choices.keys():
+ assert operation in globals(), "%s should be a module function" % operation
+ expand_file_arguments()
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ print(' v%s' % __version__)
+ args.no_stub = True
+ # operation function can take 1 arg (args), 2 args (esp, arg)
+ # or be a member function of the ESPLoader class.
+ if args.operation is None:
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ operation_func = globals()[args.operation]
+ operation_args,_,_,_ = inspect.getargspec(operation_func)
+ if operation_args[0] == 'esp': # operation function takes an ESPLoader connection object
+ initial_baud = min(ESPLoader.ESP_ROM_BAUD, args.baud) # don't sync faster than the default baud rate
+ if args.chip == 'auto':
+ esp = ESPLoader.detect_chip(args.port, initial_baud, args.before)
+ else:
+ chip_class = {
+ 'esp8266': ESP8266ROM,
+ 'esp32': ESP32ROM,
+ }[args.chip]
+ esp = chip_class(args.port, initial_baud)
+ esp.connect(args.before)
+ print("Chip is %s" % (esp.get_chip_description()))
+ if not args.no_stub:
+ esp = esp.run_stub()
+ if args.baud > initial_baud:
+ try:
+ esp.change_baud(args.baud)
+ except NotImplementedInROMError:
+ print("WARNING: ROM doesn't support changing baud rate. Keeping initial baud rate %d" % initial_baud)
+ # override common SPI flash parameter stuff if configured to do so
+ if hasattr(args, "spi_connection") and args.spi_connection is not None:
+ if esp.CHIP_NAME != "ESP32":
+ raise FatalError("Chip %s does not support --spi-connection option." % esp.CHIP_NAME)
+ print("Configuring SPI flash mode...")
+ esp.flash_spi_attach(args.spi_connection)
+ elif args.no_stub:
+ print("Enabling default SPI flash mode...")
+ # ROM loader doesn't enable flash unless we explicitly do it
+ esp.flash_spi_attach(0)
+ if hasattr(args, "flash_size"):
+ print("Configuring flash size...")
+ detect_flash_size(esp, args)
+ esp.flash_set_parameters(flash_size_bytes(args.flash_size))
+ operation_func(esp, args)
+ # finish execution based on args.after
+ if args.after == 'hard_reset':
+ print('Hard resetting...')
+ esp.hard_reset()
+ elif args.after == 'soft_reset':
+ print('Soft resetting...')
+ # flash_finish will trigger a soft reset
+ esp.soft_reset(False)
+ else:
+ print('Staying in bootloader.')
+ if esp.IS_STUB:
+ esp.soft_reset(True) # exit stub back to ROM loader
+ else:
+ operation_func(args)
+def expand_file_arguments():
+ """ Any argument starting with "@" gets replaced with all values read from a text file.
+ Text file arguments can be split by newline or by space.
+ Values are added "as-is", as if they were specified in this order on the command line.
+ """
+ new_args = []
+ expanded = False
+ for arg in sys.argv:
+ if arg.startswith("@"):
+ expanded = True
+ with open(arg[1:],"r") as f:
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ new_args += shlex.split(line)
+ else:
+ new_args.append(arg)
+ if expanded:
+ print(" %s" % (" ".join(new_args[1:])))
+ sys.argv = new_args
+class FlashSizeAction(argparse.Action):
+ """ Custom flash size parser class to support backwards compatibility with megabit size arguments.
+ (At next major relase, remove deprecated sizes and this can become a 'normal' choices= argument again.)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, nargs=1, auto_detect=False, **kwargs):
+ super(FlashSizeAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, nargs, **kwargs)
+ self._auto_detect = auto_detect
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ try:
+ value = {
+ '2m': '256KB',
+ '4m': '512KB',
+ '8m': '1MB',
+ '16m': '2MB',
+ '32m': '4MB',
+ '16m-c1': '2MB-c1',
+ '32m-c1': '4MB-c1',
+ }[values[0]]
+ print("WARNING: Flash size arguments in megabits like '%s' are deprecated." % (values[0]))
+ print("Please use the equivalent size '%s'." % (value))
+ print("Megabit arguments may be removed in a future release.")
+ except KeyError:
+ value = values[0]
+ known_sizes = dict(ESP8266ROM.FLASH_SIZES)
+ known_sizes.update(ESP32ROM.FLASH_SIZES)
+ if self._auto_detect:
+ known_sizes['detect'] = 'detect'
+ if value not in known_sizes:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, '%s is not a known flash size. Known sizes: %s' % (value, ", ".join(known_sizes.keys())))
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, value)
+class SpiConnectionAction(argparse.Action):
+ """ Custom action to parse 'spi connection' override. Values are SPI, HSPI, or a sequence of 5 pin numbers separated by commas.
+ """
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None):
+ if value.upper() == "SPI":
+ value = 0
+ elif value.upper() == "HSPI":
+ value = 1
+ elif "," in value:
+ values = value.split(",")
+ if len(values) != 5:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, '%s is not a valid list of comma-separate pin numbers. Must be 5 numbers - CLK,Q,D,HD,CS.' % value)
+ try:
+ values = tuple(int(v,0) for v in values)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, '%s is not a valid argument. All pins must be numeric values' % values)
+ if any([v for v in values if v > 33 or v < 0]):
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, 'Pin numbers must be in the range 0-33.')
+ # encode the pin numbers as a 32-bit integer with packed 6-bit values, the same way ESP32 ROM takes them
+ # TODO: make this less ESP32 ROM specific somehow...
+ clk,q,d,hd,cs = values
+ value = (hd << 24) | (cs << 18) | (d << 12) | (q << 6) | clk
+ else:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, '%s is not a valid spi-connection value. ' +
+ 'Values are SPI, HSPI, or a sequence of 5 pin numbers CLK,Q,D,HD,CS).' % values)
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, value)
+class AddrFilenamePairAction(argparse.Action):
+ """ Custom parser class for the address/filename pairs passed as arguments """
+ def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, nargs='+', **kwargs):
+ super(AddrFilenamePairAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, nargs, **kwargs)
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ # validate pair arguments
+ pairs = []
+ for i in range(0,len(values),2):
+ try:
+ address = int(values[i],0)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError(self,'Address "%s" must be a number' % values[i])
+ try:
+ argfile = open(values[i + 1], 'rb')
+ except IOError as e:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, e)
+ except IndexError:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError(self,'Must be pairs of an address and the binary filename to write there')
+ pairs.append((address, argfile))
+ # Sort the addresses and check for overlapping
+ end = 0
+ for address, argfile in sorted(pairs):
+,2) # seek to end
+ size = argfile.tell()
+ sector_start = address & ~(ESPLoader.FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE - 1)
+ sector_end = ((address + size + ESPLoader.FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE - 1) & ~(ESPLoader.FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) - 1
+ if sector_start < end:
+ message = 'Detected overlap at address: 0x%x for file: %s' % (address,
+ raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, message)
+ end = sector_end
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, pairs)
+# Binary stub code purged due to DFSG
+def _main():
+ try:
+ main()
+ except FatalError as e:
+ print('\nA fatal error occurred: %s' % e)
+ sys.exit(2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ _main()
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cde4473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+HERE=$(dirname "$0")
+#"$HERE"/ --port $1 write_flash --flash_size=detect 0 "$HERE"/esp8266-20171101-v1.9.3.bin
+#"$HERE"/ --port $1 write_flash --flash_size=detect 0 "$HERE"/esp8266-20180511-v1.9.4.bin
+set -x
+"$HERE"/ --port $1 write_flash --flash_size=detect 0 "$HERE"/esp8266-20180511-v1.9.4.bin
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c00e4c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+set -x
+cat $PORT &
+# interrupt
+echo -e -n "\003" >$PORT
+# Enter RAW Repl
+echo -e -n "\001" >$PORT
+echo -e -n "import flashbdev\004" >$PORT
+echo -e -n "import os\004" >$PORT
+sleep 0.1
+echo -e -n "os.umount('/')\004" >$PORT
+echo -e -n "os.VfsFat.mkfs(flashbdev.bdev)\004" >$PORT
+echo -e -n "os.mount(flashbdev.bdev, '/')\004" >$PORT
+echo -e -n "\002" >$PORT
+sleep 0.5
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0da2735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,5976 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011-2018, Ulf Magnusson
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
+Kconfiglib is a Python 2/3 library for scripting and extracting information
+from Kconfig (
+configuration systems.
+See the homepage at for a longer
+Using Kconfiglib on the Linux kernel with the Makefile targets
+For the Linux kernel, a handy interface is provided by the
+scripts/kconfig/Makefile patch, which can be applied with either 'git am' or
+the 'patch' utility:
+ $ wget -qO- | git am
+ $ wget -qO- | patch -p1
+Warning: Not passing -p1 to patch will cause the wrong file to be patched.
+Please tell me if the patch does not apply. It should be trivial to apply
+manually, as it's just a block of text that needs to be inserted near the other
+*conf: targets in scripts/kconfig/Makefile.
+Look further down for a motivation for the Makefile patch and for instructions
+on how you can use Kconfiglib without it.
+If you do not wish to install Kconfiglib via pip, the Makefile patch is set up
+so that you can also just clone Kconfiglib into the kernel root:
+ $ git clone git://
+ $ git am Kconfiglib/makefile.patch (or 'patch -p1 < Kconfiglib/makefile.patch')
+Warning: The directory name Kconfiglib/ is significant in this case, because
+it's added to PYTHONPATH by the new targets in makefile.patch.
+The targets added by the Makefile patch are described in the following
+make [ARCH=<arch>] iscriptconfig
+This target gives an interactive Python prompt where a Kconfig instance has
+been preloaded and is available in 'kconf'. To change the Python interpreter
+used, pass PYTHONCMD=<executable> to make. The default is "python".
+To get a feel for the API, try evaluating and printing the symbols in
+kconf.defined_syms, and explore the MenuNode menu tree starting at
+kconf.top_node by following 'next' and 'list' pointers.
+The item contained in a menu node is found in MenuNode.item (note that this can
+be one of the constants kconfiglib.MENU and kconfiglib.COMMENT), and all
+symbols and choices have a 'nodes' attribute containing their menu nodes
+(usually only one). Printing a menu node will print its item, in Kconfig
+If you want to look up a symbol by name, use the kconf.syms dictionary.
+make scriptconfig SCRIPT=<script> [SCRIPT_ARG=<arg>]
+This target runs the Python script given by the SCRIPT parameter on the
+configuration. sys.argv[1] holds the name of the top-level Kconfig file
+(currently always "Kconfig" in practice), and sys.argv[2] holds the SCRIPT_ARG
+argument, if given.
+See the examples/ subdirectory for example scripts.
+Using Kconfiglib without the Makefile targets
+The make targets are only needed for a trivial reason: The Kbuild makefiles
+export environment variables which are referenced inside the Kconfig files and
+in scripts run from the Kconfig files (via e.g. 'source
+"arch/$(SRCARCH)/Kconfig" and '$(shell,...)').
+The environment variables referenced as of writing (Linux 4.2.18-rc4) are
+To run Kconfiglib without the Makefile patch, you can do this:
+ $ srctree=. ARCH=x86 SRCARCH=x86 CC=gcc KERNELVERSION=`make kernelversion` python(3)
+ >>> import kconfiglib
+ >>> kconf = kconfiglib.Kconfig() # filename defaults to "Kconfig"
+Search the top-level Makefile for "Additional ARCH settings" to see other
+possibilities for ARCH and SRCARCH. Kconfiglib will print a warning if an unset
+environment variable is referenced inside the Kconfig files.
+Intro to symbol values
+Kconfiglib has the same assignment semantics as the C implementation.
+Any symbol can be assigned a value by the user (via Kconfig.load_config() or
+Symbol.set_value()), but this user value is only respected if the symbol is
+visible, which corresponds to it (currently) being visible in the menuconfig
+For symbols with prompts, the visibility of the symbol is determined by the
+condition on the prompt. Symbols without prompts are never visible, so setting
+a user value on them is pointless. A warning will be printed by default if
+Symbol.set_value() is called on a promptless symbol. Assignments to promptless
+symbols are normal within a .config file, so no similar warning will be printed
+by load_config().
+Dependencies from parents and 'if'/'depends on' are propagated to properties,
+including prompts, so these two configurations are logically equivalent:
+ menu "menu"
+ depends on A
+ if B
+ config FOO
+ tristate "foo" if D
+ default y
+ depends on C
+ endif
+ endmenu
+ menu "menu"
+ depends on A
+ config FOO
+ tristate "foo" if A && B && C && D
+ default y if A && B && C
+ endmenu
+In this example, A && B && C && D (the prompt condition) needs to be non-n for
+FOO to be visible (assignable). If its value is m, the symbol can only be
+assigned the value m: The visibility sets an upper bound on the value that can
+be assigned by the user, and any higher user value will be truncated down.
+'default' properties are independent of the visibility, though a 'default' will
+often get the same condition as the prompt due to dependency propagation.
+'default' properties are used if the symbol is not visible or has no user
+Symbols with no user value (or that have a user value but are not visible) and
+no (active) 'default' default to n for bool/tristate symbols, and to the empty
+string for other symbol types.
+'select' works similarly to symbol visibility, but sets a lower bound on the
+value of the symbol. The lower bound is determined by the value of the
+select*ing* symbol. 'select' does not respect visibility, so non-visible
+symbols can be forced to a particular (minimum) value by a select as well.
+For non-bool/tristate symbols, it only matters whether the visibility is n or
+non-n: m visibility acts the same as y visibility.
+Conditions on 'default' and 'select' work in mostly intuitive ways. If the
+condition is n, the 'default' or 'select' is disabled. If it is m, the
+'default' or 'select' value (the value of the selecting symbol) is truncated
+down to m.
+When writing a configuration with Kconfig.write_config(), only symbols that are
+visible, have an (active) default, or are selected will get written out (note
+that this includes all symbols that would accept user values). Kconfiglib
+matches the .config format produced by the C implementations down to the
+character. This eases testing.
+For a visible bool/tristate symbol FOO with value n, this line is written to
+ # CONFIG_FOO is not set
+The point is to remember the user n selection (which might differ from the
+default value the symbol would get), while at the same sticking to the rule
+that undefined corresponds to n (.config uses Makefile format, making the line
+above a comment). When the .config file is read back in, this line will be
+treated the same as the following assignment:
+In Kconfiglib, the set of (currently) assignable values for a bool/tristate
+symbol appear in Symbol.assignable. For other symbol types, just check if
+sym.visibility is non-0 (non-n) to see whether the user value will have an
+Intro to the menu tree
+The menu structure, as seen in e.g. menuconfig, is represented by a tree of
+MenuNode objects. The top node of the configuration corresponds to an implicit
+top-level menu, the title of which is shown at the top in the standard
+menuconfig interface. (The title is also available in Kconfig.mainmenu_text in
+The top node is found in Kconfig.top_node. From there, you can visit child menu
+nodes by following the 'list' pointer, and any following menu nodes by
+following the 'next' pointer. Usually, a non-None 'list' pointer indicates a
+menu or Choice, but menu nodes for symbols can sometimes have a non-None 'list'
+pointer too due to submenus created implicitly from dependencies.
+MenuNode.item is either a Symbol or a Choice object, or one of the constants
+MENU and COMMENT. The prompt of the menu node can be found in MenuNode.prompt,
+which also holds the title for menus and comments. For Symbol and Choice, holds the help text (if any, otherwise None).
+Most symbols will only have a single menu node. A symbol defined in multiple
+locations will have one menu node for each location. The list of menu nodes for
+a Symbol or Choice can be found in the Symbol/Choice.nodes attribute.
+Note that prompts and help texts for symbols and choices are stored in their
+menu node(s) rather than in the Symbol or Choice objects themselves. This makes
+it possible to define a symbol in multiple locations with a different prompt or
+help text in each location. To get the help text or prompt for a symbol with a
+single menu node, do sym.nodes[0].help and sym.nodes[0].prompt, respectively.
+The prompt is a (text, condition) tuple, where condition determines the
+visibility (see 'Intro to expressions' below).
+This organization mirrors the C implementation. MenuNode is called
+'struct menu' there, but I thought "menu" was a confusing name.
+It is possible to give a Choice a name and define it in multiple locations,
+hence why Choice.nodes is also a list.
+As a convenience, the properties added at a particular definition location are
+available on the MenuNode itself, in e.g. MenuNode.defaults. This is helpful
+when generating documentation, so that symbols/choices defined in multiple
+locations can be shown with the correct properties at each location.
+Intro to expressions
+Expressions can be evaluated with the expr_value() function and printed with
+the expr_str() function (these are used internally as well). Evaluating an
+expression always yields a tristate value, where n, m, and y are represented as
+0, 1, and 2, respectively.
+The following table should help you figure out how expressions are represented.
+A, B, C, ... are symbols (Symbol instances), NOT is the kconfiglib.NOT
+constant, etc.
+Expression Representation
+---------- --------------
+A A
+"A" A (constant symbol)
+!A (NOT, A)
+A && B (AND, A, B)
+A && B && C (AND, A, (AND, B, C))
+A || B (OR, A, B)
+A || (B && C && D) (OR, A, (AND, B, (AND, C, D)))
+A = B (EQUAL, A, B)
+A != "foo" (UNEQUAL, A, foo (constant symbol))
+A && B = C && D (AND, A, (AND, (EQUAL, B, C), D))
+n Kconfig.n (constant symbol)
+m Kconfig.m (constant symbol)
+y Kconfig.y (constant symbol)
+"y" Kconfig.y (constant symbol)
+Strings like "foo" in 'default "foo"' or 'depends on SYM = "foo"' are
+represented as constant symbols, so the only values that appear in expressions
+are symbols***. This mirrors the C implementation.
+***For choice symbols, the parent Choice will appear in expressions as well,
+but it's usually invisible as the value interfaces of Symbol and Choice are
+identical. This mirrors the C implementation and makes different choice modes
+"just work".
+Manual evaluation examples:
+ - The value of A && B is min(A.tri_value, B.tri_value)
+ - The value of A || B is max(A.tri_value, B.tri_value)
+ - The value of !A is 2 - A.tri_value
+ - The value of A = B is 2 (y) if A.str_value == B.str_value, and 0 (n)
+ otherwise. Note that str_value is used here instead of tri_value.
+ For constant (as well as undefined) symbols, str_value matches the name of
+ the symbol. This mirrors the C implementation and explains why
+ 'depends on SYM = "foo"' above works as expected.
+n/m/y are automatically converted to the corresponding constant symbols
+"n"/"m"/"y" (Kconfig.n/m/y) during parsing.
+Kconfig.const_syms is a dictionary like Kconfig.syms but for constant symbols.
+If a condition is missing (e.g., <cond> when the 'if <cond>' is removed from
+'default A if <cond>'), it is actually Kconfig.y. The standard __str__()
+functions just avoid printing 'if y' conditions to give cleaner output.
+Kconfig extensions
+Kconfiglib implements two Kconfig extensions related to 'source':
+'source' with relative path
+The library implements a custom 'rsource' statement that allows to import
+Kconfig file by specifying path relative to directory of the currently parsed
+file, instead of path relative to project root.
+This extension is not supported by Linux kernel tools (yet).
+Consider following directory tree:
+ Project
+ +--Kconfig
+ |
+ +--src
+ +--Kconfig
+ |
+ +--SubSystem1
+ +--Kconfig
+ |
+ +--ModuleA
+ +--Kconfig
+In above example, src/SubSystem1/Kconfig imports Kconfig for ModuleA.
+With default 'source' it looks like:
+ source "src/SubSystem1/ModuleA/Kconfig"
+Using 'rsource' it can be rewritten as:
+ rsource "ModuleA/Kconfig"
+If absolute path is given to 'rsource' then it follows behavior of 'source'.
+Globbed sourcing
+'source' and 'rsource' accept glob patterns, sourcing all matching Kconfig
+files. They require at least one matching file, throwing a KconfigError
+For example, the following statement might source sub1/foofoofoo and
+ source "sub[12]/foo*foo"
+The glob patterns accepted are the same as for the standard glob.glob()
+Two additional statements are provided for cases where it's acceptable for a
+pattern to match no files: 'osource' and 'orsource' (the o is for "optional").
+For example, the following statements will be no-ops if neither "foo" nor any
+files matching "bar*" exist:
+ osource "foo"
+ osource "bar*"
+'orsource' does a relative optional source.
+'source' and 'osource' are analogous to 'include' and '-include' in Make.
+Send bug reports, suggestions, and questions to ulfalizer a.t Google's email
+service, or open a ticket on the GitHub page.
+import errno
+import glob
+import os
+import platform
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import textwrap
+# File layout:
+# Public classes
+# Public functions
+# Internal functions
+# Public global constants
+# Internal global constants
+# Line length: 79 columns
+# Public classes
+class Kconfig(object):
+ """
+ Represents a Kconfig configuration, e.g. for x86 or ARM. This is the set of
+ symbols, choices, and menu nodes appearing in the configuration. Creating
+ any number of Kconfig objects (including for different architectures) is
+ safe. Kconfiglib doesn't keep any global state.
+ The following attributes are available. They should be treated as
+ read-only, and some are implemented through @property magic.
+ syms:
+ A dictionary with all symbols in the configuration, indexed by name. Also
+ includes all symbols that are referenced in expressions but never
+ defined, except for constant (quoted) symbols.
+ Undefined symbols can be recognized by Symbol.nodes being empty -- see
+ the 'Intro to the menu tree' section in the module docstring.
+ const_syms:
+ A dictionary like 'syms' for constant (quoted) symbols
+ named_choices:
+ A dictionary like 'syms' for named choices (choice FOO)
+ defined_syms:
+ A list with all defined symbols, in the same order as they appear in the
+ Kconfig files. Symbols defined in multiple locations appear multiple
+ times. Iterating over set(defined_syms) will visit each defined symbol
+ once.
+ choices:
+ A list with all choices, in the same order as they appear in the Kconfig
+ files. Named choices defined in multiple locations appear multiple times.
+ Iterating over set(choices) will visit each choice once.
+ menus:
+ A list with all menus, in the same order as they appear in the Kconfig
+ files
+ comments:
+ A list with all comments, in the same order as they appear in the Kconfig
+ files
+ n/m/y:
+ The predefined constant symbols n/m/y. Also available in const_syms.
+ modules:
+ The Symbol instance for the modules symbol. Currently hardcoded to
+ MODULES, which is backwards compatible. Kconfiglib will warn if
+ 'option modules' is set on some other symbol. Tell me if you need proper
+ 'option modules' support.
+ 'modules' is never None. If the MODULES symbol is not explicitly defined,
+ its tri_value will be 0 (n), as expected.
+ A simple way to enable modules is to do 'kconf.modules.set_value(2)'
+ (provided the MODULES symbol is defined and visible). Modules are
+ disabled by default in the kernel Kconfig files as of writing, though
+ nearly all defconfig files enable them (with 'CONFIG_MODULES=y').
+ defconfig_list:
+ The Symbol instance for the 'option defconfig_list' symbol, or None if no
+ defconfig_list symbol exists. The defconfig filename derived from this
+ symbol can be found in Kconfig.defconfig_filename.
+ defconfig_filename:
+ The filename given by the defconfig_list symbol. This is taken from the
+ first 'default' with a satisfied condition where the specified file
+ exists (can be opened for reading). If a defconfig file foo/defconfig is
+ not found and $srctree was set when the Kconfig was created,
+ $srctree/foo/defconfig is looked up as well.
+ 'defconfig_filename' is None if either no defconfig_list symbol exists,
+ or if the defconfig_list symbol has no 'default' with a satisfied
+ condition that specifies a file that exists.
+ Gotcha: scripts/kconfig/Makefile might pass --defconfig=<defconfig> to
+ scripts/kconfig/conf when running e.g. 'make defconfig'. This option
+ overrides the defconfig_list symbol, meaning defconfig_filename might not
+ always match what 'make defconfig' would use.
+ top_node:
+ The menu node (see the MenuNode class) of the implicit top-level menu.
+ Acts as the root of the menu tree.
+ mainmenu_text:
+ The prompt (title) of the top menu (top_node). Defaults to "Main menu".
+ Can be changed with the 'mainmenu' statement (see kconfig-language.txt).
+ variables:
+ A dictionary with all preprocessor variables, indexed by name. See the
+ Variable class.
+ warnings:
+ A list of strings containing all warnings that have been generated. This
+ allows flexibility in how warnings are printed and processed.
+ See the 'warn_to_stderr' parameter to Kconfig.__init__() and the
+ Kconfig.enable/disable_stderr_warnings() functions as well. Note that
+ warnings still get added to Kconfig.warnings when 'warn_to_stderr' is
+ True.
+ Just as for warnings printed to stderr, only optional warnings that are
+ enabled will get added to Kconfig.warnings. See the various
+ Kconfig.enable/disable_*_warnings() functions.
+ srctree:
+ The value of the $srctree environment variable when the configuration was
+ loaded, or the empty string if $srctree wasn't set. This gives nice
+ behavior with os.path.join(), which treats "" as the current directory,
+ without adding "./".
+ Kconfig files are looked up relative to $srctree (unless absolute paths
+ are used), and .config files are looked up relative to $srctree if they
+ are not found in the current directory. This is used to support
+ out-of-tree builds. The C tools use this environment variable in the same
+ way.
+ Changing $srctree after creating the Kconfig instance has no effect. Only
+ the value when the configuration is loaded matters. This avoids surprises
+ if multiple configurations are loaded with different values for $srctree.
+ config_prefix:
+ The value of the $CONFIG_ environment variable when the configuration was
+ loaded. This is the prefix used (and expected) on symbol names in .config
+ files and C headers. Defaults to "CONFIG_". Used in the same way in the C
+ tools.
+ Like for srctree, only the value of $CONFIG_ when the configuration is
+ loaded matters.
+ """
+ __slots__ = (
+ "_defined_syms_set",
+ "_encoding",
+ "_functions",
+ "_set_match",
+ "_unset_match",
+ "_warn_for_no_prompt",
+ "_warn_for_redun_assign",
+ "_warn_for_undef_assign",
+ "_warn_to_stderr",
+ "_warnings_enabled",
+ "choices",
+ "comments",
+ "config_prefix",
+ "const_syms",
+ "defconfig_list",
+ "defined_syms",
+ "m",
+ "mainmenu_text",
+ "menus",
+ "modules",
+ "n",
+ "named_choices",
+ "srctree",
+ "syms",
+ "top_node",
+ "variables",
+ "warnings",
+ "y",
+ # Parsing-related
+ "_parsing_kconfigs",
+ "_file",
+ "_filename",
+ "_linenr",
+ "_filestack",
+ "_line",
+ "_saved_line",
+ "_tokens",
+ "_tokens_i",
+ "_has_tokens",
+ )
+ #
+ # Public interface
+ #
+ def __init__(self, filename="Kconfig", warn=True, warn_to_stderr=True,
+ encoding="utf-8"):
+ """
+ Creates a new Kconfig object by parsing Kconfig files. Raises
+ KconfigError on syntax errors. Note that Kconfig files are not the same
+ as .config files (which store configuration symbol values).
+ If the environment variable KCONFIG_STRICT is set to "y", warnings will
+ be generated for all references to undefined symbols within Kconfig
+ files. The reason this isn't the default is that some projects (e.g.
+ the Linux kernel) use multiple Kconfig trees (one per architecture)
+ with many shared Kconfig files, leading to some safe references to
+ undefined symbols.
+ KCONFIG_STRICT relies on literal hex values being prefixed with 0x/0X.
+ They are indistinguishable from references to undefined symbols
+ otherwise.
+ KCONFIG_STRICT might enable other warnings that depend on there being
+ just a single Kconfig tree in the future.
+ filename (default: "Kconfig"):
+ The Kconfig file to load. For the Linux kernel, you'll want "Kconfig"
+ from the top-level directory, as environment variables will make sure
+ the right Kconfig is included from there (arch/$SRCARCH/Kconfig as of
+ writing).
+ If you are using Kconfiglib via 'make scriptconfig', the filename of
+ the base base Kconfig file will be in sys.argv[1]. It's currently
+ always "Kconfig" in practice.
+ The $srctree environment variable is used to look up Kconfig files
+ referenced in Kconfig files if set. See the class documentation.
+ Note: '(o)source' statements in Kconfig files always work relative to
+ $srctree (or the current directory if $srctree is unset), even if
+ 'filename' is a path with directories. This allows a subset of
+ Kconfig files to be loaded without breaking references to other
+ Kconfig files, e.g. by doing Kconfig("./sub/Kconfig"). sub/Kconfig
+ might expect to be sourced by ./Kconfig.
+ warn (default: True):
+ True if warnings related to this configuration should be generated.
+ This can be changed later with Kconfig.enable/disable_warnings(). It
+ is provided as a constructor argument since warnings might be
+ generated during parsing.
+ See the other Kconfig.enable_*_warnings() functions as well, which
+ enable or suppress certain warnings when warnings are enabled.
+ All generated warnings are added to the Kconfig.warnings list. See
+ the class documentation.
+ warn_to_stderr (default: True):
+ True if warnings should be printed to stderr in addition to being
+ added to Kconfig.warnings.
+ This can be changed later with
+ Kconfig.enable/disable_stderr_warnings().
+ encoding (default: "utf-8"):
+ The encoding to use when reading and writing files. If None, the
+ encoding specified in the current locale will be used.
+ The "utf-8" default avoids exceptions on systems that are configured
+ to use the C locale, which implies an ASCII encoding.
+ This parameter has no effect on Python 2, due to implementation
+ issues (regular strings turning into Unicode strings, which are
+ distinct in Python 2). Python 2 doesn't decode regular strings
+ anyway.
+ Related PEP:
+ """
+ self.srctree = os.environ.get("srctree", "")
+ self.config_prefix = os.environ.get("CONFIG_", "CONFIG_")
+ # Regular expressions for parsing .config files
+ self._set_match = _re_match(self.config_prefix + r"([^=]+)=(.*)")
+ self._unset_match = \
+ _re_match(r"# {}([^ ]+) is not set".format(self.config_prefix))
+ self.warnings = []
+ self._warnings_enabled = warn
+ self._warn_to_stderr = warn_to_stderr
+ self._warn_for_undef_assign = False
+ self._warn_for_redun_assign = True
+ self._encoding = encoding
+ self.syms = {}
+ self.const_syms = {}
+ self.defined_syms = []
+ self.named_choices = {}
+ self.choices = []
+ self.menus = []
+ self.comments = []
+ for nmy in "n", "m", "y":
+ sym = Symbol()
+ sym.kconfig = self
+ = nmy
+ sym.is_constant = True
+ sym.orig_type = TRISTATE
+ sym._cached_tri_val = STR_TO_TRI[nmy]
+ self.const_syms[nmy] = sym
+ self.n = self.const_syms["n"]
+ self.m = self.const_syms["m"]
+ self.y = self.const_syms["y"]
+ # Make n/m/y well-formed symbols
+ for nmy in "n", "m", "y":
+ sym = self.const_syms[nmy]
+ sym.rev_dep = sym.weak_rev_dep = sym.direct_dep = self.n
+ # Maps preprocessor variables names to Variable instances
+ self.variables = {}
+ # Predefined preprocessor functions, with min/max number of arguments
+ self._functions = {
+ "info": (_info_fn, 1, 1),
+ "error-if": (_error_if_fn, 2, 2),
+ "filename": (_filename_fn, 0, 0),
+ "lineno": (_lineno_fn, 0, 0),
+ "shell": (_shell_fn, 1, 1),
+ "warning-if": (_warning_if_fn, 2, 2),
+ }
+ # This is used to determine whether previously unseen symbols should be
+ # registered. They shouldn't be if we parse expressions after parsing,
+ # as part of Kconfig.eval_string().
+ self._parsing_kconfigs = True
+ self.modules = self._lookup_sym("MODULES")
+ self.defconfig_list = None
+ self.top_node = MenuNode()
+ self.top_node.kconfig = self
+ self.top_node.item = MENU
+ self.top_node.is_menuconfig = True
+ self.top_node.visibility = self.y
+ self.top_node.prompt = ("Main menu", self.y)
+ self.top_node.parent = None
+ self.top_node.dep = self.y
+ self.top_node.filename = os.path.relpath(filename, self.srctree)
+ self.top_node.linenr = 1
+ # Parse the Kconfig files
+ # These implement a single line of "unget" for the parser
+ self._saved_line = None
+ self._has_tokens = False
+ # Keeps track of the location in the parent Kconfig files. Kconfig
+ # files usually source other Kconfig files.
+ self._filestack = []
+ # The current parsing location
+ self._filename = os.path.relpath(filename, self.srctree)
+ self._linenr = 0
+ # Open the top-level Kconfig file
+ self._file = self._open(filename, "r")
+ try:
+ # Parse everything
+ self._parse_block(None, self.top_node, self.top_node)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
+ _decoding_error(e, self._filename)
+ self.top_node.list =
+ = None
+ # Projects like U-Boot and Zephyr make heavy use of being able to
+ # define a symbol in multiple locations. Removing duplicates makes a
+ # massive difference for U-Boot, speeding up parsing from ~4 seconds to
+ # ~0.6 seconds on my machine.
+ self._defined_syms_set = set(self.defined_syms)
+ self._parsing_kconfigs = False
+ # Do various post-processing of the menu tree
+ self._finalize_tree(self.top_node, self.y)
+ # Do sanity checks. Some of these depend on everything being
+ # finalized.
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ _check_sym_sanity(sym)
+ for choice in self.choices:
+ _check_choice_sanity(choice)
+ if os.environ.get("KCONFIG_STRICT") == "y":
+ self._check_undefined_syms()
+ # Build Symbol._dependents for all symbols and choices
+ self._build_dep()
+ # Check for dependency loops
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ _check_dep_loop_sym(sym, False)
+ # Add extra dependencies from choices to choice symbols that get
+ # awkward during dependency loop detection
+ self._add_choice_deps()
+ self._warn_for_no_prompt = True
+ self.mainmenu_text = self.top_node.prompt[0]
+ @property
+ def defconfig_filename(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ if self.defconfig_list:
+ for filename, cond in self.defconfig_list.defaults:
+ if expr_value(cond):
+ try:
+ with self._open_config(filename.str_value) as f:
+ return
+ except IOError:
+ continue
+ return None
+ def load_config(self, filename, replace=True):
+ """
+ Loads symbol values from a file in the .config format. Equivalent to
+ calling Symbol.set_value() to set each of the values.
+ "# CONFIG_FOO is not set" within a .config file sets the user value of
+ FOO to n. The C tools work the same way.
+ The Symbol.user_value attribute can be inspected afterwards to see what
+ value the symbol was assigned in the .config file (if any). The user
+ value might differ from Symbol.str/tri_value if there are unsatisfied
+ dependencies.
+ filename:
+ The file to load. Respects $srctree if set (see the class
+ documentation).
+ replace (default: True):
+ True if all existing user values should be cleared before loading the
+ .config.
+ """
+ # Disable the warning about assigning to symbols without prompts. This
+ # is normal and expected within a .config file.
+ self._warn_for_no_prompt = False
+ # This stub only exists to make sure _warn_for_no_prompt gets reenabled
+ try:
+ self._load_config(filename, replace)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
+ _decoding_error(e, filename)
+ finally:
+ self._warn_for_no_prompt = True
+ def _load_config(self, filename, replace):
+ with self._open_config(filename) as f:
+ if replace:
+ # If we're replacing the configuration, keep track of which
+ # symbols and choices got set so that we can unset the rest
+ # later. This avoids invalidating everything and is faster.
+ # Another benefit is that invalidation must be rock solid for
+ # it to work, making it a good test.
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ sym._was_set = False
+ for choice in self.choices:
+ choice._was_set = False
+ # Small optimizations
+ set_match = self._set_match
+ unset_match = self._unset_match
+ syms = self.syms
+ for linenr, line in enumerate(f, 1):
+ # The C tools ignore trailing whitespace
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ match = set_match(line)
+ if match:
+ name, val = match.groups()
+ if name not in syms:
+ self._warn_undef_assign_load(name, val, filename,
+ linenr)
+ continue
+ sym = syms[name]
+ if not sym.nodes:
+ self._warn_undef_assign_load(name, val, filename,
+ linenr)
+ continue
+ if sym.orig_type in (BOOL, TRISTATE):
+ # The C implementation only checks the first character
+ # to the right of '=', for whatever reason
+ if not ((sym.orig_type == BOOL and
+ val.startswith(("n", "y"))) or \
+ (sym.orig_type == TRISTATE and
+ val.startswith(("n", "m", "y")))):
+ self._warn("'{}' is not a valid value for the {} "
+ "symbol {}. Assignment ignored."
+ .format(val, TYPE_TO_STR[sym.orig_type],
+ _name_and_loc(sym)),
+ filename, linenr)
+ continue
+ val = val[0]
+ if sym.choice and val != "n":
+ # During .config loading, we infer the mode of the
+ # choice from the kind of values that are assigned
+ # to the choice symbols
+ prev_mode = sym.choice.user_value
+ if prev_mode is not None and \
+ TRI_TO_STR[prev_mode] != val:
+ self._warn("both m and y assigned to symbols "
+ "within the same choice",
+ filename, linenr)
+ # Set the choice's mode
+ sym.choice.set_value(val)
+ elif sym.orig_type == STRING:
+ match = _conf_string_match(val)
+ if not match:
+ self._warn("malformed string literal in "
+ "assignment to {}. Assignment ignored."
+ .format(_name_and_loc(sym)),
+ filename, linenr)
+ continue
+ val = unescape(
+ else:
+ match = unset_match(line)
+ if not match:
+ # Print a warning for lines that match neither
+ # set_match() nor unset_match() and that are not blank
+ # lines or comments. 'line' has already been
+ # rstrip()'d, so blank lines show up as "" here.
+ if line and not line.lstrip().startswith("#"):
+ self._warn("ignoring malformed line '{}'"
+ .format(line),
+ filename, linenr)
+ continue
+ name =
+ if name not in syms:
+ self._warn_undef_assign_load(name, "n", filename,
+ linenr)
+ continue
+ sym = syms[name]
+ if sym.orig_type not in (BOOL, TRISTATE):
+ continue
+ val = "n"
+ # Done parsing the assignment. Set the value.
+ if sym._was_set:
+ # Use strings for bool/tristate user values in the warning
+ if sym.orig_type in (BOOL, TRISTATE):
+ display_user_val = TRI_TO_STR[sym.user_value]
+ else:
+ display_user_val = sym.user_value
+ warn_msg = '{} set more than once. Old value: "{}", new value: "{}".'.format(
+ _name_and_loc(sym), display_user_val, val
+ )
+ if display_user_val == val:
+ self._warn_redun_assign(warn_msg, filename, linenr)
+ else:
+ self._warn( warn_msg, filename, linenr)
+ sym.set_value(val)
+ if replace:
+ # If we're replacing the configuration, unset the symbols that
+ # didn't get set
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ if not sym._was_set:
+ sym.unset_value()
+ for choice in self.choices:
+ if not choice._was_set:
+ choice.unset_value()
+ def write_autoconf(self, filename,
+ header="/* Generated by Kconfiglib ( */\n"):
+ r"""
+ Writes out symbol values as a C header file, matching the format used
+ by include/generated/autoconf.h in the kernel.
+ The ordering of the #defines matches the one generated by
+ write_config(). The order in the C implementation depends on the hash
+ table implementation as of writing, and so won't match.
+ filename:
+ Self-explanatory.
+ header (default: "/* Generated by Kconfiglib ( */\n"):
+ Text that will be inserted verbatim at the beginning of the file. You
+ would usually want it enclosed in '/* */' to make it a C comment,
+ and include a final terminating newline.
+ """
+ with self._open(filename, "w") as f:
+ f.write(header)
+ # Avoid duplicates -- see write_config()
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ sym._written = False
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ if not sym._written:
+ sym._written = True
+ # Note: _write_to_conf is determined when the value is
+ # calculated. This is a hidden function call due to
+ # property magic.
+ val = sym.str_value
+ if sym._write_to_conf:
+ if sym.orig_type in (BOOL, TRISTATE):
+ if val != "n":
+ f.write("#define {}{}{} 1\n"
+ .format(self.config_prefix,,
+ "_MODULE" if val == "m" else ""))
+ elif sym.orig_type == STRING:
+ f.write('#define {}{} "{}"\n'
+ .format(self.config_prefix,,
+ escape(val)))
+ elif sym.orig_type in (INT, HEX):
+ if sym.orig_type == HEX and \
+ not val.startswith(("0x", "0X")):
+ val = "0x" + val
+ f.write("#define {}{} {}\n"
+ .format(self.config_prefix,, val))
+ else:
+ _internal_error("Internal error while creating C "
+ 'header: unknown type "{}".'
+ .format(sym.orig_type))
+ def write_config(self, filename,
+ header="# Generated by Kconfiglib (\n"):
+ r"""
+ Writes out symbol values in the .config format. The format matches the
+ C implementation, including ordering.
+ Symbols appear in the same order in generated .config files as they do
+ in the Kconfig files. For symbols defined in multiple locations, a
+ single assignment is written out corresponding to the first location
+ where the symbol is defined.
+ See the 'Intro to symbol values' section in the module docstring to
+ understand which symbols get written out.
+ filename:
+ Self-explanatory.
+ header (default: "# Generated by Kconfiglib (\n"):
+ Text that will be inserted verbatim at the beginning of the file. You
+ would usually want each line to start with '#' to make it a comment,
+ and include a final terminating newline.
+ """
+ with self._open(filename, "w") as f:
+ f.write(header)
+ # Symbol._written is set to True when a symbol config string is
+ # fetched, so that symbols defined in multiple locations only get
+ # one .config entry. We reset it prior to writing out a new
+ # .config. It only needs to be reset for defined symbols, because
+ # undefined symbols will never be written out (because they do not
+ # appear in the menu tree rooted at Kconfig.top_node).
+ #
+ # The C tools reuse _write_to_conf for this, but we cache
+ # _write_to_conf together with the value and don't invalidate
+ # cached values when writing .config files, so that won't work.
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ sym._written = False
+ node = self.top_node.list
+ if not node:
+ # Empty configuration
+ return
+ while 1:
+ item = node.item
+ if isinstance(item, Symbol):
+ if not item._written:
+ item._written = True
+ f.write(item.config_string)
+ elif expr_value(node.dep) and \
+ ((item == MENU and expr_value(node.visibility)) or
+ item == COMMENT):
+ f.write("\n#\n# {}\n#\n".format(node.prompt[0]))
+ # Iterative tree walk using parent pointers
+ if node.list:
+ node = node.list
+ elif
+ node =
+ else:
+ while node.parent:
+ node = node.parent
+ if
+ node =
+ break
+ else:
+ return
+ def write_min_config(self, filename,
+ header="# Generated by Kconfiglib (\n"):
+ """
+ Writes out a "minimal" configuration file, omitting symbols whose value
+ matches their default value. The format matches the one produced by
+ 'make savedefconfig'.
+ The resulting configuration file is incomplete, but a complete
+ configuration can be derived from it by loading it. Minimal
+ configuration files can serve as a more manageable configuration format
+ compared to a "full" .config file, especially when configurations files
+ are merged or edited by hand.
+ filename:
+ Self-explanatory.
+ header (default: "# Generated by Kconfiglib (\n"):
+ Text that will be inserted verbatim at the beginning of the file. You
+ would usually want each line to start with '#' to make it a comment,
+ and include a final terminating newline.
+ """
+ with self._open(filename, "w") as f:
+ f.write(header)
+ # Avoid duplicates -- see write_config()
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ sym._written = False
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ if not sym._written:
+ sym._written = True
+ # Skip symbols that cannot be changed. Only check
+ # non-choice symbols, as selects don't affect choice
+ # symbols.
+ if not sym.choice and \
+ sym.visibility <= expr_value(sym.rev_dep):
+ continue
+ # Skip symbols whose value matches their default
+ if sym.str_value == sym._str_default():
+ continue
+ # Skip symbols that would be selected by default in a
+ # choice, unless the choice is optional or the symbol type
+ # isn't bool (it might be possible to set the choice mode
+ # to n or the symbol to m in those cases).
+ if sym.choice and \
+ not sym.choice.is_optional and \
+ sym.choice._get_selection_from_defaults() is sym and \
+ sym.orig_type == BOOL and \
+ sym.tri_value == 2:
+ continue
+ f.write(sym.config_string)
+ def sync_deps(self, path):
+ """
+ Creates or updates a directory structure that can be used to avoid
+ doing a full rebuild whenever the configuration is changed, mirroring
+ include/config/ in the kernel.
+ This function is intended to be called during each build, before
+ compiling source files that depend on configuration symbols.
+ path:
+ Path to directory
+ sync_deps(path) does the following:
+ 1. If the directory <path> does not exist, it is created.
+ 2. If <path>/auto.conf exists, old symbol values are loaded from it,
+ which are then compared against the current symbol values. If a
+ symbol has changed value (would generate different output in
+ autoconf.h compared to before), the change is signaled by
+ touch'ing a file corresponding to the symbol.
+ The first time sync_deps() is run on a directory, <path>/auto.conf
+ won't exist, and no old symbol values will be available. This
+ logically has the same effect as updating the entire
+ configuration.
+ The path to a symbol's file is calculated from the symbol's name
+ by replacing all '_' with '/' and appending '.h'. For example, the
+ symbol FOO_BAR_BAZ gets the file <path>/foo/bar/baz.h, and FOO
+ gets the file <path>/foo.h.
+ This scheme matches the C tools. The point is to avoid having a
+ single directory with a huge number of files, which the underlying
+ filesystem might not handle well.
+ 3. A new auto.conf with the current symbol values is written, to keep
+ track of them for the next build.
+ The last piece of the puzzle is knowing what symbols each source file
+ depends on. Knowing that, dependencies can be added from source files
+ to the files corresponding to the symbols they depends on. The source
+ file will then get recompiled (only) when the symbol value changes
+ (provided sync_deps() is run first during each build).
+ The tool in the kernel that extracts symbol dependencies from source
+ files is scripts/basic/fixdep.c. Missing symbol files also correspond
+ to "not changed", which fixdep deals with by using the $(wildcard) Make
+ function when adding symbol prerequisites to source files.
+ In case you need a different scheme for your project, the sync_deps()
+ implementation can be used as a template."""
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ os.mkdir(path, 0o755)
+ # This setup makes sure that at least the current working directory
+ # gets reset if things fail
+ prev_dir = os.getcwd()
+ try:
+ # cd'ing into the symbol file directory simplifies
+ # _sync_deps() and saves some work
+ os.chdir(path)
+ self._sync_deps()
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(prev_dir)
+ def _sync_deps(self):
+ # Load old values from auto.conf, if any
+ self._load_old_vals()
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ # Note: _write_to_conf is determined when the value is
+ # calculated. This is a hidden function call due to
+ # property magic.
+ val = sym.str_value
+ # Note: n tristate values do not get written to auto.conf and
+ # autoconf.h, making a missing symbol logically equivalent to n
+ if sym._write_to_conf:
+ if sym._old_val is None and \
+ sym.orig_type in (BOOL, TRISTATE) and \
+ val == "n":
+ # No old value (the symbol was missing or n), new value n.
+ # No change.
+ continue
+ if val == sym._old_val:
+ # New value matches old. No change.
+ continue
+ elif sym._old_val is None:
+ # The symbol wouldn't appear in autoconf.h (because
+ # _write_to_conf is false), and it wouldn't have appeared in
+ # autoconf.h previously either (because it didn't appear in
+ # auto.conf). No change.
+ continue
+ # 'sym' has a new value. Flag it.
+ sym_path ="_", os.sep) + ".h"
+ sym_path_dir = os.path.dirname(sym_path)
+ if sym_path_dir and not os.path.exists(sym_path_dir):
+ os.makedirs(sym_path_dir, 0o755)
+ # A kind of truncating touch, mirroring the C tools
+ os.close(
+ sym_path, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC, 0o644))
+ # Remember the current values as the "new old" values.
+ #
+ # This call could go anywhere after the call to _load_old_vals(), but
+ # putting it last means _sync_deps() can be safely rerun if it fails
+ # before this point.
+ self._write_old_vals()
+ def _write_old_vals(self):
+ # Helper for writing auto.conf. Basically just a simplified
+ # write_config() that doesn't write any comments (including
+ # '# CONFIG_FOO is not set' comments). The format matches the C
+ # implementation, though the ordering is arbitrary there (depends on
+ # the hash table implementation).
+ #
+ # A separate helper function is neater than complicating write_config()
+ # by passing a flag to it, plus we only need to look at symbols here.
+ with self._open("auto.conf", "w") as f:
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ sym._written = False
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ if not sym._written:
+ sym._written = True
+ if not (sym.orig_type in (BOOL, TRISTATE) and
+ not sym.tri_value):
+ f.write(sym.config_string)
+ def _load_old_vals(self):
+ # Loads old symbol values from auto.conf into a dedicated
+ # Symbol._old_val field. Mirrors load_config().
+ #
+ # The extra field could be avoided with some trickery involving dumping
+ # symbol values and restoring them later, but this is simpler and
+ # faster. The C tools also use a dedicated field for this purpose.
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ sym._old_val = None
+ if not os.path.exists("auto.conf"):
+ # No old values
+ return
+ with self._open("auto.conf", "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ match = self._set_match(line)
+ if not match:
+ # We only expect CONFIG_FOO=... (and possibly a header
+ # comment) in auto.conf
+ continue
+ name, val = match.groups()
+ if name in self.syms:
+ sym = self.syms[name]
+ if sym.orig_type == STRING:
+ match = _conf_string_match(val)
+ if not match:
+ continue
+ val = unescape(
+ self.syms[name]._old_val = val
+ def eval_string(self, s):
+ """
+ Returns the tristate value of the expression 's', represented as 0, 1,
+ and 2 for n, m, and y, respectively. Raises KconfigError if syntax
+ errors are detected in 's'. Warns if undefined symbols are referenced.
+ As an example, if FOO and BAR are tristate symbols at least one of
+ which has the value y, then config.eval_string("y && (FOO || BAR)")
+ returns 2 (y).
+ To get the string value of non-bool/tristate symbols, use
+ Symbol.str_value. eval_string() always returns a tristate value, and
+ all non-bool/tristate symbols have the tristate value 0 (n).
+ The expression parsing is consistent with how parsing works for
+ conditional ('if ...') expressions in the configuration, and matches
+ the C implementation. m is rewritten to 'm && MODULES', so
+ eval_string("m") will return 0 (n) unless modules are enabled.
+ """
+ # The parser is optimized to be fast when parsing Kconfig files (where
+ # an expression can never appear at the beginning of a line). We have
+ # to monkey-patch things a bit here to reuse it.
+ self._filename = None
+ # Don't include the "if " from below to avoid giving confusing error
+ # messages
+ self._line = s
+ # Remove the _T_IF token
+ self._tokens = self._tokenize("if " + s)[1:]
+ self._tokens_i = -1
+ return expr_value(self._parse_expr(True)) # transform_m
+ def unset_values(self):
+ """
+ Resets the user values of all symbols, as if Kconfig.load_config() or
+ Symbol.set_value() had never been called.
+ """
+ self._warn_for_no_prompt = False
+ try:
+ # set_value() already rejects undefined symbols, and they don't
+ # need to be invalidated (because their value never changes), so we
+ # can just iterate over defined symbols
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ sym.unset_value()
+ for choice in self.choices:
+ choice.unset_value()
+ finally:
+ self._warn_for_no_prompt = True
+ def enable_warnings(self):
+ """
+ See Kconfig.__init__().
+ """
+ self._warnings_enabled = True
+ def disable_warnings(self):
+ """
+ See Kconfig.__init__().
+ """
+ self._warnings_enabled = False
+ def enable_stderr_warnings(self):
+ """
+ See Kconfig.__init__().
+ """
+ self._warn_to_stderr = True
+ def disable_stderr_warnings(self):
+ """
+ See Kconfig.__init__().
+ """
+ self._warn_to_stderr = False
+ def enable_undef_warnings(self):
+ """
+ Enables warnings for assignments to undefined symbols. Disabled by
+ default since they tend to be spammy for Kernel configurations (and
+ mostly suggests cleanups).
+ """
+ self._warn_for_undef_assign = True
+ def disable_undef_warnings(self):
+ """
+ See enable_undef_assign().
+ """
+ self._warn_for_undef_assign = False
+ def enable_redun_warnings(self):
+ """
+ Enables warnings for duplicated assignments in .config files that all
+ set the same value.
+ These warnings are enabled by default. Disabling them might be helpful
+ in certain cases when merging configurations.
+ """
+ self._warn_for_redun_assign = True
+ def disable_redun_warnings(self):
+ """
+ See enable_redun_warnings().
+ """
+ self._warn_for_redun_assign = False
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ Returns a string with information about the Kconfig object when it is
+ evaluated on e.g. the interactive Python prompt.
+ """
+ return "<{}>".format(", ".join((
+ "configuration with {} symbols".format(len(self.syms)),
+ 'main menu prompt "{}"'.format(self.mainmenu_text),
+ "srctree is current directory" if not self.srctree else
+ 'srctree "{}"'.format(self.srctree),
+ 'config symbol prefix "{}"'.format(self.config_prefix),
+ "warnings " +
+ ("enabled" if self._warnings_enabled else "disabled"),
+ "printing of warnings to stderr " +
+ ("enabled" if self._warn_to_stderr else "disabled"),
+ "undef. symbol assignment warnings " +
+ ("enabled" if self._warn_for_undef_assign else "disabled"),
+ "redundant symbol assignment warnings " +
+ ("enabled" if self._warn_for_redun_assign else "disabled")
+ )))
+ #
+ # Private methods
+ #
+ #
+ # File reading
+ #
+ def _open_config(self, filename):
+ # Opens a .config file. First tries to open 'filename', then
+ # '$srctree/filename' if $srctree was set when the configuration was
+ # loaded.
+ try:
+ return self._open(filename, "r")
+ except IOError as e:
+ # This will try opening the same file twice if $srctree is unset,
+ # but it's not a big deal
+ try:
+ return self._open(os.path.join(self.srctree, filename), "r")
+ except IOError as e2:
+ # This is needed for Python 3, because e2 is deleted after
+ # the try block:
+ #
+ #
+ e = e2
+ raise IOError("\n" + textwrap.fill(
+ "Could not open '{}' ({}: {}){}".format(
+ filename, errno.errorcode[e.errno], e.strerror,
+ self._srctree_hint()),
+ 80))
+ def _enter_file(self, full_filename, rel_filename):
+ # Jumps to the beginning of a sourced Kconfig file, saving the previous
+ # position and file object.
+ #
+ # full_filename:
+ # Actual path to the file.
+ #
+ # rel_filename:
+ # File path with $srctree prefix stripped, stored in e.g.
+ # self._filename (which makes it indirectly show up in
+ # MenuNode.filename). Equals full_filename for absolute paths.
+ self._filestack.append((self._filename, self._linenr, self._file))
+ # Check for recursive 'source'
+ for name, _, _ in self._filestack:
+ if name == rel_filename:
+ raise KconfigError(
+ "\n{}:{}: Recursive 'source' of '{}' detected. Check that "
+ "environment variables are set correctly.\n"
+ "Backtrace:\n{}"
+ .format(self._filename, self._linenr, filename,
+ "\n".join("{}:{}".format(name, linenr)
+ for name, linenr, _
+ in reversed(self._filestack))))
+ # Note: We already know that the file exists
+ try:
+ self._file = self._open(full_filename, "r")
+ except IOError as e:
+ raise IOError("{}:{}: Could not open '{}' ({}: {})".format(
+ self._filename, self._linenr, full_filename,
+ errno.errorcode[e.errno], e.strerror))
+ self._filename = rel_filename
+ self._linenr = 0
+ def _leave_file(self):
+ # Returns from a Kconfig file to the file that sourced it
+ self._file.close()
+ self._filename, self._linenr, self._file = self._filestack.pop()
+ def _next_line(self):
+ # Fetches and tokenizes the next line from the current Kconfig file.
+ # Returns False at EOF and True otherwise.
+ # _saved_line provides a single line of "unget", currently only used
+ # for help texts.
+ #
+ # This also works as expected if _saved_line is "", indicating EOF:
+ # "" is falsy, and readline() returns "" over and over at EOF.
+ if self._saved_line:
+ self._line = self._saved_line
+ self._saved_line = None
+ else:
+ self._line = self._file.readline()
+ if not self._line:
+ return False
+ self._linenr += 1
+ # Handle line joining
+ while self._line.endswith("\\\n"):
+ self._line = self._line[:-2] + self._file.readline()
+ self._linenr += 1
+ self._tokens = self._tokenize(self._line)
+ self._tokens_i = -1 # Token index (minus one)
+ return True
+ #
+ # Tokenization
+ #
+ def _lookup_sym(self, name):
+ # Fetches the symbol 'name' from the symbol table, creating and
+ # registering it if it does not exist. If '_parsing_kconfigs' is False,
+ # it means we're in eval_string(), and new symbols won't be registered.
+ if name in self.syms:
+ return self.syms[name]
+ sym = Symbol()
+ sym.kconfig = self
+ = name
+ sym.is_constant = False
+ sym.rev_dep = sym.weak_rev_dep = sym.direct_dep = self.n
+ if self._parsing_kconfigs:
+ self.syms[name] = sym
+ else:
+ self._warn("no symbol {} in configuration".format(name))
+ return sym
+ def _lookup_const_sym(self, name):
+ # Like _lookup_sym(), for constant (quoted) symbols
+ if name in self.const_syms:
+ return self.const_syms[name]
+ sym = Symbol()
+ sym.kconfig = self
+ = name
+ sym.is_constant = True
+ sym.rev_dep = sym.weak_rev_dep = sym.direct_dep = self.n
+ if self._parsing_kconfigs:
+ self.const_syms[name] = sym
+ return sym
+ def _tokenize(self, s):
+ # Parses 's', returning a None-terminated list of tokens. Registers any
+ # new symbols encountered with _lookup(_const)_sym().
+ #
+ # Tries to be reasonably speedy by processing chunks of text via
+ # regexes and string operations where possible. This is the biggest
+ # hotspot during parsing.
+ #
+ # Note: It might be possible to rewrite this to 'yield' tokens instead,
+ # working across multiple lines. The 'option env' lookback thing below
+ # complicates things though.
+ # Initial token on the line
+ match = _command_match(s)
+ if not match:
+ if s.isspace() or s.lstrip().startswith("#"):
+ return (None,)
+ self._parse_error("unknown token at start of line")
+ # Tricky implementation detail: While parsing a token, 'token' refers
+ # to the previous token. See _STRING_LEX for why this is needed.
+ token = _get_keyword(
+ if not token:
+ # Backwards compatibility with old versions of the C tools, which
+ # (accidentally) accepted stuff like "--help--" and "-help---".
+ # This was fixed in the C tools by commit c2264564 ("kconfig: warn
+ # of unhandled characters in Kconfig commands"), committed in July
+ # 2015, but it seems people still run Kconfiglib on older kernels.
+ if s.strip(" \t\n-") == "help":
+ return (_T_HELP, None)
+ # If the first token is not a keyword (and not a weird help token),
+ # we have a preprocessor variable assignment (or a bare macro on a
+ # line)
+ self._parse_assignment(s)
+ return (None,)
+ tokens = [token]
+ # The current index in the string being tokenized
+ i = match.end()
+ # Main tokenization loop (for tokens past the first one)
+ while i < len(s):
+ # Test for an identifier/keyword first. This is the most common
+ # case.
+ match = _id_keyword_match(s, i)
+ if match:
+ # We have an identifier or keyword
+ # Jump past it
+ i = match.end()
+ # Check what it is. lookup_sym() will take care of allocating
+ # new symbols for us the first time we see them. Note that
+ # 'token' still refers to the previous token.
+ name =
+ keyword = _get_keyword(name)
+ if keyword:
+ # It's a keyword
+ token = keyword
+ elif token not in _STRING_LEX:
+ # It's a non-const symbol, except we translate n, m, and y
+ # into the corresponding constant symbols, like the C
+ # implementation
+ token = self.const_syms[name] \
+ if name in ("n", "m", "y") else \
+ self._lookup_sym(name)
+ else:
+ # It's a case of missing quotes. For example, the
+ # following is accepted:
+ #
+ # menu unquoted_title
+ #
+ # config A
+ # tristate unquoted_prompt
+ #
+ # endmenu
+ token = name
+ else:
+ # Neither a keyword nor a non-const symbol (except
+ # $()-expansion might still yield a non-const symbol).
+ # We always strip whitespace after tokens, so it is safe to
+ # assume that s[i] is the start of a token here.
+ c = s[i]
+ if c in "\"'":
+ s, end_i = self._expand_str(s, i, c)
+ # os.path.expandvars() and the $UNAME_RELEASE replace() is
+ # a backwards compatibility hack, which should be
+ # reasonably safe as expandvars() leaves references to
+ # undefined env. vars. as is.
+ #
+ # The preprocessor functionality changed how environment
+ # variables are referenced, to $(FOO).
+ val = os.path.expandvars(
+ s[i + 1:end_i - 1].replace("$UNAME_RELEASE",
+ platform.uname()[2]))
+ i = end_i
+ # This is the only place where we don't survive with a
+ # single token of lookback: 'option env="FOO"' does not
+ # refer to a constant symbol named "FOO".
+ token = val \
+ if token in _STRING_LEX or \
+ tokens[0] == _T_OPTION else \
+ self._lookup_const_sym(val)
+ elif s.startswith("&&", i):
+ token = _T_AND
+ i += 2
+ elif s.startswith("||", i):
+ token = _T_OR
+ i += 2
+ elif c == "=":
+ token = _T_EQUAL
+ i += 1
+ elif s.startswith("!=", i):
+ token = _T_UNEQUAL
+ i += 2
+ elif c == "!":
+ token = _T_NOT
+ i += 1
+ elif c == "(":
+ token = _T_OPEN_PAREN
+ i += 1
+ elif c == ")":
+ token = _T_CLOSE_PAREN
+ i += 1
+ elif s.startswith("$(", i):
+ s, end_i = self._expand_macro(s, i, ())
+ val = s[i:end_i]
+ # isspace() is False for empty strings
+ if not val.strip():
+ # Avoid creating a Kconfig symbol with a blank name.
+ # It's almost guaranteed to be an error.
+ self._parse_error("macro expanded to blank string")
+ i = end_i
+ # Compatibility with what the C implementation does. Might
+ # be unexpected that you can reference non-constant symbols
+ # this way though...
+ token = self.const_syms[val] \
+ if val in ("n", "m", "y") else \
+ self._lookup_sym(val)
+ elif c == "#":
+ break
+ # Very rare
+ elif s.startswith("<=", i):
+ token = _T_LESS_EQUAL
+ i += 2
+ elif c == "<":
+ token = _T_LESS
+ i += 1
+ elif s.startswith(">=", i):
+ token = _T_GREATER_EQUAL
+ i += 2
+ elif c == ">":
+ token = _T_GREATER
+ i += 1
+ else:
+ self._parse_error("unknown tokens in line")
+ # Skip trailing whitespace
+ while i < len(s) and s[i].isspace():
+ i += 1
+ # Add the token
+ tokens.append(token)
+ # None-terminating the token list makes the token fetching functions
+ # simpler/faster
+ tokens.append(None)
+ return tokens
+ def _next_token(self):
+ self._tokens_i += 1
+ return self._tokens[self._tokens_i]
+ def _peek_token(self):
+ return self._tokens[self._tokens_i + 1]
+ # The functions below are just _next_token() with extra syntax checking.
+ # Inlining _next_token() and _peek_token() into them saves a few % of
+ # parsing time.
+ #
+ # See the 'Intro to expressions' section for what a constant symbol is.
+ def _expect_sym(self):
+ self._tokens_i += 1
+ token = self._tokens[self._tokens_i]
+ if not isinstance(token, Symbol):
+ self._parse_error("expected symbol")
+ return token
+ def _expect_nonconst_sym(self):
+ self._tokens_i += 1
+ token = self._tokens[self._tokens_i]
+ if not isinstance(token, Symbol) or token.is_constant:
+ self._parse_error("expected nonconstant symbol")
+ return token
+ def _expect_nonconst_sym_and_eol(self):
+ self._tokens_i += 1
+ token = self._tokens[self._tokens_i]
+ if not isinstance(token, Symbol) or token.is_constant:
+ self._parse_error("expected nonconstant symbol")
+ if self._tokens[self._tokens_i + 1] is not None:
+ self._parse_error("extra tokens at end of line")
+ return token
+ def _expect_str(self):
+ self._tokens_i += 1
+ token = self._tokens[self._tokens_i]
+ if not isinstance(token, str):
+ self._parse_error("expected string")
+ return token
+ def _expect_str_and_eol(self):
+ self._tokens_i += 1
+ token = self._tokens[self._tokens_i]
+ if not isinstance(token, str):
+ self._parse_error("expected string")
+ if self._tokens[self._tokens_i + 1] is not None:
+ self._parse_error("extra tokens at end of line")
+ return token
+ def _check_token(self, token):
+ # If the next token is 'token', removes it and returns True
+ if self._tokens[self._tokens_i + 1] == token:
+ self._tokens_i += 1
+ return True
+ return False
+ #
+ # Preprocessor logic
+ #
+ def _parse_assignment(self, s):
+ # Parses a preprocessor variable assignment, registering the variable
+ # if it doesn't already exist. Also takes care of bare macros on lines
+ # (which are allowed, and can be useful for their side effects).
+ # Expand any macros in the left-hand side of the assignment (the
+ # variable name)
+ s = s.lstrip()
+ i = 0
+ while 1:
+ i = _assignment_lhs_fragment_match(s, i).end()
+ if s.startswith("$(", i):
+ s, i = self._expand_macro(s, i, ())
+ else:
+ break
+ if s.isspace():
+ # We also accept a bare macro on a line (e.g.
+ # $(warning-if,$(foo),ops)), provided it expands to a blank string
+ return
+ # Assigned variable
+ name = s[:i]
+ # Extract assignment operator (=, :=, or +=) and value
+ rhs_match = _assignment_rhs_match(s, i)
+ if not rhs_match:
+ self._parse_error("syntax error")
+ op, val = rhs_match.groups()
+ if name in self.variables:
+ # Already seen variable
+ var = self.variables[name]
+ else:
+ # New variable
+ var = Variable()
+ var.kconfig = self
+ = name
+ var._n_expansions = 0
+ self.variables[name] = var
+ # += acts like = on undefined variables (defines a recursive
+ # variable)
+ if op == "+=":
+ op = "="
+ if op == "=":
+ var.is_recursive = True
+ var.value = val
+ elif op == ":=":
+ var.is_recursive = False
+ var.value = self._expand_whole(val, ())
+ else: # op == "+="
+ # += does immediate expansion if the variable was last set
+ # with :=
+ var.value += " " + (val if var.is_recursive else \
+ self._expand_whole(val, ()))
+ def _expand_whole(self, s, args):
+ # Expands preprocessor macros in all of 's'. Used whenever we don't
+ # have to worry about delimiters. See _expand_macro() re. the 'args'
+ # parameter.
+ #
+ # Returns the expanded string.
+ i = 0
+ while 1:
+ i = s.find("$(", i)
+ if i == -1:
+ break
+ s, i = self._expand_macro(s, i, args)
+ return s
+ def _expand_str(self, s, i, quote):
+ # Expands a quoted string starting at index 'i' in 's'. Handles both
+ # backslash escapes and macro expansion.
+ #
+ # Returns the expanded 's' (including the part before the string) and
+ # the index of the first character after the expanded string in 's'.
+ i += 1 # Skip over initial "/'
+ while 1:
+ match = _string_special_search(s, i)
+ if not match:
+ self._parse_error("unterminated string")
+ if == quote:
+ # Found the end of the string
+ return (s, match.end())
+ elif == "\\":
+ # Replace '\x' with 'x'. 'i' ends up pointing to the character
+ # after 'x', which allows macros to be canceled with '\$(foo)'.
+ i = match.end()
+ s = s[:match.start()] + s[i:]
+ elif == "$(":
+ # A macro call within the string
+ s, i = self._expand_macro(s, match.start(), ())
+ else:
+ # A ' quote within " quotes or vice versa
+ i += 1
+ def _expand_macro(self, s, i, args):
+ # Expands a macro starting at index 'i' in 's'. If this macro resulted
+ # from the expansion of another macro, 'args' holds the arguments
+ # passed to that macro.
+ #
+ # Returns the expanded 's' (including the part before the macro) and
+ # the index of the first character after the expanded macro in 's'.
+ start = i
+ i += 2 # Skip over "$("
+ # Start of current macro argument
+ arg_start = i
+ # Arguments of this macro call
+ new_args = []
+ while 1:
+ match = _macro_special_search(s, i)
+ if not match:
+ self._parse_error("missing end parenthesis in macro expansion")
+ if == ")":
+ # Found the end of the macro
+ new_args.append(s[arg_start:match.start()])
+ prefix = s[:start]
+ # $(1) is replaced by the first argument to the function, etc.,
+ # provided at least that many arguments were passed
+ try:
+ # Does the macro look like an integer, with a corresponding
+ # argument? If so, expand it to the value of the argument.
+ prefix += args[int(new_args[0])]
+ except (ValueError, IndexError):
+ # Regular variables are just functions without arguments,
+ # and also go through the function value path
+ prefix += self._fn_val(new_args)
+ return (prefix + s[match.end():],
+ len(prefix))
+ elif == ",":
+ # Found the end of a macro argument
+ new_args.append(s[arg_start:match.start()])
+ arg_start = i = match.end()
+ else: # == "$("
+ # A nested macro call within the macro
+ s, i = self._expand_macro(s, match.start(), args)
+ def _fn_val(self, args):
+ # Returns the result of calling the function args[0] with the arguments
+ # args[1..len(args)-1]. Plain variables are treated as functions
+ # without arguments.
+ fn = args[0]
+ if fn in self.variables:
+ var = self.variables[fn]
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # Plain variable
+ if var._n_expansions:
+ self._parse_error("Preprocessor variable {} recursively "
+ "references itself".format(
+ elif var._n_expansions > 100:
+ # Allow functions to call themselves, but guess that functions
+ # that are overly recursive are stuck
+ self._parse_error("Preprocessor function {} seems stuck "
+ "in infinite recursion".format(
+ var._n_expansions += 1
+ res = self._expand_whole(self.variables[fn].value, args)
+ var._n_expansions -= 1
+ return res
+ if fn in self._functions:
+ # Built-in function
+ py_fn, min_arg, max_arg = self._functions[fn]
+ if not min_arg <= len(args) - 1 <= max_arg:
+ if min_arg == max_arg:
+ expected_args = min_arg
+ else:
+ expected_args = "{}-{}".format(min_arg, max_arg)
+ raise KconfigError("{}:{}: bad number of arguments in call "
+ "to {}, expected {}, got {}"
+ .format(self._filename, self._linenr, fn,
+ expected_args, len(args) - 1))
+ return py_fn(self, args)
+ # Environment variables are tried last
+ if fn in os.environ:
+ return os.environ[fn]
+ return ""
+ #
+ # Parsing
+ #
+ def _make_and(self, e1, e2):
+ # Constructs an AND (&&) expression. Performs trivial simplification.
+ if e1 is self.y:
+ return e2
+ if e2 is self.y:
+ return e1
+ if e1 is self.n or e2 is self.n:
+ return self.n
+ return (AND, e1, e2)
+ def _make_or(self, e1, e2):
+ # Constructs an OR (||) expression. Performs trivial simplification.
+ if e1 is self.n:
+ return e2
+ if e2 is self.n:
+ return e1
+ if e1 is self.y or e2 is self.y:
+ return self.y
+ return (OR, e1, e2)
+ def _parse_block(self, end_token, parent, prev):
+ # Parses a block, which is the contents of either a file or an if,
+ # menu, or choice statement.
+ #
+ # end_token:
+ # The token that ends the block, e.g. _T_ENDIF ("endif") for ifs.
+ # None for files.
+ #
+ # parent:
+ # The parent menu node, corresponding to a menu, Choice, or 'if'.
+ # 'if's are flattened after parsing.
+ #
+ # prev:
+ # The previous menu node. New nodes will be added after this one (by
+ # modifying their 'next' pointer).
+ #
+ # 'prev' is reused to parse a list of child menu nodes (for a menu or
+ # Choice): After parsing the children, the 'next' pointer is assigned
+ # to the 'list' pointer to "tilt up" the children above the node.
+ #
+ # Returns the final menu node in the block (or 'prev' if the block is
+ # empty). This allows chaining.
+ # We might already have tokens from parsing a line to check if it's a
+ # property and discovering it isn't. self._has_tokens functions as a
+ # kind of "unget".
+ while self._has_tokens or self._next_line():
+ self._has_tokens = False
+ t0 = self._next_token()
+ if t0 is None:
+ continue
+ if t0 in (_T_CONFIG, _T_MENUCONFIG):
+ # The tokenizer allocates Symbol objects for us
+ sym = self._expect_nonconst_sym_and_eol()
+ self.defined_syms.append(sym)
+ node = MenuNode()
+ node.kconfig = self
+ node.item = sym
+ node.is_menuconfig = (t0 == _T_MENUCONFIG)
+ node.prompt = = node.list = None
+ node.parent = parent
+ node.filename = self._filename
+ node.linenr = self._linenr
+ sym.nodes.append(node)
+ self._parse_properties(node)
+ if node.is_menuconfig and not node.prompt:
+ self._warn("the menuconfig symbol {} has no prompt"
+ .format(_name_and_loc(node.item)))
+ # Tricky Python semantics: This assign before prev
+ = prev = node
+ pattern = self._expect_str_and_eol()
+ # Check if the pattern is absolute and avoid stripping srctree
+ # from it below in that case. We must do the check before
+ # join()'ing, as srctree might be an absolute path.
+ isabs = os.path.isabs(pattern)
+ if t0 in (_T_RSOURCE, _T_ORSOURCE):
+ # Relative source
+ pattern = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename),
+ pattern)
+ # Sort the glob results to ensure a consistent ordering of
+ # Kconfig symbols, which indirectly ensures a consistent
+ # ordering in e.g. .config files
+ filenames = \
+ sorted(glob.iglob(os.path.join(self.srctree, pattern)))
+ if not filenames and t0 in (_T_SOURCE, _T_RSOURCE):
+ raise KconfigError("\n" + textwrap.fill(
+ "{}:{}: '{}' does not exist{}".format(
+ self._filename, self._linenr, pattern,
+ self._srctree_hint()),
+ 80))
+ for filename in filenames:
+ self._enter_file(
+ filename,
+ # Unless an absolute path is passed to *source, strip
+ # the $srctree prefix from the filename. That way it
+ # appears without a $srctree prefix in
+ # MenuNode.filename, which is nice e.g. when generating
+ # documentation.
+ filename if isabs else
+ os.path.relpath(filename, self.srctree))
+ prev = self._parse_block(None, parent, prev)
+ self._leave_file()
+ elif t0 == end_token:
+ # We have reached the end of the block. Terminate the final
+ # node and return it.
+ = None
+ return prev
+ elif t0 == _T_IF:
+ node = MenuNode()
+ node.item = node.prompt = None
+ node.parent = parent
+ node.filename = self._filename
+ node.linenr = self._linenr
+ node.dep = self._parse_expr(True)
+ self._parse_block(_T_ENDIF, node, node)
+ node.list =
+ = prev = node
+ elif t0 == _T_MENU:
+ node = MenuNode()
+ node.kconfig = self
+ node.item = MENU
+ node.is_menuconfig = True
+ node.prompt = (self._expect_str_and_eol(), self.y)
+ node.visibility = self.y
+ node.parent = parent
+ node.filename = self._filename
+ node.linenr = self._linenr
+ self.menus.append(node)
+ self._parse_properties(node)
+ self._parse_block(_T_ENDMENU, node, node)
+ node.list =
+ = prev = node
+ elif t0 == _T_COMMENT:
+ node = MenuNode()
+ node.kconfig = self
+ node.item = COMMENT
+ node.is_menuconfig = False
+ node.prompt = (self._expect_str_and_eol(), self.y)
+ node.list = None
+ node.parent = parent
+ node.filename = self._filename
+ node.linenr = self._linenr
+ self.comments.append(node)
+ self._parse_properties(node)
+ = prev = node
+ elif t0 == _T_CHOICE:
+ if self._peek_token() is None:
+ choice = Choice()
+ choice.direct_dep = self.n
+ self.choices.append(choice)
+ else:
+ # Named choice
+ name = self._expect_str_and_eol()
+ choice = self.named_choices.get(name)
+ if not choice:
+ choice = Choice()
+ = name
+ choice.direct_dep = self.n
+ self.choices.append(choice)
+ self.named_choices[name] = choice
+ choice.kconfig = self
+ node = MenuNode()
+ node.kconfig = self
+ node.item = choice
+ node.is_menuconfig = True
+ node.prompt = = None
+ node.parent = parent
+ node.filename = self._filename
+ node.linenr = self._linenr
+ choice.nodes.append(node)
+ self._parse_properties(node)
+ self._parse_block(_T_ENDCHOICE, node, node)
+ node.list =
+ = prev = node
+ elif t0 == _T_MAINMENU:
+ self.top_node.prompt = (self._expect_str_and_eol(), self.y)
+ self.top_node.filename = self._filename
+ self.top_node.linenr = self._linenr
+ else:
+ self._parse_error("unrecognized construct")
+ # End of file reached. Terminate the final node and return it.
+ if end_token:
+ raise KconfigError("Unexpected end of file " + self._filename)
+ = None
+ return prev
+ def _parse_cond(self):
+ # Parses an optional 'if <expr>' construct and returns the parsed
+ # <expr>, or self.y if the next token is not _T_IF
+ expr = self._parse_expr(True) if self._check_token(_T_IF) else self.y
+ if self._peek_token() is not None:
+ self._parse_error("extra tokens at end of line")
+ return expr
+ def _parse_properties(self, node):
+ # Parses and adds properties to the MenuNode 'node' (type, 'prompt',
+ # 'default's, etc.) Properties are later copied up to symbols and
+ # choices in a separate pass after parsing, in _add_props_to_sc().
+ #
+ # An older version of this code added properties directly to symbols
+ # and choices instead of to their menu nodes (and handled dependency
+ # propagation simultaneously), but that loses information on where a
+ # property is added when a symbol or choice is defined in multiple
+ # locations. Some Kconfig configuration systems rely heavily on such
+ # symbols, and better docs can be generated by keeping track of where
+ # properties are added.
+ #
+ # node:
+ # The menu node we're parsing properties on
+ # Dependencies from 'depends on'. Will get propagated to the properties
+ # below.
+ node.dep = self.y
+ while self._next_line():
+ t0 = self._next_token()
+ if t0 is None:
+ continue
+ if t0 in _TYPE_TOKENS:
+ self._set_type(node, _TOKEN_TO_TYPE[t0])
+ if self._peek_token() is not None:
+ self._parse_prompt(node)
+ elif t0 == _T_DEPENDS:
+ if not self._check_token(_T_ON):
+ self._parse_error('expected "on" after "depends"')
+ node.dep = self._make_and(node.dep, self._parse_expr(True))
+ elif t0 == _T_HELP:
+ self._parse_help(node)
+ elif t0 == _T_SELECT:
+ if not isinstance(node.item, Symbol):
+ self._parse_error("only symbols can select")
+ node.selects.append((self._expect_nonconst_sym(),
+ self._parse_cond()))
+ elif t0 == _T_IMPLY:
+ if not isinstance(node.item, Symbol):
+ self._parse_error("only symbols can imply")
+ node.implies.append((self._expect_nonconst_sym(),
+ self._parse_cond()))
+ elif t0 == _T_DEFAULT:
+ node.defaults.append((self._parse_expr(False),
+ self._parse_cond()))
+ self._set_type(node, _TOKEN_TO_TYPE[t0])
+ node.defaults.append((self._parse_expr(False),
+ self._parse_cond()))
+ elif t0 == _T_PROMPT:
+ self._parse_prompt(node)
+ elif t0 == _T_RANGE:
+ node.ranges.append((self._expect_sym(),
+ self._expect_sym(),
+ self._parse_cond()))
+ elif t0 == _T_OPTION:
+ if self._check_token(_T_ENV):
+ if not self._check_token(_T_EQUAL):
+ self._parse_error('expected "=" after "env"')
+ env_var = self._expect_str_and_eol()
+ node.item.env_var = env_var
+ if env_var in os.environ:
+ node.defaults.append(
+ (self._lookup_const_sym(os.environ[env_var]),
+ self.y))
+ else:
+ self._warn("{1} has 'option env=\"{0}\"', "
+ "but the environment variable {0} is not "
+ "set".format(, env_var),
+ self._filename, self._linenr)
+ if env_var !=
+ self._warn("Kconfiglib expands environment variables "
+ "in strings directly, meaning you do not "
+ "need 'option env=...' \"bounce\" symbols. "
+ "For compatibility with the C tools, "
+ "rename {} to {} (so that the symbol name "
+ "matches the environment variable name)."
+ .format(, env_var),
+ self._filename, self._linenr)
+ elif self._check_token(_T_DEFCONFIG_LIST):
+ if not self.defconfig_list:
+ self.defconfig_list = node.item
+ else:
+ self._warn("'option defconfig_list' set on multiple "
+ "symbols ({0} and {1}). Only {0} will be "
+ "used.".format(,
+ self._filename, self._linenr)
+ elif self._check_token(_T_MODULES):
+ # To reduce warning spam, only warn if 'option modules' is
+ # set on some symbol that isn't MODULES, which should be
+ # safe. I haven't run into any projects that make use
+ # modules besides the kernel yet, and there it's likely to
+ # keep being called "MODULES".
+ if node.item is not self.modules:
+ self._warn("the 'modules' option is not supported. "
+ "Let me know if this is a problem for you, "
+ "as it wouldn't be that hard to implement. "
+ "Note that modules are supported -- "
+ "Kconfiglib just assumes the symbol name "
+ "MODULES, like older versions of the C "
+ "implementation did when 'option modules' "
+ "wasn't used.",
+ self._filename, self._linenr)
+ elif self._check_token(_T_ALLNOCONFIG_Y):
+ if not isinstance(node.item, Symbol):
+ self._parse_error("the 'allnoconfig_y' option is only "
+ "valid for symbols")
+ node.item.is_allnoconfig_y = True
+ else:
+ self._parse_error("unrecognized option")
+ elif t0 == _T_VISIBLE:
+ if not self._check_token(_T_IF):
+ self._parse_error('expected "if" after "visible"')
+ node.visibility = \
+ self._make_and(node.visibility, self._parse_expr(True))
+ elif t0 == _T_OPTIONAL:
+ if not isinstance(node.item, Choice):
+ self._parse_error('"optional" is only valid for choices')
+ node.item.is_optional = True
+ else:
+ # Reuse the tokens for the non-property line later
+ self._has_tokens = True
+ self._tokens_i = -1
+ return
+ def _set_type(self, node, new_type):
+ if node.item.orig_type not in (UNKNOWN, new_type):
+ self._warn("{} defined with multiple types, {} will be used"
+ .format(_name_and_loc(node.item),
+ TYPE_TO_STR[new_type]))
+ node.item.orig_type = new_type
+ def _parse_prompt(self, node):
+ # 'prompt' properties override each other within a single definition of
+ # a symbol, but additional prompts can be added by defining the symbol
+ # multiple times
+ if node.prompt:
+ self._warn(_name_and_loc(node.item) +
+ " defined with multiple prompts in single location")
+ prompt = self._expect_str()
+ if prompt != prompt.strip():
+ self._warn(_name_and_loc(node.item) +
+ " has leading or trailing whitespace in its prompt")
+ # This avoid issues for e.g. reStructuredText documentation, where
+ # '*prompt *' is invalid
+ prompt = prompt.strip()
+ node.prompt = (prompt, self._parse_cond())
+ def _parse_help(self, node):
+ # Find first non-blank (not all-space) line and get its indentation
+ if is not None:
+ self._warn(_name_and_loc(node.item) +
+ " defined with more than one help text -- only the "
+ "last one will be used")
+ # Small optimization. This code is pretty hot.
+ readline = self._file.readline
+ while 1:
+ line = readline()
+ self._linenr += 1
+ if not line or not line.isspace():
+ break
+ if not line:
+ self._warn(_name_and_loc(node.item) +
+ " has 'help' but empty help text")
+ = ""
+ return
+ indent = _indentation(line)
+ if indent == 0:
+ # If the first non-empty lines has zero indent, there is no help
+ # text
+ self._warn(_name_and_loc(node.item) +
+ " has 'help' but empty help text")
+ = ""
+ self._saved_line = line # "Unget" the line
+ return
+ # The help text goes on till the first non-empty line with less indent
+ # than the first line
+ help_lines = []
+ # Small optimizations
+ add_help_line = help_lines.append
+ indentation = _indentation
+ while line and (line.isspace() or indentation(line) >= indent):
+ # De-indent 'line' by 'indent' spaces and rstrip() it to remove any
+ # newlines (which gets rid of other trailing whitespace too, but
+ # that's fine).
+ #
+ # This prepares help text lines in a speedy way: The [indent:]
+ # might already remove trailing newlines for lines shorter than
+ # indent (e.g. empty lines). The rstrip() makes it consistent,
+ # meaning we can join the lines with "\n" later.
+ add_help_line(line.expandtabs()[indent:].rstrip())
+ line = readline()
+ self._linenr += len(help_lines)
+ = "\n".join(help_lines).rstrip() + "\n"
+ self._saved_line = line # "Unget" the line
+ def _parse_expr(self, transform_m):
+ # Parses an expression from the tokens in Kconfig._tokens using a
+ # simple top-down approach. See the module docstring for the expression
+ # format.
+ #
+ # transform_m:
+ # True if m should be rewritten to m && MODULES. See the
+ # Kconfig.eval_string() documentation.
+ # Grammar:
+ #
+ # expr: and_expr ['||' expr]
+ # and_expr: factor ['&&' and_expr]
+ # factor: <symbol> ['='/'!='/'<'/... <symbol>]
+ # '!' factor
+ # '(' expr ')'
+ #
+ # It helps to think of the 'expr: and_expr' case as a single-operand OR
+ # (no ||), and of the 'and_expr: factor' case as a single-operand AND
+ # (no &&). Parsing code is always a bit tricky.
+ # Mind dump: parse_factor() and two nested loops for OR and AND would
+ # work as well. The straightforward implementation there gives a
+ # (op, (op, (op, A, B), C), D) parse for A op B op C op D. Representing
+ # expressions as (op, [list of operands]) instead goes nicely with that
+ # version, but is wasteful for short expressions and complicates
+ # expression evaluation and other code that works on expressions (more
+ # complicated code likely offsets any performance gain from less
+ # recursion too). If we also try to optimize the list representation by
+ # merging lists when possible (e.g. when ANDing two AND expressions),
+ # we end up allocating a ton of lists instead of reusing expressions,
+ # which is bad.
+ and_expr = self._parse_and_expr(transform_m)
+ # Return 'and_expr' directly if we have a "single-operand" OR.
+ # Otherwise, parse the expression on the right and make an OR node.
+ # This turns A || B || C || D into (OR, A, (OR, B, (OR, C, D))).
+ return and_expr \
+ if not self._check_token(_T_OR) else \
+ (OR, and_expr, self._parse_expr(transform_m))
+ def _parse_and_expr(self, transform_m):
+ factor = self._parse_factor(transform_m)
+ # Return 'factor' directly if we have a "single-operand" AND.
+ # Otherwise, parse the right operand and make an AND node. This turns
+ # A && B && C && D into (AND, A, (AND, B, (AND, C, D))).
+ return factor \
+ if not self._check_token(_T_AND) else \
+ (AND, factor, self._parse_and_expr(transform_m))
+ def _parse_factor(self, transform_m):
+ token = self._next_token()
+ if isinstance(token, Symbol):
+ # Plain symbol or relation
+ next_token = self._peek_token()
+ if next_token not in _RELATIONS:
+ # Plain symbol
+ # For conditional expressions ('depends on <expr>',
+ # '... if <expr>', etc.), m is rewritten to m && MODULES.
+ if transform_m and token is self.m:
+ return (AND, self.m, self.modules)
+ return token
+ # Relation
+ #
+ # _T_EQUAL, _T_UNEQUAL, etc., deliberately have the same values as
+ # EQUAL, UNEQUAL, etc., so we can just use the token directly
+ return (self._next_token(), token, self._expect_sym())
+ if token == _T_NOT:
+ # token == _T_NOT == NOT
+ return (token, self._parse_factor(transform_m))
+ if token == _T_OPEN_PAREN:
+ expr_parse = self._parse_expr(transform_m)
+ if self._check_token(_T_CLOSE_PAREN):
+ return expr_parse
+ self._parse_error("malformed expression")
+ #
+ # Caching and invalidation
+ #
+ def _build_dep(self):
+ # Populates the Symbol/Choice._dependents sets, which contain all other
+ # items (symbols and choices) that immediately depend on the item in
+ # the sense that changing the value of the item might affect the value
+ # of the dependent items. This is used for caching/invalidation.
+ #
+ # The calculated sets might be larger than necessary as we don't do any
+ # complex analysis of the expressions.
+ # Only calculate _dependents for defined symbols. Constant and
+ # undefined symbols could theoretically be selected/implied, but it
+ # wouldn't change their value, so it's not a true dependency.
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ # Symbols depend on the following:
+ # The prompt conditions
+ for node in sym.nodes:
+ if node.prompt:
+ _make_depend_on(sym, node.prompt[1])
+ # The default values and their conditions
+ for value, cond in sym.defaults:
+ _make_depend_on(sym, value)
+ _make_depend_on(sym, cond)
+ # The reverse and weak reverse dependencies
+ _make_depend_on(sym, sym.rev_dep)
+ _make_depend_on(sym, sym.weak_rev_dep)
+ # The ranges along with their conditions
+ for low, high, cond in sym.ranges:
+ _make_depend_on(sym, low)
+ _make_depend_on(sym, high)
+ _make_depend_on(sym, cond)
+ # The direct dependencies. This is usually redundant, as the direct
+ # dependencies get propagated to properties, but it's needed to get
+ # invalidation solid for 'imply', which only checks the direct
+ # dependencies (even if there are no properties to propagate it
+ # to).
+ _make_depend_on(sym, sym.direct_dep)
+ # In addition to the above, choice symbols depend on the choice
+ # they're in, but that's handled automatically since the Choice is
+ # propagated to the conditions of the properties before
+ # _build_dep() runs.
+ for choice in self.choices:
+ # Choices depend on the following:
+ # The prompt conditions
+ for node in choice.nodes:
+ if node.prompt:
+ _make_depend_on(choice, node.prompt[1])
+ # The default symbol conditions
+ for _, cond in choice.defaults:
+ _make_depend_on(choice, cond)
+ def _add_choice_deps(self):
+ # Choices also depend on the choice symbols themselves, because the
+ # y-mode selection of the choice might change if a choice symbol's
+ # visibility changes.
+ #
+ # We add these dependencies separately after dependency loop detection.
+ # The invalidation algorithm can handle the resulting
+ # <choice symbol> <-> <choice> dependency loops, but they make loop
+ # detection awkward.
+ for choice in self.choices:
+ # The choice symbols themselves, because the y mode selection might
+ # change if a choice symbol's visibility changes
+ for sym in choice.syms:
+ sym._dependents.add(choice)
+ def _invalidate_all(self):
+ # Undefined symbols never change value and don't need to be
+ # invalidated, so we can just iterate over defined symbols.
+ # Invalidating constant symbols would break things horribly.
+ for sym in self._defined_syms_set:
+ sym._invalidate()
+ for choice in self.choices:
+ choice._invalidate()
+ #
+ # Post-parsing menu tree processing, including dependency propagation and
+ # implicit submenu creation
+ #
+ def _finalize_tree(self, node, visible_if):
+ # Propagates properties and dependencies, creates implicit menus (see
+ # kconfig-language.txt), removes 'if' nodes, and finalizes choices.
+ # This pretty closely mirrors menu_finalize() from the C
+ # implementation, with some minor tweaks (MenuNode holds lists of
+ # properties instead of each property having a MenuNode pointer, for
+ # example).
+ #
+ # node:
+ # The current "parent" menu node, from which we propagate
+ # dependencies
+ #
+ # visible_if:
+ # Dependencies from 'visible if' on parent menus. These are added to
+ # the prompts of symbols and choices.
+ if node.list:
+ # The menu node is a choice, menu, or if. Finalize each child in
+ # it.
+ if node.item == MENU:
+ visible_if = self._make_and(visible_if, node.visibility)
+ # Propagate the menu node's dependencies to each child menu node.
+ #
+ # The recursive _finalize_tree() calls assume that the current
+ # "level" in the tree has already had dependencies propagated. This
+ # makes e.g. implicit submenu creation easier, because it needs to
+ # look ahead.
+ self._propagate_deps(node, visible_if)
+ # Finalize the children
+ cur = node.list
+ while cur:
+ self._finalize_tree(cur, visible_if)
+ cur =
+ elif isinstance(node.item, Symbol):
+ # Add the node's non-node-specific properties (defaults, ranges,
+ # etc.) to the Symbol
+ self._add_props_to_sc(node)
+ # See if we can create an implicit menu rooted at the Symbol and
+ # finalize each child menu node in that menu if so, like for the
+ # choice/menu/if case above
+ cur = node
+ while and _auto_menu_dep(node,
+ # This also makes implicit submenu creation work recursively,
+ # with implicit menus inside implicit menus
+ self._finalize_tree(, visible_if)
+ cur =
+ cur.parent = node
+ if cur is not node:
+ # Found symbols that should go in an implicit submenu. Tilt
+ # them up above us.
+ node.list =
+ =
+ = None
+ if node.list:
+ # We have a parent node with individually finalized child nodes. Do
+ # final steps to finalize this "level" in the menu tree.
+ _flatten(node.list)
+ _remove_ifs(node)
+ # Empty choices (node.list None) are possible, so this needs to go
+ # outside
+ if isinstance(node.item, Choice):
+ # Add the node's non-node-specific properties to the choice
+ self._add_props_to_sc(node)
+ _finalize_choice(node)
+ def _propagate_deps(self, node, visible_if):
+ # Propagates 'node's dependencies to its child menu nodes
+ # If the parent node holds a Choice, we use the Choice itself as the
+ # parent dependency. This makes sense as the value (mode) of the choice
+ # limits the visibility of the contained choice symbols. The C
+ # implementation works the same way.
+ #
+ # Due to the similar interface, Choice works as a drop-in replacement
+ # for Symbol here.
+ basedep = node.item if isinstance(node.item, Choice) else node.dep
+ cur = node.list
+ while cur:
+ cur.dep = dep = self._make_and(cur.dep, basedep)
+ # Propagate dependencies to prompt
+ if cur.prompt:
+ cur.prompt = (cur.prompt[0],
+ self._make_and(cur.prompt[1], dep))
+ if isinstance(cur.item, (Symbol, Choice)):
+ sc = cur.item
+ # Propagate 'visible if' dependencies to the prompt
+ if cur.prompt:
+ cur.prompt = (cur.prompt[0],
+ self._make_and(cur.prompt[1], visible_if))
+ # Propagate dependencies to defaults
+ if cur.defaults:
+ cur.defaults = [(default, self._make_and(cond, dep))
+ for default, cond in cur.defaults]
+ # Propagate dependencies to ranges
+ if cur.ranges:
+ cur.ranges = [(low, high, self._make_and(cond, dep))
+ for low, high, cond in cur.ranges]
+ # Propagate dependencies to selects
+ if cur.selects:
+ cur.selects = [(target, self._make_and(cond, dep))
+ for target, cond in cur.selects]
+ # Propagate dependencies to implies
+ if cur.implies:
+ cur.implies = [(target, self._make_and(cond, dep))
+ for target, cond in cur.implies]
+ cur =
+ def _add_props_to_sc(self, node):
+ # Copies properties from the menu node 'node' up to its contained
+ # symbol or choice.
+ #
+ # This can't be rolled into _propagate_deps(), because that function
+ # traverses the menu tree roughly breadth-first order, meaning
+ # properties on symbols and choices defined in multiple locations could
+ # end up in the wrong order.
+ # Symbol or choice
+ sc = node.item
+ # See the Symbol class docstring
+ sc.direct_dep = self._make_or(sc.direct_dep, node.dep)
+ if node.defaults:
+ sc.defaults.extend(node.defaults)
+ if node.ranges:
+ sc.ranges.extend(node.ranges)
+ if node.selects:
+ sc.selects.extend(node.selects)
+ # Modify the reverse dependencies of the selected symbol
+ for target, cond in node.selects:
+ target.rev_dep = self._make_or(
+ target.rev_dep,
+ self._make_and(sc, cond))
+ if node.implies:
+ sc.implies.extend(node.implies)
+ # Modify the weak reverse dependencies of the implied
+ # symbol
+ for target, cond in node.implies:
+ target.weak_rev_dep = self._make_or(
+ target.weak_rev_dep,
+ self._make_and(sc, cond))
+ #
+ # Misc.
+ #
+ def _parse_error(self, msg):
+ if self._filename is None:
+ loc = ""
+ else:
+ loc = "{}:{}: ".format(self._filename, self._linenr)
+ raise KconfigError(
+ "{}couldn't parse '{}': {}".format(loc, self._line.rstrip(), msg))
+ def _open(self, filename, mode):
+ # open() wrapper:
+ #
+ # - Enable universal newlines mode on Python 2 to ease
+ # interoperability between Linux and Windows. It's already the
+ # default on Python 3.
+ #
+ # The "U" flag would currently work for both Python 2 and 3, but it's
+ # deprecated on Python 3, so play it future-safe.
+ #
+ # A simpler solution would be to use, which defaults to
+ # universal newlines on both Python 2 and 3 (and is an alias for
+ # open() on Python 3), but it's appreciably slower on Python 2:
+ #
+ # Parsing x86 Kconfigs on Python 2
+ #
+ # with open(..., "rU"):
+ #
+ # real 0m0.930s
+ # user 0m0.905s
+ # sys 0m0.025s
+ #
+ # with
+ #
+ # real 0m1.069s
+ # user 0m1.040s
+ # sys 0m0.029s
+ #
+ # There's no appreciable performance difference between "r" and
+ # "rU" for parsing performance on Python 2.
+ #
+ # - For Python 3, force the encoding. Forcing the encoding on Python 2
+ # turns strings into Unicode strings, which gets messy. Python 2
+ # doesn't decode regular strings anyway.
+ return open(filename, "rU" if mode == "r" else mode) if _IS_PY2 else \
+ open(filename, mode, encoding=self._encoding)
+ def _check_undefined_syms(self):
+ # Prints warnings for all references to undefined symbols within the
+ # Kconfig files
+ for sym in (self.syms.viewvalues() if _IS_PY2 else self.syms.values()):
+ # - sym.nodes empty means the symbol is undefined (has no
+ # definition locations)
+ #
+ # - Due to Kconfig internals, numbers show up as undefined Kconfig
+ # symbols, but shouldn't be flagged
+ #
+ # - The MODULES symbol always exists
+ if not sym.nodes and not _is_num( and \
+ != "MODULES":
+ self._warn_undefined_sym(sym)
+ def _warn_undefined_sym(self, sym):
+ # _check_undefined_syms() helper. Generates a warning that lists the
+ # locations where the undefined symbol 'sym' is referenced, including
+ # the referencing menu nodes in Kconfig format.
+ referencing_nodes = []
+ def find_refs(node):
+ while node:
+ if sym in node.referenced:
+ referencing_nodes.append(node)
+ if node.list:
+ find_refs(node.list)
+ node =
+ find_refs(self.top_node)
+ msg = "undefined symbol {}:".format(
+ for node in referencing_nodes:
+ msg += "\n\n- Referenced at {}:{}:\n\n{}" \
+ .format(node.filename, node.linenr, node)
+ self._warn(msg)
+ def _warn(self, msg, filename=None, linenr=None):
+ # For printing general warnings
+ if self._warnings_enabled:
+ msg = "warning: " + msg
+ if filename is not None:
+ msg = "{}:{}: {}".format(filename, linenr, msg)
+ self.warnings.append(msg)
+ if self._warn_to_stderr:
+ sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n")
+ def _warn_undef_assign(self, msg, filename=None, linenr=None):
+ # See the class documentation
+ if self._warn_for_undef_assign:
+ self._warn(msg, filename, linenr)
+ def _warn_undef_assign_load(self, name, val, filename, linenr):
+ # Special version for load_config()
+ self._warn_undef_assign(
+ 'attempt to assign the value "{}" to the undefined symbol {}'
+ .format(val, name), filename, linenr)
+ def _warn_redun_assign(self, msg, filename=None, linenr=None):
+ # See the class documentation
+ if self._warn_for_redun_assign:
+ self._warn(msg, filename, linenr)
+ def _srctree_hint(self):
+ # Hint printed when Kconfig files can't be found or .config files can't
+ # be opened
+ return ". Perhaps the $srctree environment variable (set to '{}') " \
+ "is set incorrectly. Note that the current value of $srctree " \
+ "is saved when the Kconfig instance is created (for " \
+ "consistency and to cleanly separate instances)." \
+ .format(self.srctree if self.srctree else "unset or blank")
+class Symbol(object):
+ """
+ Represents a configuration symbol:
+ (menu)config FOO
+ ...
+ The following attributes are available. They should be viewed as read-only,
+ and some are implemented through @property magic (but are still efficient
+ to access due to internal caching).
+ Note: Prompts, help texts, and locations are stored in the Symbol's
+ MenuNode(s) rather than in the Symbol itself. Check the MenuNode class and
+ the Symbol.nodes attribute. This organization matches the C tools.
+ name:
+ The name of the symbol, e.g. "FOO" for 'config FOO'.
+ type:
+ The type of the symbol. One of BOOL, TRISTATE, STRING, INT, HEX, UNKNOWN.
+ UNKNOWN is for undefined symbols, (non-special) constant symbols, and
+ symbols defined without a type.
+ When running without modules (MODULES having the value n), TRISTATE
+ symbols magically change type to BOOL. This also happens for symbols
+ within choices in "y" mode. This matches the C tools, and makes sense for
+ menuconfig-like functionality.
+ orig_type:
+ The type as given in the Kconfig file, without any magic applied. Used
+ when printing the symbol.
+ str_value:
+ The value of the symbol as a string. Gives the value for string/int/hex
+ symbols. For bool/tristate symbols, gives "n", "m", or "y".
+ This is the symbol value that's used in relational expressions
+ (A = B, A != B, etc.)
+ Gotcha: For int/hex symbols, the exact format of the value must often be
+ preserved (e.g., when writing a .config file), hence why you can't get it
+ directly as an int. Do int(int_sym.str_value) or
+ int(hex_sym.str_value, 16) to get the integer value.
+ tri_value:
+ The tristate value of the symbol as an integer. One of 0, 1, 2,
+ representing n, m, y. Always 0 (n) for non-bool/tristate symbols.
+ This is the symbol value that's used outside of relation expressions
+ (A, !A, A && B, A || B).
+ assignable:
+ A tuple containing the tristate user values that can currently be
+ assigned to the symbol (that would be respected), ordered from lowest (0,
+ representing n) to highest (2, representing y). This corresponds to the
+ selections available in the menuconfig interface. The set of assignable
+ values is calculated from the symbol's visibility and selects/implies.
+ Returns the empty set for non-bool/tristate symbols and for symbols with
+ visibility n. The other possible values are (0, 2), (0, 1, 2), (1, 2),
+ (1,), and (2,). A (1,) or (2,) result means the symbol is visible but
+ "locked" to m or y through a select, perhaps in combination with the
+ visibility. menuconfig represents this as -M- and -*-, respectively.
+ For string/hex/int symbols, check if Symbol.visibility is non-0 (non-n)
+ instead to determine if the value can be changed.
+ Some handy 'assignable' idioms:
+ # Is 'sym' an assignable (visible) bool/tristate symbol?
+ if sym.assignable:
+ # What's the highest value it can be assigned? [-1] in Python
+ # gives the last element.
+ sym_high = sym.assignable[-1]
+ # The lowest?
+ sym_low = sym.assignable[0]
+ # Can the symbol be set to at least m?
+ if sym.assignable[-1] >= 1:
+ ...
+ # Can the symbol be set to m?
+ if 1 in sym.assignable:
+ ...
+ visibility:
+ The visibility of the symbol. One of 0, 1, 2, representing n, m, y. See
+ the module documentation for an overview of symbol values and visibility.
+ user_value:
+ The user value of the symbol. None if no user value has been assigned
+ (via Kconfig.load_config() or Symbol.set_value()).
+ Holds 0, 1, or 2 for bool/tristate symbols, and a string for the other
+ symbol types.
+ WARNING: Do not assign directly to this. It will break things. Use
+ Symbol.set_value().
+ config_string:
+ The .config assignment string that would get written out for the symbol
+ by Kconfig.write_config(). Returns the empty string if no .config
+ assignment would get written out. In general, visible symbols, symbols
+ with (active) defaults, and selected symbols get written out.
+ nodes:
+ A list of MenuNodes for this symbol. Will contain a single MenuNode for
+ most symbols. Undefined and constant symbols have an empty nodes list.
+ Symbols defined in multiple locations get one node for each location.
+ choice:
+ Holds the parent Choice for choice symbols, and None for non-choice
+ symbols. Doubles as a flag for whether a symbol is a choice symbol.
+ defaults:
+ List of (default, cond) tuples for the symbol's 'default' properties. For
+ example, 'default A && B if C || D' is represented as
+ ((AND, A, B), (OR, C, D)). If no condition was given, 'cond' is
+ self.kconfig.y.
+ Note that 'depends on' and parent dependencies are propagated to
+ 'default' conditions.
+ selects:
+ List of (symbol, cond) tuples for the symbol's 'select' properties. For
+ example, 'select A if B && C' is represented as (A, (AND, B, C)). If no
+ condition was given, 'cond' is self.kconfig.y.
+ Note that 'depends on' and parent dependencies are propagated to 'select'
+ conditions.
+ implies:
+ Like 'selects', for imply.
+ ranges:
+ List of (low, high, cond) tuples for the symbol's 'range' properties. For
+ example, 'range 1 2 if A' is represented as (1, 2, A). If there is no
+ condition, 'cond' is self.config.y.
+ Note that 'depends on' and parent dependencies are propagated to 'range'
+ conditions.
+ Gotcha: 1 and 2 above will be represented as (undefined) Symbols rather
+ than plain integers. Undefined symbols get their name as their string
+ value, so this works out. The C tools work the same way.
+ rev_dep:
+ Reverse dependency expression from other symbols selecting this symbol.
+ Multiple selections get ORed together. A condition on a select is ANDed
+ with the selecting symbol.
+ For example, if A has 'select FOO' and B has 'select FOO if C', then
+ FOO's rev_dep will be (OR, A, (AND, B, C)).
+ weak_rev_dep:
+ Like rev_dep, for imply.
+ direct_dep:
+ The 'depends on' dependencies. If a symbol is defined in multiple
+ locations, the dependencies at each location are ORed together.
+ Internally, this is used to implement 'imply', which only applies if the
+ implied symbol has expr_value(self.direct_dep) != 0. 'depends on' and
+ parent dependencies are automatically propagated to the conditions of
+ properties, so normally it's redundant to check the direct dependencies.
+ referenced:
+ A set() with all symbols and choices referenced in the properties and
+ property conditions of the symbol.
+ Also includes dependencies inherited from surrounding menus and if's.
+ Choices appear in the dependencies of choice symbols.
+ env_var:
+ If the Symbol has an 'option env="FOO"' option, this contains the name
+ ("FOO") of the environment variable. None for symbols without no
+ 'option env'.
+ 'option env="FOO"' acts like a 'default' property whose value is the
+ value of $FOO.
+ Symbols with 'option env' are never written out to .config files, even if
+ they are visible. env_var corresponds to a flag called SYMBOL_AUTO in the
+ C implementation.
+ is_allnoconfig_y:
+ True if the symbol has 'option allnoconfig_y' set on it. This has no
+ effect internally (except when printing symbols), but can be checked by
+ scripts.
+ is_constant:
+ True if the symbol is a constant (quoted) symbol.
+ kconfig:
+ The Kconfig instance this symbol is from.
+ """
+ __slots__ = (
+ "_cached_assignable",
+ "_cached_str_val",
+ "_cached_tri_val",
+ "_cached_vis",
+ "_checked",
+ "_dependents",
+ "_old_val",
+ "_was_set",
+ "_write_to_conf",
+ "_written",
+ "choice",
+ "defaults",
+ "direct_dep",
+ "env_var",
+ "implies",
+ "is_allnoconfig_y",
+ "is_constant",
+ "kconfig",
+ "name",
+ "nodes",
+ "orig_type",
+ "ranges",
+ "rev_dep",
+ "selects",
+ "user_value",
+ "weak_rev_dep",
+ )
+ #
+ # Public interface
+ #
+ @property
+ def type(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ if self.orig_type == TRISTATE and \
+ ((self.choice and self.choice.tri_value == 2) or
+ not self.kconfig.modules.tri_value):
+ return BOOL
+ return self.orig_type
+ @property
+ def str_value(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ if self._cached_str_val is not None:
+ return self._cached_str_val
+ if self.orig_type in (BOOL, TRISTATE):
+ # Also calculates the visibility, so invalidation safe
+ self._cached_str_val = TRI_TO_STR[self.tri_value]
+ return self._cached_str_val
+ # As a quirk of Kconfig, undefined symbols get their name as their
+ # string value. This is why things like "FOO = bar" work for seeing if
+ # FOO has the value "bar".
+ if self.orig_type == UNKNOWN:
+ self._cached_str_val =
+ return
+ val = ""
+ # Warning: See Symbol._rec_invalidate(), and note that this is a hidden
+ # function call (property magic)
+ vis = self.visibility
+ self._write_to_conf = (vis != 0)
+ if self.orig_type in (INT, HEX):
+ # The C implementation checks the user value against the range in a
+ # separate code path (post-processing after loading a .config).
+ # Checking all values here instead makes more sense for us. It
+ # requires that we check for a range first.
+ base = _TYPE_TO_BASE[self.orig_type]
+ # Check if a range is in effect
+ for low_expr, high_expr, cond in self.ranges:
+ if expr_value(cond):
+ has_active_range = True
+ # The zeros are from the C implementation running strtoll()
+ # on empty strings
+ low = int(low_expr.str_value, base) if \
+ _is_base_n(low_expr.str_value, base) else 0
+ high = int(high_expr.str_value, base) if \
+ _is_base_n(high_expr.str_value, base) else 0
+ break
+ else:
+ has_active_range = False
+ # Defaults are used if the symbol is invisible, lacks a user value,
+ # or has an out-of-range user value.
+ use_defaults = True
+ if vis and self.user_value:
+ user_val = int(self.user_value, base)
+ if has_active_range and not low <= user_val <= high:
+ num2str = str if base == 10 else hex
+ self.kconfig._warn(
+ "user value {} on the {} symbol {} ignored due to "
+ "being outside the active range ([{}, {}]) -- falling "
+ "back on defaults"
+ .format(num2str(user_val), TYPE_TO_STR[self.orig_type],
+ _name_and_loc(self),
+ num2str(low), num2str(high)))
+ else:
+ # If the user value is well-formed and satisfies range
+ # contraints, it is stored in exactly the same form as
+ # specified in the assignment (with or without "0x", etc.)
+ val = self.user_value
+ use_defaults = False
+ if use_defaults:
+ # No user value or invalid user value. Look at defaults.
+ # Used to implement the warning below
+ has_default = False
+ for val_sym, cond in self.defaults:
+ if expr_value(cond):
+ has_default = self._write_to_conf = True
+ val = val_sym.str_value
+ if _is_base_n(val, base):
+ val_num = int(val, base)
+ else:
+ val_num = 0 # strtoll() on empty string
+ break
+ else:
+ val_num = 0 # strtoll() on empty string
+ # This clamping procedure runs even if there's no default
+ if has_active_range:
+ clamp = None
+ if val_num < low:
+ clamp = low
+ elif val_num > high:
+ clamp = high
+ if clamp is not None:
+ # The value is rewritten to a standard form if it is
+ # clamped
+ val = str(clamp) \
+ if self.orig_type == INT else \
+ hex(clamp)
+ if has_default:
+ num2str = str if base == 10 else hex
+ self.kconfig._warn(
+ "default value {} on {} clamped to {} due to "
+ "being outside the active range ([{}, {}])"
+ .format(val_num, _name_and_loc(self),
+ num2str(clamp), num2str(low),
+ num2str(high)))
+ elif self.orig_type == STRING:
+ if vis and self.user_value is not None:
+ # If the symbol is visible and has a user value, use that
+ val = self.user_value
+ else:
+ # Otherwise, look at defaults
+ for val_sym, cond in self.defaults:
+ if expr_value(cond):
+ val = val_sym.str_value
+ self._write_to_conf = True
+ break
+ # env_var corresponds to SYMBOL_AUTO in the C implementation, and is
+ # also set on the defconfig_list symbol there. Test for the
+ # defconfig_list symbol explicitly instead here, to avoid a nonsensical
+ # env_var setting and the defconfig_list symbol being printed
+ # incorrectly. This code is pretty cold anyway.
+ if self.env_var is not None or self is self.kconfig.defconfig_list:
+ self._write_to_conf = False
+ self._cached_str_val = val
+ return val
+ @property
+ def tri_value(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ if self._cached_tri_val is not None:
+ return self._cached_tri_val
+ if self.orig_type not in (BOOL, TRISTATE):
+ if self.orig_type != UNKNOWN:
+ # Would take some work to give the location here
+ self.kconfig._warn(
+ "The {} symbol {} is being evaluated in a logical context "
+ "somewhere. It will always evaluate to n."
+ .format(TYPE_TO_STR[self.orig_type], _name_and_loc(self)))
+ self._cached_tri_val = 0
+ return 0
+ # Warning: See Symbol._rec_invalidate(), and note that this is a hidden
+ # function call (property magic)
+ vis = self.visibility
+ self._write_to_conf = (vis != 0)
+ val = 0
+ if not self.choice:
+ # Non-choice symbol
+ if vis and self.user_value is not None:
+ # If the symbol is visible and has a user value, use that
+ val = min(self.user_value, vis)
+ else:
+ # Otherwise, look at defaults and weak reverse dependencies
+ # (implies)
+ for default, cond in self.defaults:
+ cond_val = expr_value(cond)
+ if cond_val:
+ val = min(expr_value(default), cond_val)
+ if val:
+ self._write_to_conf = True
+ break
+ # Weak reverse dependencies are only considered if our
+ # direct dependencies are met
+ weak_rev_dep_val = expr_value(self.weak_rev_dep)
+ if weak_rev_dep_val and expr_value(self.direct_dep):
+ val = max(weak_rev_dep_val, val)
+ self._write_to_conf = True
+ # Reverse (select-related) dependencies take precedence
+ rev_dep_val = expr_value(self.rev_dep)
+ if rev_dep_val:
+ if expr_value(self.direct_dep) < rev_dep_val:
+ self._warn_select_unsatisfied_deps()
+ val = max(rev_dep_val, val)
+ self._write_to_conf = True
+ # m is promoted to y for (1) bool symbols and (2) symbols with a
+ # weak_rev_dep (from imply) of y
+ if val == 1 and \
+ (self.type == BOOL or expr_value(self.weak_rev_dep) == 2):
+ val = 2
+ elif vis == 2:
+ # Visible choice symbol in y-mode choice. The choice mode limits
+ # the visibility of choice symbols, so it's sufficient to just
+ # check the visibility of the choice symbols themselves.
+ val = 2 if self.choice.selection is self else 0
+ elif vis and self.user_value:
+ # Visible choice symbol in m-mode choice, with set non-0 user value
+ val = 1
+ self._cached_tri_val = val
+ return val
+ @property
+ def assignable(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ if self._cached_assignable is None:
+ self._cached_assignable = self._assignable()
+ return self._cached_assignable
+ @property
+ def visibility(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ if self._cached_vis is None:
+ self._cached_vis = _visibility(self)
+ return self._cached_vis
+ @property
+ def config_string(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ # Note: _write_to_conf is determined when the value is calculated. This
+ # is a hidden function call due to property magic.
+ val = self.str_value
+ if not self._write_to_conf:
+ return ""
+ if self.orig_type in (BOOL, TRISTATE):
+ return "{}{}={}\n" \
+ .format(self.kconfig.config_prefix,, val) \
+ if val != "n" else \
+ "# {}{} is not set\n" \
+ .format(self.kconfig.config_prefix,
+ if self.orig_type in (INT, HEX):
+ return "{}{}={}\n" \
+ .format(self.kconfig.config_prefix,, val)
+ if self.orig_type == STRING:
+ return '{}{}="{}"\n' \
+ .format(self.kconfig.config_prefix,, escape(val))
+ _internal_error("Internal error while creating .config: unknown "
+ 'type "{}".'.format(self.orig_type))
+ def set_value(self, value):
+ """
+ Sets the user value of the symbol.
+ Equal in effect to assigning the value to the symbol within a .config
+ file. For bool and tristate symbols, use the 'assignable' attribute to
+ check which values can currently be assigned. Setting values outside
+ 'assignable' will cause Symbol.user_value to differ from
+ Symbol.str/tri_value (be truncated down or up).
+ Setting a choice symbol to 2 (y) sets Choice.user_selection to the
+ choice symbol in addition to setting Symbol.user_value.
+ Choice.user_selection is considered when the choice is in y mode (the
+ "normal" mode).
+ Other symbols that depend (possibly indirectly) on this symbol are
+ automatically recalculated to reflect the assigned value.
+ value:
+ The user value to give to the symbol. For bool and tristate symbols,
+ n/m/y can be specified either as 0/1/2 (the usual format for tristate
+ values in Kconfiglib) or as one of the strings "n"/"m"/"y". For other
+ symbol types, pass a string.
+ Values that are invalid for the type (such as "foo" or 1 (m) for a
+ BOOL or "0x123" for an INT) are ignored and won't be stored in
+ Symbol.user_value. Kconfiglib will print a warning by default for
+ invalid assignments, and set_value() will return False.
+ Returns True if the value is valid for the type of the symbol, and
+ False otherwise. This only looks at the form of the value. For BOOL and
+ TRISTATE symbols, check the Symbol.assignable attribute to see what
+ values are currently in range and would actually be reflected in the
+ value of the symbol. For other symbol types, check whether the
+ visibility is non-n.
+ """
+ # If the new user value matches the old, nothing changes, and we can
+ # save some work.
+ #
+ # This optimization is skipped for choice symbols: Setting a choice
+ # symbol's user value to y might change the state of the choice, so it
+ # wouldn't be safe (symbol user values always match the values set in a
+ # .config file or via set_value(), and are never implicitly updated).
+ if value == self.user_value and not self.choice:
+ self._was_set = True
+ return True
+ # Check if the value is valid for our type
+ if not (self.orig_type == BOOL and value in (0, 2, "n", "y") or
+ self.orig_type == TRISTATE and value in (0, 1, 2, "n", "m", "y") or
+ (isinstance(value, str) and
+ (self.orig_type == STRING or
+ self.orig_type == INT and _is_base_n(value, 10) or
+ self.orig_type == HEX and _is_base_n(value, 16)
+ and int(value, 16) >= 0))):
+ # Display tristate values as n, m, y in the warning
+ self.kconfig._warn(
+ "the value {} is invalid for {}, which has type {} -- "
+ "assignment ignored"
+ .format(TRI_TO_STR[value] if value in (0, 1, 2) else
+ "'{}'".format(value),
+ _name_and_loc(self),
+ TYPE_TO_STR[self.orig_type]))
+ return False
+ if self.env_var is not None:
+ self.kconfig._warn("ignored attempt to assign user value to "
+ "{}, which is set from the environment"
+ .format(_name_and_loc(self)))
+ return False
+ if self.orig_type in (BOOL, TRISTATE) and value in ("n", "m", "y"):
+ value = STR_TO_TRI[value]
+ self.user_value = value
+ self._was_set = True
+ if self.choice and value == 2:
+ # Setting a choice symbol to y makes it the user selection of the
+ # choice. Like for symbol user values, the user selection is not
+ # guaranteed to match the actual selection of the choice, as
+ # dependencies come into play.
+ self.choice.user_selection = self
+ self.choice._was_set = True
+ self.choice._rec_invalidate()
+ else:
+ self._rec_invalidate_if_has_prompt()
+ return True
+ def unset_value(self):
+ """
+ Resets the user value of the symbol, as if the symbol had never gotten
+ a user value via Kconfig.load_config() or Symbol.set_value().
+ """
+ if self.user_value is not None:
+ self.user_value = None
+ self._rec_invalidate_if_has_prompt()
+ @property
+ def referenced(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ res = set()
+ for node in self.nodes:
+ res |= node.referenced
+ return res
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ Returns a string with information about the symbol (including its name,
+ value, visibility, and location(s)) when it is evaluated on e.g. the
+ interactive Python prompt.
+ """
+ fields = []
+ fields.append("symbol " +
+ fields.append(TYPE_TO_STR[self.type])
+ for node in self.nodes:
+ if node.prompt:
+ fields.append('"{}"'.format(node.prompt[0]))
+ # Only add quotes for non-bool/tristate symbols
+ fields.append("value " +
+ (self.str_value
+ if self.orig_type in (BOOL, TRISTATE) else
+ '"{}"'.format(self.str_value)))
+ if not self.is_constant:
+ # These aren't helpful to show for constant symbols
+ if self.user_value is not None:
+ # Only add quotes for non-bool/tristate symbols
+ fields.append("user value " +
+ (TRI_TO_STR[self.user_value]
+ if self.orig_type in (BOOL, TRISTATE) else
+ '"{}"'.format(self.user_value)))
+ fields.append("visibility " + TRI_TO_STR[self.visibility])
+ if self.choice:
+ fields.append("choice symbol")
+ if self.is_allnoconfig_y:
+ fields.append("allnoconfig_y")
+ if self is self.kconfig.defconfig_list:
+ fields.append("is the defconfig_list symbol")
+ if self.env_var is not None:
+ fields.append("from environment variable " + self.env_var)
+ if self is self.kconfig.modules:
+ fields.append("is the modules symbol")
+ fields.append("direct deps " +
+ TRI_TO_STR[expr_value(self.direct_dep)])
+ if self.nodes:
+ for node in self.nodes:
+ fields.append("{}:{}".format(node.filename, node.linenr))
+ else:
+ if self.is_constant:
+ fields.append("constant")
+ else:
+ fields.append("undefined")
+ return "<{}>".format(", ".join(fields))
+ def __str__(self):
+ """
+ Returns a string representation of the symbol when it is printed,
+ matching the Kconfig format, with parent dependencies propagated.
+ The string is constructed by joining the strings returned by
+ MenuNode.__str__() for each of the symbol's menu nodes, so symbols
+ defined in multiple locations will return a string with all
+ definitions.
+ An empty string is returned for undefined and constant symbols.
+ """
+ return "\n".join(str(node) for node in self.nodes)
+ #
+ # Private methods
+ #
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Symbol constructor -- not intended to be called directly by Kconfiglib
+ clients.
+ """
+ # These attributes are always set on the instance from outside and
+ # don't need defaults:
+ # _written
+ # kconfig
+ # direct_dep
+ # is_constant
+ # name
+ # rev_dep
+ # weak_rev_dep
+ self.orig_type = UNKNOWN
+ self.defaults = []
+ self.selects = []
+ self.implies = []
+ self.ranges = []
+ self.nodes = []
+ self.user_value = \
+ self.choice = \
+ self.env_var = \
+ self._cached_str_val = self._cached_tri_val = self._cached_vis = \
+ self._cached_assignable = None
+ # _write_to_conf is calculated along with the value. If True, the
+ # Symbol gets a .config entry.
+ self.is_allnoconfig_y = \
+ self._was_set = \
+ self._write_to_conf = False
+ # See Kconfig._build_dep()
+ self._dependents = set()
+ # Used during dependency loop detection
+ self._checked = 0
+ def _assignable(self):
+ # Worker function for the 'assignable' attribute
+ if self.orig_type not in (BOOL, TRISTATE):
+ return ()
+ # Warning: See Symbol._rec_invalidate(), and note that this is a hidden
+ # function call (property magic)
+ vis = self.visibility
+ if not vis:
+ return ()
+ rev_dep_val = expr_value(self.rev_dep)
+ if vis == 2:
+ if self.choice:
+ return (2,)
+ if not rev_dep_val:
+ if self.type == BOOL or expr_value(self.weak_rev_dep) == 2:
+ return (0, 2)
+ return (0, 1, 2)
+ if rev_dep_val == 2:
+ return (2,)
+ # rev_dep_val == 1
+ if self.type == BOOL or expr_value(self.weak_rev_dep) == 2:
+ return (2,)
+ return (1, 2)
+ # vis == 1
+ # Must be a tristate here, because bool m visibility gets promoted to y
+ if not rev_dep_val:
+ return (0, 1) if expr_value(self.weak_rev_dep) != 2 else (0, 2)
+ if rev_dep_val == 2:
+ return (2,)
+ # vis == rev_dep_val == 1
+ return (1,)
+ def _invalidate(self):
+ # Marks the symbol as needing to be recalculated
+ self._cached_str_val = self._cached_tri_val = self._cached_vis = \
+ self._cached_assignable = None
+ def _rec_invalidate(self):
+ # Invalidates the symbol and all items that (possibly) depend on it
+ if self is self.kconfig.modules:
+ # Invalidating MODULES has wide-ranging effects
+ self.kconfig._invalidate_all()
+ else:
+ self._invalidate()
+ for item in self._dependents:
+ # _cached_vis doubles as a flag that tells us whether 'item'
+ # has cached values, because it's calculated as a side effect
+ # of calculating all other (non-constant) cached values.
+ #
+ # If item._cached_vis is None, it means there can't be cached
+ # values on other items that depend on 'item', because if there
+ # were, some value on 'item' would have been calculated and
+ # item._cached_vis set as a side effect. It's therefore safe to
+ # stop the invalidation at symbols with _cached_vis None.
+ #
+ # This approach massively speeds up scripts that set a lot of
+ # values, vs simply invalidating all possibly dependent symbols
+ # (even when you already have a list of all the dependent
+ # symbols, because some symbols get huge dependency trees).
+ #
+ # This gracefully handles dependency loops too, which is nice
+ # for choices, where the choice depends on the choice symbols
+ # and vice versa.
+ if item._cached_vis is not None:
+ item._rec_invalidate()
+ def _rec_invalidate_if_has_prompt(self):
+ # Invalidates the symbol and its dependent symbols, but only if the
+ # symbol has a prompt. User values never have an effect on promptless
+ # symbols, so we skip invalidation for them as an optimization.
+ #
+ # This also prevents constant (quoted) symbols from being invalidated
+ # if set_value() is called on them, which would cause them to lose
+ # their value and break things.
+ #
+ # Prints a warning if the symbol has no prompt. In some contexts (e.g.
+ # when loading a .config files) assignments to promptless symbols are
+ # normal and expected, so the warning can be disabled.
+ for node in self.nodes:
+ if node.prompt:
+ self._rec_invalidate()
+ return
+ if self.kconfig._warn_for_no_prompt:
+ self.kconfig._warn(_name_and_loc(self) + " has no prompt, meaning "
+ "user values have no effect on it")
+ def _str_default(self):
+ # write_min_config() helper function. Returns the value the symbol
+ # would get from defaults if it didn't have a user value. Uses exactly
+ # the same algorithm as the C implementation (though a bit cleaned up),
+ # for compatibility.
+ if self.orig_type in (BOOL, TRISTATE):
+ val = 0
+ # Defaults, selects, and implies do not affect choice symbols
+ if not self.choice:
+ for default, cond in self.defaults:
+ cond_val = expr_value(cond)
+ if cond_val:
+ val = min(expr_value(default), cond_val)
+ break
+ val = max(expr_value(self.rev_dep),
+ expr_value(self.weak_rev_dep),
+ val)
+ # Transpose mod to yes if type is bool (possibly due to modules
+ # being disabled)
+ if val == 1 and self.type == BOOL:
+ val = 2
+ return TRI_TO_STR[val]
+ if self.orig_type in (STRING, INT, HEX):
+ for default, cond in self.defaults:
+ if expr_value(cond):
+ return default.str_value
+ return ""
+ def _warn_select_unsatisfied_deps(self):
+ # Helper for printing an informative warning when a symbol with
+ # unsatisfied direct dependencies (dependencies from 'depends on', ifs,
+ # and menus) is selected by some other symbol. Also warn if a symbol
+ # whose direct dependencies evaluate to m is selected to y.
+ dir_dep_val = expr_value(self.direct_dep)
+ msg = "{} has direct dependencies {} with value {}, but is " \
+ "currently being {}-selected by the following symbols:" \
+ .format(_name_and_loc(self), expr_str(self.direct_dep),
+ TRI_TO_STR[dir_dep_val],
+ TRI_TO_STR[expr_value(self.rev_dep)])
+ # The reverse dependencies from each select are ORed together
+ for select in split_expr(self.rev_dep, OR):
+ select_val = expr_value(select)
+ if select_val <= dir_dep_val:
+ # Only include selects that exceed the direct dependencies
+ continue
+ # - 'select A if B' turns into A && B
+ # - 'select A' just turns into A
+ #
+ # In both cases, we can split on AND and pick the first operand
+ selecting_sym = split_expr(select, AND)[0]
+ msg += "\n - {}, with value {}, direct dependencies {} " \
+ "(value: {})" \
+ .format(_name_and_loc(selecting_sym),
+ selecting_sym.str_value,
+ expr_str(selecting_sym.direct_dep),
+ TRI_TO_STR[expr_value(selecting_sym.direct_dep)])
+ if isinstance(select, tuple):
+ msg += ", and select condition {} (value: {})" \
+ .format(expr_str(select[2]),
+ TRI_TO_STR[expr_value(select[2])])
+ self.kconfig._warn(msg)
+class Choice(object):
+ """
+ Represents a choice statement:
+ choice
+ ...
+ endchoice
+ The following attributes are available on Choice instances. They should be
+ treated as read-only, and some are implemented through @property magic (but
+ are still efficient to access due to internal caching).
+ Note: Prompts, help texts, and locations are stored in the Choice's
+ MenuNode(s) rather than in the Choice itself. Check the MenuNode class and
+ the Choice.nodes attribute. This organization matches the C tools.
+ name:
+ The name of the choice, e.g. "FOO" for 'choice FOO', or None if the
+ Choice has no name. I can't remember ever seeing named choices in
+ practice, but the C tools support them too.
+ type:
+ The type of the choice. One of BOOL, TRISTATE, UNKNOWN. UNKNOWN is for
+ choices defined without a type where none of the contained symbols have a
+ type either (otherwise the choice inherits the type of the first symbol
+ defined with a type).
+ When running without modules (CONFIG_MODULES=n), TRISTATE choices
+ magically change type to BOOL. This matches the C tools, and makes sense
+ for menuconfig-like functionality.
+ orig_type:
+ The type as given in the Kconfig file, without any magic applied. Used
+ when printing the choice.
+ tri_value:
+ The tristate value (mode) of the choice. A choice can be in one of three
+ modes:
+ 0 (n) - The choice is disabled and no symbols can be selected. For
+ visible choices, this mode is only possible for choices with
+ the 'optional' flag set (see kconfig-language.txt).
+ 1 (m) - Any number of choice symbols can be set to m, the rest will
+ be n.
+ 2 (y) - One symbol will be y, the rest n.
+ Only tristate choices can be in m mode. The visibility of the choice is
+ an upper bound on the mode, and the mode in turn is an upper bound on the
+ visibility of the choice symbols.
+ To change the mode, use Choice.set_value().
+ Implementation note:
+ The C tools internally represent choices as a type of symbol, with
+ special-casing in many code paths. This is why there is a lot of
+ similarity to Symbol. The value (mode) of a choice is really just a
+ normal symbol value, and an implicit reverse dependency forces its
+ lower bound to m for visible non-optional choices (the reverse
+ dependency is 'm && <visibility>').
+ Symbols within choices get the choice propagated as a dependency to
+ their properties. This turns the mode of the choice into an upper bound
+ on e.g. the visibility of choice symbols, and explains the gotcha
+ related to printing choice symbols mentioned in the module docstring.
+ Kconfiglib uses a separate Choice class only because it makes the code
+ and interface less confusing (especially in a user-facing interface).
+ Corresponding attributes have the same name in the Symbol and Choice
+ classes, for consistency and compatibility.
+ assignable:
+ See the symbol class documentation. Gives the assignable values (modes).
+ visibility:
+ See the Symbol class documentation. Acts on the value (mode).
+ selection:
+ The Symbol instance of the currently selected symbol. None if the Choice
+ is not in y mode or has no selected symbol (due to unsatisfied
+ dependencies on choice symbols).
+ WARNING: Do not assign directly to this. It will break things. Call
+ sym.set_value(2) on the choice symbol you want to select instead.
+ user_value:
+ The value (mode) selected by the user through Choice.set_value(). Either
+ 0, 1, or 2, or None if the user hasn't selected a mode. See
+ Symbol.user_value.
+ WARNING: Do not assign directly to this. It will break things. Use
+ Choice.set_value() instead.
+ user_selection:
+ The symbol selected by the user (by setting it to y). Ignored if the
+ choice is not in y mode, but still remembered so that the choice "snaps
+ back" to the user selection if the mode is changed back to y. This might
+ differ from 'selection' due to unsatisfied dependencies.
+ WARNING: Do not assign directly to this. It will break things. Call
+ sym.set_value(2) on the choice symbol to be selected instead.
+ syms:
+ List of symbols contained in the choice.
+ Gotcha: If a symbol depends on the previous symbol within a choice so
+ that an implicit menu is created, it won't be a choice symbol, and won't
+ be included in 'syms'. There are real-world examples of this, and it was
+ a PITA to support in older versions of Kconfiglib that didn't implement
+ the menu structure.
+ nodes:
+ A list of MenuNodes for this choice. In practice, the list will probably
+ always contain a single MenuNode, but it is possible to give a choice a
+ name and define it in multiple locations (I've never even seen a named
+ choice though).
+ defaults:
+ List of (symbol, cond) tuples for the choice's 'defaults' properties. For
+ example, 'default A if B && C' is represented as (A, (AND, B, C)). If
+ there is no condition, 'cond' is self.config.y.
+ Note that 'depends on' and parent dependencies are propagated to
+ 'default' conditions.
+ direct_dep:
+ See Symbol.direct_dep.
+ referenced:
+ A set() with all symbols referenced in the properties and property
+ conditions of the choice.
+ Also includes dependencies inherited from surrounding menus and if's.
+ is_optional:
+ True if the choice has the 'optional' flag set on it and can be in
+ n mode.
+ kconfig:
+ The Kconfig instance this choice is from.
+ """
+ __slots__ = (
+ "_cached_assignable",
+ "_cached_selection",
+ "_cached_vis",
+ "_checked",
+ "_dependents",
+ "_was_set",
+ "defaults",
+ "direct_dep",
+ "is_constant",
+ "is_optional",
+ "kconfig",
+ "name",
+ "nodes",
+ "orig_type",
+ "syms",
+ "user_selection",
+ "user_value",
+ )
+ #
+ # Public interface
+ #
+ @property
+ def type(self):
+ """
+ Returns the type of the choice. See Symbol.type.
+ """
+ if self.orig_type == TRISTATE and not self.kconfig.modules.tri_value:
+ return BOOL
+ return self.orig_type
+ @property
+ def str_value(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ return TRI_TO_STR[self.tri_value]
+ @property
+ def tri_value(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ # This emulates a reverse dependency of 'm && visibility' for
+ # non-optional choices, which is how the C implementation does it
+ val = 0 if self.is_optional else 1
+ if self.user_value is not None:
+ val = max(val, self.user_value)
+ # Warning: See Symbol._rec_invalidate(), and note that this is a hidden
+ # function call (property magic)
+ val = min(val, self.visibility)
+ # Promote m to y for boolean choices
+ return 2 if val == 1 and self.type == BOOL else val
+ @property
+ def assignable(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ if self._cached_assignable is None:
+ self._cached_assignable = self._assignable()
+ return self._cached_assignable
+ @property
+ def visibility(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ if self._cached_vis is None:
+ self._cached_vis = _visibility(self)
+ return self._cached_vis
+ @property
+ def selection(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ if self._cached_selection is _NO_CACHED_SELECTION:
+ self._cached_selection = self._selection()
+ return self._cached_selection
+ def set_value(self, value):
+ """
+ Sets the user value (mode) of the choice. Like for Symbol.set_value(),
+ the visibility might truncate the value. Choices without the 'optional'
+ attribute (is_optional) can never be in n mode, but 0/"n" is still
+ accepted since it's not a malformed value (though it will have no
+ effect).
+ Returns True if the value is valid for the type of the choice, and
+ False otherwise. This only looks at the form of the value. Check the
+ Choice.assignable attribute to see what values are currently in range
+ and would actually be reflected in the mode of the choice.
+ """
+ if value == self.user_value:
+ # We know the value must be valid if it was successfully set
+ # previously
+ self._was_set = True
+ return True
+ if not ((self.orig_type == BOOL and value in (0, 2, "n", "y") ) or
+ (self.orig_type == TRISTATE and value in (0, 1, 2, "n", "m", "y"))):
+ # Display tristate values as n, m, y in the warning
+ self.kconfig._warn(
+ "the value {} is invalid for {}, which has type {} -- "
+ "assignment ignored"
+ .format(TRI_TO_STR[value] if value in (0, 1, 2) else
+ "'{}'".format(value),
+ _name_and_loc(self),
+ TYPE_TO_STR[self.orig_type]))
+ return False
+ if value in ("n", "m", "y"):
+ value = STR_TO_TRI[value]
+ self.user_value = value
+ self._was_set = True
+ self._rec_invalidate()
+ return True
+ def unset_value(self):
+ """
+ Resets the user value (mode) and user selection of the Choice, as if
+ the user had never touched the mode or any of the choice symbols.
+ """
+ if self.user_value is not None or self.user_selection:
+ self.user_value = self.user_selection = None
+ self._rec_invalidate()
+ @property
+ def referenced(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ res = set()
+ for node in self.nodes:
+ res |= node.referenced
+ return res
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ Returns a string with information about the choice when it is evaluated
+ on e.g. the interactive Python prompt.
+ """
+ fields = []
+ fields.append("choice" if is None else \
+ "choice " +
+ fields.append(TYPE_TO_STR[self.type])
+ for node in self.nodes:
+ if node.prompt:
+ fields.append('"{}"'.format(node.prompt[0]))
+ fields.append("mode " + self.str_value)
+ if self.user_value is not None:
+ fields.append('user mode {}'.format(TRI_TO_STR[self.user_value]))
+ if self.selection:
+ fields.append("{} selected".format(
+ if self.user_selection:
+ user_sel_str = "{} selected by user" \
+ .format(
+ if self.selection is not self.user_selection:
+ user_sel_str += " (overridden)"
+ fields.append(user_sel_str)
+ fields.append("visibility " + TRI_TO_STR[self.visibility])
+ if self.is_optional:
+ fields.append("optional")
+ for node in self.nodes:
+ fields.append("{}:{}".format(node.filename, node.linenr))
+ return "<{}>".format(", ".join(fields))
+ def __str__(self):
+ """
+ Returns a string representation of the choice when it is printed,
+ matching the Kconfig format (though without the contained choice
+ symbols).
+ See Symbol.__str__() as well.
+ """
+ return "\n".join(str(node) for node in self.nodes)
+ #
+ # Private methods
+ #
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Choice constructor -- not intended to be called directly by Kconfiglib
+ clients.
+ """
+ # These attributes are always set on the instance from outside and
+ # don't need defaults:
+ # direct_dep
+ # kconfig
+ self.orig_type = UNKNOWN
+ self.syms = []
+ self.defaults = []
+ self.nodes = []
+ = \
+ self.user_value = self.user_selection = \
+ self._cached_vis = self._cached_assignable = None
+ self._cached_selection = _NO_CACHED_SELECTION
+ # is_constant is checked by _make_depend_on(). Just set it to avoid
+ # having to special-case choices.
+ self.is_constant = self.is_optional = False
+ # See Kconfig._build_dep()
+ self._dependents = set()
+ # Used during dependency loop detection
+ self._checked = 0
+ def _assignable(self):
+ # Worker function for the 'assignable' attribute
+ # Warning: See Symbol._rec_invalidate(), and note that this is a hidden
+ # function call (property magic)
+ vis = self.visibility
+ if not vis:
+ return ()
+ if vis == 2:
+ if not self.is_optional:
+ return (2,) if self.type == BOOL else (1, 2)
+ return (0, 2) if self.type == BOOL else (0, 1, 2)
+ # vis == 1
+ return (0, 1) if self.is_optional else (1,)
+ def _selection(self):
+ # Worker function for the 'selection' attribute
+ # Warning: See Symbol._rec_invalidate(), and note that this is a hidden
+ # function call (property magic)
+ if self.tri_value != 2:
+ # Not in y mode, so no selection
+ return None
+ # Use the user selection if it's visible
+ if self.user_selection and self.user_selection.visibility:
+ return self.user_selection
+ # Otherwise, check if we have a default
+ return self._get_selection_from_defaults()
+ def _get_selection_from_defaults(self):
+ # Check if we have a default
+ for sym, cond in self.defaults:
+ # The default symbol must be visible too
+ if expr_value(cond) and sym.visibility:
+ return sym
+ # Otherwise, pick the first visible symbol, if any
+ for sym in self.syms:
+ if sym.visibility:
+ return sym
+ # Couldn't find a selection
+ return None
+ def _invalidate(self):
+ self._cached_vis = self._cached_assignable = None
+ self._cached_selection = _NO_CACHED_SELECTION
+ def _rec_invalidate(self):
+ # See Symbol._rec_invalidate()
+ self._invalidate()
+ for item in self._dependents:
+ if item._cached_vis is not None:
+ item._rec_invalidate()
+class MenuNode(object):
+ """
+ Represents a menu node in the configuration. This corresponds to an entry
+ in e.g. the 'make menuconfig' interface, though non-visible choices, menus,
+ and comments also get menu nodes. If a symbol or choice is defined in
+ multiple locations, it gets one menu node for each location.
+ The top-level menu node, corresponding to the implicit top-level menu, is
+ available in Kconfig.top_node.
+ The menu nodes for a Symbol or Choice can be found in the
+ Symbol/Choice.nodes attribute. Menus and comments are represented as plain
+ menu nodes, with their text stored in the prompt attribute (prompt[0]).
+ This mirrors the C implementation.
+ The following attributes are available on MenuNode instances. They should
+ be viewed as read-only.
+ item:
+ Either a Symbol, a Choice, or one of the constants MENU and COMMENT.
+ Menus and comments are represented as plain menu nodes. Ifs are collapsed
+ (matching the C implementation) and do not appear in the final menu tree.
+ next:
+ The following menu node. None if there is no following node.
+ list:
+ The first child menu node. None if there are no children.
+ Choices and menus naturally have children, but Symbols can also have
+ children because of menus created automatically from dependencies (see
+ kconfig-language.txt).
+ parent:
+ The parent menu node. None if there is no parent.
+ prompt:
+ A (string, cond) tuple with the prompt for the menu node and its
+ conditional expression (which is self.kconfig.y if there is no
+ condition). None if there is no prompt.
+ For symbols and choices, the prompt is stored in the MenuNode rather than
+ the Symbol or Choice instance. For menus and comments, the prompt holds
+ the text.
+ defaults:
+ The 'default' properties for this particular menu node. See
+ symbol.defaults.
+ When evaluating defaults, you should use Symbol/Choice.defaults instead,
+ as it include properties from all menu nodes (a symbol/choice can have
+ multiple definition locations/menu nodes). MenuNode.defaults is meant for
+ documentation generation.
+ selects:
+ Like MenuNode.defaults, for selects.
+ implies:
+ Like MenuNode.defaults, for implies.
+ ranges:
+ Like MenuNode.defaults, for ranges.
+ help:
+ The help text for the menu node for Symbols and Choices. None if there is
+ no help text. Always stored in the node rather than the Symbol or Choice.
+ It is possible to have a separate help text at each location if a symbol
+ is defined in multiple locations.
+ dep:
+ The 'depends on' dependencies for the menu node, or self.kconfig.y if
+ there are no dependencies. Parent dependencies are propagated to this
+ attribute, and this attribute is then in turn propagated to the
+ properties of symbols and choices.
+ If a symbol or choice is defined in multiple locations, only the
+ properties defined at a particular location get the corresponding
+ MenuNode.dep dependencies propagated to them.
+ visibility:
+ The 'visible if' dependencies for the menu node (which must represent a
+ menu), or self.kconfig.y if there are no 'visible if' dependencies.
+ 'visible if' dependencies are recursively propagated to the prompts of
+ symbols and choices within the menu.
+ referenced:
+ A set() with all symbols and choices referenced in the properties and
+ property conditions of the menu node.
+ Also includes dependencies inherited from surrounding menus and if's.
+ Choices appear in the dependencies of choice symbols.
+ is_menuconfig:
+ Set to True if the children of the menu node should be displayed in a
+ separate menu. This is the case for the following items:
+ - Menus (node.item == MENU)
+ - Choices
+ - Symbols defined with the 'menuconfig' keyword. The children come from
+ implicitly created submenus, and should be displayed in a separate
+ menu rather than being indented.
+ 'is_menuconfig' is just a hint on how to display the menu node. It's
+ ignored internally by Kconfiglib, except when printing symbols.
+ filename/linenr:
+ The location where the menu node appears.
+ kconfig:
+ The Kconfig instance the menu node is from.
+ """
+ __slots__ = (
+ "dep",
+ "filename",
+ "help",
+ "is_menuconfig",
+ "item",
+ "kconfig",
+ "linenr",
+ "list",
+ "next",
+ "parent",
+ "prompt",
+ "visibility",
+ # Properties
+ "defaults",
+ "selects",
+ "implies",
+ "ranges"
+ )
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Properties defined on this particular menu node. A local 'depends on'
+ # only applies to these, in case a symbol is defined in multiple
+ # locations.
+ self.defaults = []
+ self.selects = []
+ self.implies = []
+ self.ranges = []
+ @property
+ def referenced(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ # self.dep is included to catch dependencies from a lone 'depends on'
+ # when there are no properties to propagate it to
+ res = expr_items(self.dep)
+ if self.prompt:
+ res |= expr_items(self.prompt[1])
+ if self.item == MENU:
+ res |= expr_items(self.visibility)
+ for value, cond in self.defaults:
+ res |= expr_items(value)
+ res |= expr_items(cond)
+ for value, cond in self.selects:
+ res.add(value)
+ res |= expr_items(cond)
+ for value, cond in self.implies:
+ res.add(value)
+ res |= expr_items(cond)
+ for low, high, cond in self.ranges:
+ res.add(low)
+ res.add(high)
+ res |= expr_items(cond)
+ return res
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ Returns a string with information about the menu node when it is
+ evaluated on e.g. the interactive Python prompt.
+ """
+ fields = []
+ if isinstance(self.item, Symbol):
+ fields.append("menu node for symbol " +
+ elif isinstance(self.item, Choice):
+ s = "menu node for choice"
+ if is not None:
+ s += " " +
+ fields.append(s)
+ elif self.item == MENU:
+ fields.append("menu node for menu")
+ elif self.item == COMMENT:
+ fields.append("menu node for comment")
+ elif self.item is None:
+ fields.append("menu node for if (should not appear in the final "
+ " tree)")
+ else:
+ _internal_error("unable to determine type in MenuNode.__repr__()")
+ if self.prompt:
+ fields.append('prompt "{}" (visibility {})'
+ .format(self.prompt[0],
+ TRI_TO_STR[expr_value(self.prompt[1])]))
+ if isinstance(self.item, Symbol) and self.is_menuconfig:
+ fields.append("is menuconfig")
+ fields.append("deps " + TRI_TO_STR[expr_value(self.dep)])
+ if self.item == MENU:
+ fields.append("'visible if' deps " + \
+ TRI_TO_STR[expr_value(self.visibility)])
+ if isinstance(self.item, (Symbol, Choice)) and is not None:
+ fields.append("has help")
+ if self.list:
+ fields.append("has child")
+ if
+ fields.append("has next")
+ fields.append("{}:{}".format(self.filename, self.linenr))
+ return "<{}>".format(", ".join(fields))
+ def __str__(self):
+ """
+ Returns a string representation of the menu node, matching the Kconfig
+ format.
+ The output could (almost) be fed back into a Kconfig parser to redefine
+ the object associated with the menu node. See the module documentation
+ for a gotcha related to choice symbols.
+ For symbols and choices with multiple menu nodes (multiple definition
+ locations), properties that aren't associated with a particular menu
+ node are shown on all menu nodes ('option env=...', 'optional' for
+ choices, etc.).
+ """
+ return self._menu_comment_node_str() \
+ if self.item in (MENU, COMMENT) else \
+ self._sym_choice_node_str()
+ def _menu_comment_node_str(self):
+ s = '{} "{}"\n'.format("menu" if self.item == MENU else "comment",
+ self.prompt[0])
+ if self.dep is not self.kconfig.y:
+ s += "\tdepends on {}\n".format(expr_str(self.dep))
+ if self.item == MENU and self.visibility is not self.kconfig.y:
+ s += "\tvisible if {}\n".format(expr_str(self.visibility))
+ return s
+ def _sym_choice_node_str(self):
+ lines = []
+ def indent_add(s):
+ lines.append("\t" + s)
+ def indent_add_cond(s, cond):
+ if cond is not self.kconfig.y:
+ s += " if " + expr_str(cond)
+ indent_add(s)
+ if isinstance(self.item, (Symbol, Choice)):
+ sc = self.item
+ if isinstance(sc, Symbol):
+ lines.append(
+ ("menuconfig " if self.is_menuconfig else "config ")
+ +
+ else:
+ lines.append(
+ "choice" if is None else "choice " +
+ if sc.orig_type != UNKNOWN:
+ indent_add(TYPE_TO_STR[sc.orig_type])
+ if self.prompt:
+ indent_add_cond(
+ 'prompt "{}"'.format(escape(self.prompt[0])),
+ self.prompt[1])
+ if isinstance(sc, Symbol):
+ if sc.is_allnoconfig_y:
+ indent_add("option allnoconfig_y")
+ if sc is sc.kconfig.defconfig_list:
+ indent_add("option defconfig_list")
+ if sc.env_var is not None:
+ indent_add('option env="{}"'.format(sc.env_var))
+ if sc is sc.kconfig.modules:
+ indent_add("option modules")
+ for low, high, cond in self.ranges:
+ indent_add_cond(
+ "range {} {}".format(expr_str(low), expr_str(high)),
+ cond)
+ for default, cond in self.defaults:
+ indent_add_cond("default " + expr_str(default), cond)
+ if isinstance(sc, Choice) and sc.is_optional:
+ indent_add("optional")
+ if isinstance(sc, Symbol):
+ for select, cond in self.selects:
+ indent_add_cond("select " + expr_str(select), cond)
+ for imply, cond in self.implies:
+ indent_add_cond("imply " + expr_str(imply), cond)
+ if self.dep is not sc.kconfig.y:
+ indent_add("depends on " + expr_str(self.dep))
+ if is not None:
+ indent_add("help")
+ for line in
+ indent_add(" " + line)
+ return "\n".join(lines) + "\n"
+class Variable(object):
+ """
+ Represents a preprocessor variable/function.
+ The following attributes are available:
+ name:
+ The name of the variable.
+ value:
+ The unexpanded value of the variable.
+ expanded_value:
+ The expanded value of the variable. For simple variables (those defined
+ with :=), this will equal 'value'. Accessing this property will raise a
+ KconfigError if any variable in the expansion expands to itself.
+ is_recursive:
+ True if the variable is recursive (defined with =).
+ """
+ __slots__ = (
+ "_n_expansions",
+ "is_recursive",
+ "kconfig",
+ "name",
+ "value",
+ )
+ @property
+ def expanded_value(self):
+ """
+ See the class documentation.
+ """
+ return self.kconfig._expand_whole(self.value, ())
+class KconfigError(Exception):
+ """
+ Exception raised for Kconfig-related errors.
+ """
+# Backwards compatibility
+KconfigSyntaxError = KconfigError
+class InternalError(Exception):
+ """
+ Exception raised for internal errors.
+ """
+# Public functions
+def expr_value(expr):
+ """
+ Evaluates the expression 'expr' to a tristate value. Returns 0 (n), 1 (m),
+ or 2 (y).
+ 'expr' must be an already-parsed expression from a Symbol, Choice, or
+ MenuNode property. To evaluate an expression represented as a string, use
+ Kconfig.eval_string().
+ Passing subexpressions of expressions to this function works as expected.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(expr, tuple):
+ return expr.tri_value
+ if expr[0] == AND:
+ v1 = expr_value(expr[1])
+ # Short-circuit the n case as an optimization (~5% faster
+ # and, as of writing)
+ return 0 if not v1 else min(v1, expr_value(expr[2]))
+ if expr[0] == OR:
+ v1 = expr_value(expr[1])
+ # Short-circuit the y case as an optimization
+ return 2 if v1 == 2 else max(v1, expr_value(expr[2]))
+ if expr[0] == NOT:
+ return 2 - expr_value(expr[1])
+ if expr[0] in _RELATIONS:
+ # Implements <, <=, >, >= comparisons as well. These were added to
+ # kconfig in 31847b67 (kconfig: allow use of relations other than
+ # (in)equality).
+ oper, op1, op2 = expr
+ # If both operands are strings...
+ if op1.orig_type == STRING and op2.orig_type == STRING:
+ # ...then compare them lexicographically
+ comp = _strcmp(op1.str_value, op2.str_value)
+ else:
+ # Otherwise, try to compare them as numbers
+ try:
+ comp = _sym_to_num(op1) - _sym_to_num(op2)
+ except ValueError:
+ # Fall back on a lexicographic comparison if the operands don't
+ # parse as numbers
+ comp = _strcmp(op1.str_value, op2.str_value)
+ if oper == EQUAL: res = comp == 0
+ elif oper == UNEQUAL: res = comp != 0
+ elif oper == LESS: res = comp < 0
+ elif oper == LESS_EQUAL: res = comp <= 0
+ elif oper == GREATER: res = comp > 0
+ elif oper == GREATER_EQUAL: res = comp >= 0
+ return 2*res
+ _internal_error("Internal error while evaluating expression: "
+ "unknown operation {}.".format(expr[0]))
+def expr_str(expr):
+ """
+ Returns the string representation of the expression 'expr', as in a Kconfig
+ file.
+ Passing subexpressions of expressions to this function works as expected.
+ """
+ if isinstance(expr, Symbol):
+ if expr.is_constant:
+ return '"{}"'.format(escape(
+ return
+ if isinstance(expr, Choice):
+ if is not None:
+ return "<choice {}>".format(
+ return "<choice>"
+ if expr[0] == NOT:
+ if isinstance(expr[1], tuple):
+ return "!({})".format(expr_str(expr[1]))
+ return "!" + expr_str(expr[1]) # Symbol
+ if expr[0] == AND:
+ return "{} && {}".format(_parenthesize(expr[1], OR),
+ _parenthesize(expr[2], OR))
+ if expr[0] == OR:
+ # This turns A && B || C && D into "(A && B) || (C && D)", which is
+ # redundant, but more readable
+ return "{} || {}".format(_parenthesize(expr[1], AND),
+ _parenthesize(expr[2], AND))
+ # Relation
+ return "{} {} {}".format(expr_str(expr[1]),
+ _REL_TO_STR[expr[0]],
+ expr_str(expr[2]))
+def expr_items(expr):
+ """
+ Returns a set() of all items (symbols and choices) that appear in the
+ expression 'expr'.
+ """
+ res = set()
+ def rec(subexpr):
+ if isinstance(subexpr, tuple):
+ # AND, OR, NOT, or relation
+ rec(subexpr[1])
+ # NOTs only have a single operand
+ if subexpr[0] != NOT:
+ rec(subexpr[2])
+ else:
+ # Symbol or choice
+ res.add(subexpr)
+ rec(expr)
+ return res
+def split_expr(expr, op):
+ """
+ Returns a list containing the top-level AND or OR operands in the
+ expression 'expr', in the same (left-to-right) order as they appear in
+ the expression.
+ This can be handy e.g. for splitting (weak) reverse dependencies
+ from 'select' and 'imply' into individual selects/implies.
+ op:
+ Either AND to get AND operands, or OR to get OR operands.
+ (Having this as an operand might be more future-safe than having two
+ hardcoded functions.)
+ Pseudo-code examples:
+ split_expr( A , OR ) -> [A]
+ split_expr( A && B , OR ) -> [A && B]
+ split_expr( A || B , OR ) -> [A, B]
+ split_expr( A || B , AND ) -> [A || B]
+ split_expr( A || B || (C && D) , OR ) -> [A, B, C && D]
+ # Second || is not at the top level
+ split_expr( A || (B && (C || D)) , OR ) -> [A, B && (C || D)]
+ # Parentheses don't matter as long as we stay at the top level (don't
+ # encounter any non-'op' nodes)
+ split_expr( (A || B) || C , OR ) -> [A, B, C]
+ split_expr( A || (B || C) , OR ) -> [A, B, C]
+ """
+ res = []
+ def rec(subexpr):
+ if isinstance(subexpr, tuple) and subexpr[0] == op:
+ rec(subexpr[1])
+ rec(subexpr[2])
+ else:
+ res.append(subexpr)
+ rec(expr)
+ return res
+def escape(s):
+ r"""
+ Escapes the string 's' in the same fashion as is done for display in
+ Kconfig format and when writing strings to a .config file. " and \ are
+ replaced by \" and \\, respectively.
+ """
+ # \ must be escaped before " to avoid double escaping
+ return s.replace("\\", r"\\").replace('"', r'\"')
+# unescape() helper
+_unescape_sub = re.compile(r"\\(.)").sub
+def unescape(s):
+ r"""
+ Unescapes the string 's'. \ followed by any character is replaced with just
+ that character. Used internally when reading .config files.
+ """
+ return _unescape_sub(r"\1", s)
+def standard_kconfig():
+ """
+ Helper for tools. Loads the top-level Kconfig specified as the first
+ command-line argument, or "Kconfig" if there are no command-line arguments.
+ Returns the Kconfig instance.
+ Exits with sys.exit() (which raises a SystemExit exception) and prints a
+ usage note to stderr if more than one command-line argument is passed.
+ """
+ if len(sys.argv) > 2:
+ sys.exit("usage: {} [Kconfig]".format(sys.argv[0]))
+ return Kconfig("Kconfig" if len(sys.argv) < 2 else sys.argv[1])
+def standard_config_filename():
+ """
+ Helper for tools. Returns the value of KCONFIG_CONFIG (which specifies the
+ .config file to load/save) if it is set, and ".config" otherwise.
+ """
+ return os.environ.get("KCONFIG_CONFIG", ".config")
+# Internal functions
+def _visibility(sc):
+ # Symbols and Choices have a "visibility" that acts as an upper bound on
+ # the values a user can set for them, corresponding to the visibility in
+ # e.g. 'make menuconfig'. This function calculates the visibility for the
+ # Symbol or Choice 'sc' -- the logic is nearly identical.
+ vis = 0
+ for node in sc.nodes:
+ if node.prompt:
+ vis = max(vis, expr_value(node.prompt[1]))
+ if isinstance(sc, Symbol) and sc.choice:
+ if sc.choice.orig_type == TRISTATE and sc.orig_type != TRISTATE and \
+ sc.choice.tri_value != 2:
+ # Non-tristate choice symbols are only visible in y mode
+ return 0
+ if sc.orig_type == TRISTATE and vis == 1 and sc.choice.tri_value == 2:
+ # Choice symbols with m visibility are not visible in y mode
+ return 0
+ # Promote m to y if we're dealing with a non-tristate (possibly due to
+ # modules being disabled)
+ if vis == 1 and sc.type != TRISTATE:
+ return 2
+ return vis
+def _make_depend_on(sc, expr):
+ # Adds 'sc' (symbol or choice) as a "dependee" to all symbols in 'expr'.
+ # Constant symbols in 'expr' are skipped as they can never change value
+ # anyway.
+ if isinstance(expr, tuple):
+ # AND, OR, NOT, or relation
+ _make_depend_on(sc, expr[1])
+ # NOTs only have a single operand
+ if expr[0] != NOT:
+ _make_depend_on(sc, expr[2])
+ elif not expr.is_constant:
+ # Non-constant symbol, or choice
+ expr._dependents.add(sc)
+def _parenthesize(expr, type_):
+ # expr_str() helper. Adds parentheses around expressions of type 'type_'.
+ if isinstance(expr, tuple) and expr[0] == type_:
+ return "({})".format(expr_str(expr))
+ return expr_str(expr)
+def _indentation(line):
+ # Returns the length of the line's leading whitespace, treating tab stops
+ # as being spaced 8 characters apart.
+ line = line.expandtabs()
+ return len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
+def _is_base_n(s, n):
+ try:
+ int(s, n)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+def _strcmp(s1, s2):
+ # strcmp()-alike that returns -1, 0, or 1
+ return (s1 > s2) - (s1 < s2)
+def _is_num(s):
+ # Returns True if the string 's' looks like a number.
+ #
+ # Internally, all operands in Kconfig are symbols, only undefined symbols
+ # (which numbers usually are) get their name as their value.
+ #
+ # Only hex numbers that start with 0x/0X are classified as numbers.
+ # Otherwise, symbols whose names happen to contain only the letters A-F
+ # would trigger false positives.
+ try:
+ int(s)
+ except ValueError:
+ if not s.startswith(("0x", "0X")):
+ return False
+ try:
+ int(s, 16)
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+ return True
+def _sym_to_num(sym):
+ # expr_value() helper for converting a symbol to a number. Raises
+ # ValueError for symbols that can't be converted.
+ # For BOOL and TRISTATE, n/m/y count as 0/1/2. This mirrors 9059a3493ef
+ # ("kconfig: fix relational operators for bool and tristate symbols") in
+ # the C implementation.
+ return sym.tri_value if sym.orig_type in (BOOL, TRISTATE) else \
+ int(sym.str_value, _TYPE_TO_BASE[sym.orig_type])
+def _internal_error(msg):
+ raise InternalError(
+ msg +
+ "\nSorry! You may want to send an email to ulfalizer a.t Google's "
+ "email service to tell me about this. Include the message above and "
+ "the stack trace and describe what you were doing.")
+def _decoding_error(e, filename, macro_linenr=None):
+ # Gives the filename and context for UnicodeDecodeError's, which are a pain
+ # to debug otherwise. 'e' is the UnicodeDecodeError object.
+ #
+ # If the decoding error is for the output of a $(shell,...) command,
+ # macro_linenr holds the line number where it was run (the exact line
+ # number isn't available for decoding errors in files).
+ if macro_linenr is None:
+ loc = filename
+ else:
+ loc = "output from macro at {}:{}".format(filename, macro_linenr)
+ raise KconfigError(
+ "\n"
+ "Malformed {} in {}\n"
+ "Context: {}\n"
+ "Problematic data: {}\n"
+ "Reason: {}".format(
+ e.encoding, loc,
+ e.object[max(e.start - 40, 0):e.end + 40],
+ e.object[e.start:e.end],
+ e.reason))
+def _name_and_loc(sc):
+ # Helper for giving the symbol/choice name and location(s) in e.g. warnings
+ name = or "<choice>"
+ if not sc.nodes:
+ return name + " (undefined)"
+ return "{} (defined at {})".format(
+ name,
+ ", ".join("{}:{}".format(node.filename, node.linenr)
+ for node in sc.nodes))
+# Menu manipulation
+def _expr_depends_on(expr, sym):
+ # Reimplementation of expr_depends_symbol() from mconf.c. Used to determine
+ # if a submenu should be implicitly created. This also influences which
+ # items inside choice statements are considered choice items.
+ if not isinstance(expr, tuple):
+ return expr is sym
+ if expr[0] in (EQUAL, UNEQUAL):
+ # Check for one of the following:
+ # sym = m/y, m/y = sym, sym != n, n != sym
+ left, right = expr[1:]
+ if right is sym:
+ left, right = right, left
+ elif left is not sym:
+ return False
+ return (expr[0] == EQUAL and right is sym.kconfig.m or \
+ right is sym.kconfig.y) or \
+ (expr[0] == UNEQUAL and right is sym.kconfig.n)
+ return expr[0] == AND and \
+ (_expr_depends_on(expr[1], sym) or
+ _expr_depends_on(expr[2], sym))
+def _auto_menu_dep(node1, node2):
+ # Returns True if node2 has an "automatic menu dependency" on node1. If
+ # node2 has a prompt, we check its condition. Otherwise, we look directly
+ # at node2.dep.
+ # If node2 has no prompt, use its menu node dependencies instead
+ return _expr_depends_on(node2.prompt[1] if node2.prompt else node2.dep,
+ node1.item)
+def _flatten(node):
+ # "Flattens" menu nodes without prompts (e.g. 'if' nodes and non-visible
+ # symbols with children from automatic menu creation) so that their
+ # children appear after them instead. This gives a clean menu structure
+ # with no unexpected "jumps" in the indentation.
+ while node:
+ if node.list and not node.prompt:
+ last_node = node.list
+ while 1:
+ last_node.parent = node.parent
+ if not
+ break
+ last_node =
+ =
+ = node.list
+ node.list = None
+ node =
+def _remove_ifs(node):
+ # Removes 'if' nodes (which can be recognized by MenuNode.item being None),
+ # which are assumed to already have been flattened. The C implementation
+ # doesn't bother to do this, but we expose the menu tree directly, and it
+ # makes it nicer to work with.
+ first = node.list
+ while first and first.item is None:
+ first =
+ cur = first
+ while cur:
+ if and is None:
+ =
+ cur =
+ node.list = first
+def _finalize_choice(node):
+ # Finalizes a choice, marking each symbol whose menu node has the choice as
+ # the parent as a choice symbol, and automatically determining types if not
+ # specified.
+ choice = node.item
+ cur = node.list
+ while cur:
+ if isinstance(cur.item, Symbol):
+ cur.item.choice = choice
+ choice.syms.append(cur.item)
+ cur =
+ # If no type is specified for the choice, its type is that of
+ # the first choice item with a specified type
+ if choice.orig_type == UNKNOWN:
+ for item in choice.syms:
+ if item.orig_type != UNKNOWN:
+ choice.orig_type = item.orig_type
+ break
+ # Each choice item of UNKNOWN type gets the type of the choice
+ for sym in choice.syms:
+ if sym.orig_type == UNKNOWN:
+ sym.orig_type = choice.orig_type
+def _check_dep_loop_sym(sym, ignore_choice):
+ # Detects dependency loops using depth-first search on the dependency graph
+ # (which is calculated earlier in Kconfig._build_dep()).
+ #
+ # Algorithm:
+ #
+ # 1. Symbols/choices start out with _checked = 0, meaning unvisited.
+ #
+ # 2. When a symbol/choice is first visited, _checked is set to 1, meaning
+ # "visited, potentially part of a dependency loop". The recursive
+ # search then continues from the symbol/choice.
+ #
+ # 3. If we run into a symbol/choice X with _checked already set to 1,
+ # there's a dependency loop. The loop is found on the call stack by
+ # recording symbols while returning ("on the way back") until X is seen
+ # again.
+ #
+ # 4. Once a symbol/choice and all its dependencies (or dependents in this
+ # case) have been checked recursively without detecting any loops, its
+ # _checked is set to 2, meaning "visited, not part of a dependency
+ # loop".
+ #
+ # This saves work if we run into the symbol/choice again in later calls
+ # to _check_dep_loop_sym(). We just return immediately.
+ #
+ # Choices complicate things, as every choice symbol depends on every other
+ # choice symbol in a sense. When a choice is "entered" via a choice symbol
+ # X, we visit all choice symbols from the choice except X, and prevent
+ # immediately revisiting the choice with a flag (ignore_choice).
+ #
+ # Maybe there's a better way to handle this (different flags or the
+ # like...)
+ if not sym._checked:
+ # sym._checked == 0, unvisited
+ sym._checked = 1
+ for dep in sym._dependents:
+ # Choices show up in Symbol._dependents when the choice has the
+ # symbol in a 'prompt' or 'default' condition (e.g.
+ # 'default ... if SYM').
+ #
+ # Since we aren't entering the choice via a choice symbol, all
+ # choice symbols need to be checked, hence the None.
+ loop = _check_dep_loop_choice(dep, None) \
+ if isinstance(dep, Choice) \
+ else _check_dep_loop_sym(dep, False)
+ if loop:
+ # Dependency loop found
+ return _found_dep_loop(loop, sym)
+ if sym.choice and not ignore_choice:
+ loop = _check_dep_loop_choice(sym.choice, sym)
+ if loop:
+ # Dependency loop found
+ return _found_dep_loop(loop, sym)
+ # The symbol is not part of a dependency loop
+ sym._checked = 2
+ # No dependency loop found
+ return None
+ if sym._checked == 2:
+ # The symbol was checked earlier and is already known to not be part of
+ # a dependency loop
+ return None
+ # sym._checked == 1, found a dependency loop. Return the symbol as the
+ # first element in it.
+ return (sym,)
+def _check_dep_loop_choice(choice, skip):
+ if not choice._checked:
+ # choice._checked == 0, unvisited
+ choice._checked = 1
+ # Check for loops involving choice symbols. If we came here via a
+ # choice symbol, skip that one, as we'd get a false positive
+ # '<sym FOO> -> <choice> -> <sym FOO>' loop otherwise.
+ for sym in choice.syms:
+ if sym is not skip:
+ # Prevent the choice from being immediately re-entered via the
+ # "is a choice symbol" path by passing True
+ loop = _check_dep_loop_sym(sym, True)
+ if loop:
+ # Dependency loop found
+ return _found_dep_loop(loop, choice)
+ # The choice is not part of a dependency loop
+ choice._checked = 2
+ # No dependency loop found
+ return None
+ if choice._checked == 2:
+ # The choice was checked earlier and is already known to not be part of
+ # a dependency loop
+ return None
+ # choice._checked == 1, found a dependency loop. Return the choice as the
+ # first element in it.
+ return (choice,)
+def _found_dep_loop(loop, cur):
+ # Called "on the way back" when we know we have a loop
+ # Is the symbol/choice 'cur' where the loop started?
+ if cur is not loop[0]:
+ # Nope, it's just a part of the loop
+ return loop + (cur,)
+ # Yep, we have the entire loop. Throw an exception that shows it.
+ msg = "\nDependency loop\n" \
+ "===============\n\n"
+ for item in loop:
+ if item is not loop[0]:
+ msg += "...depends on "
+ if isinstance(item, Symbol) and item.choice:
+ msg += "the choice symbol "
+ msg += "{}, with definition...\n\n{}\n" \
+ .format(_name_and_loc(item), item)
+ # Small wart: Since we reuse the already calculated
+ # Symbol/Choice._dependents sets for recursive dependency detection, we
+ # lose information on whether a dependency came from a 'select'/'imply'
+ # condition or e.g. a 'depends on'.
+ #
+ # This might cause selecting symbols to "disappear". For example,
+ # a symbol B having 'select A if C' gives a direct dependency from A to
+ # C, since it corresponds to a reverse dependency of B && C.
+ #
+ # Always print reverse dependencies for symbols that have them to make
+ # sure information isn't lost. I wonder if there's some neat way to
+ # improve this.
+ if isinstance(item, Symbol):
+ if item.rev_dep is not item.kconfig.n:
+ msg += "(select-related dependencies: {})\n\n" \
+ .format(expr_str(item.rev_dep))
+ if item.weak_rev_dep is not item.kconfig.n:
+ msg += "(imply-related dependencies: {})\n\n" \
+ .format(expr_str(item.rev_dep))
+ msg += "...depends again on {}".format(_name_and_loc(loop[0]))
+ raise KconfigError(msg)
+def _check_sym_sanity(sym):
+ # Checks various symbol properties that are handiest to check after
+ # parsing. Only generates errors and warnings.
+ if sym.orig_type in (BOOL, TRISTATE):
+ # A helper function could be factored out here, but keep it
+ # speedy/straightforward for now. bool/tristate symbols are by far the
+ # most common, and most lack selects and implies.
+ for target_sym, _ in sym.selects:
+ if target_sym.orig_type not in (BOOL, TRISTATE, UNKNOWN):
+ sym.kconfig._warn("{} selects the {} symbol {}, which is not "
+ "bool or tristate"
+ .format(_name_and_loc(sym),
+ TYPE_TO_STR[target_sym.orig_type],
+ _name_and_loc(target_sym)))
+ for target_sym, _ in sym.implies:
+ if target_sym.orig_type not in (BOOL, TRISTATE, UNKNOWN):
+ sym.kconfig._warn("{} implies the {} symbol {}, which is not "
+ "bool or tristate"
+ .format(_name_and_loc(sym),
+ TYPE_TO_STR[target_sym.orig_type],
+ _name_and_loc(target_sym)))
+ elif sym.orig_type in (STRING, INT, HEX):
+ for default, _ in sym.defaults:
+ if not isinstance(default, Symbol):
+ raise KconfigError(
+ "the {} symbol {} has a malformed default {} -- expected "
+ "a single symbol"
+ .format(TYPE_TO_STR[sym.orig_type], _name_and_loc(sym),
+ expr_str(default)))
+ if sym.orig_type == STRING:
+ if not default.is_constant and not default.nodes and \
+ not
+ # 'default foo' on a string symbol could be either a symbol
+ # reference or someone leaving out the quotes. Guess that
+ # the quotes were left out if 'foo' isn't all-uppercase
+ # (and no symbol named 'foo' exists).
+ sym.kconfig._warn("style: quotes recommended around "
+ "default value for string symbol "
+ + _name_and_loc(sym))
+ elif sym.orig_type in (INT, HEX) and \
+ not _int_hex_ok(default, sym.orig_type):
+ sym.kconfig._warn("the {0} symbol {1} has a non-{0} default {2}"
+ .format(TYPE_TO_STR[sym.orig_type],
+ _name_and_loc(sym),
+ _name_and_loc(default)))
+ if sym.selects or sym.implies:
+ sym.kconfig._warn("the {} symbol {} has selects or implies"
+ .format(TYPE_TO_STR[sym.orig_type],
+ _name_and_loc(sym)))
+ else: # UNKNOWN
+ sym.kconfig._warn("{} defined without a type"
+ .format(_name_and_loc(sym)))
+ if sym.ranges:
+ if sym.orig_type not in (INT, HEX):
+ sym.kconfig._warn(
+ "the {} symbol {} has ranges, but is not int or hex"
+ .format(TYPE_TO_STR[sym.orig_type], _name_and_loc(sym)))
+ else:
+ for low, high, _ in sym.ranges:
+ if not _int_hex_ok(low, sym.orig_type) or \
+ not _int_hex_ok(high, sym.orig_type):
+ sym.kconfig._warn("the {0} symbol {1} has a non-{0} range "
+ "[{2}, {3}]"
+ .format(TYPE_TO_STR[sym.orig_type],
+ _name_and_loc(sym),
+ _name_and_loc(low),
+ _name_and_loc(high)))
+def _int_hex_ok(sym, type_):
+ # Returns True if the (possibly constant) symbol 'sym' is valid as a value
+ # for a symbol of type type_ (INT or HEX)
+ # 'not sym.nodes' implies a constant or undefined symbol, e.g. a plain
+ # "123"
+ if not sym.nodes:
+ return _is_base_n(, _TYPE_TO_BASE[type_])
+ return sym.orig_type == type_
+def _check_choice_sanity(choice):
+ # Checks various choice properties that are handiest to check after
+ # parsing. Only generates errors and warnings.
+ if choice.orig_type not in (BOOL, TRISTATE):
+ choice.kconfig._warn("{} defined with type {}"
+ .format(_name_and_loc(choice),
+ TYPE_TO_STR[choice.orig_type]))
+ for node in choice.nodes:
+ if node.prompt:
+ break
+ else:
+ choice.kconfig._warn(_name_and_loc(choice) +
+ " defined without a prompt")
+ for default, _ in choice.defaults:
+ if not isinstance(default, Symbol):
+ raise KconfigError(
+ "{} has a malformed default {}"
+ .format(_name_and_loc(choice), expr_str(default)))
+ if default.choice is not choice:
+ choice.kconfig._warn("the default selection {} of {} is not "
+ "contained in the choice"
+ .format(_name_and_loc(default),
+ _name_and_loc(choice)))
+ for sym in choice.syms:
+ if sym.defaults:
+ sym.kconfig._warn("default on the choice symbol {} will have "
+ "no effect".format(_name_and_loc(sym)))
+ if sym.rev_dep is not sym.kconfig.n:
+ _warn_choice_select_imply(sym, sym.rev_dep, "selected")
+ if sym.weak_rev_dep is not sym.kconfig.n:
+ _warn_choice_select_imply(sym, sym.weak_rev_dep, "implied")
+ for node in sym.nodes:
+ if node.parent.item is choice:
+ if not node.prompt:
+ sym.kconfig._warn("the choice symbol {} has no prompt"
+ .format(_name_and_loc(sym)))
+ elif node.prompt:
+ sym.kconfig._warn("the choice symbol {} is defined with a "
+ "prompt outside the choice"
+ .format(_name_and_loc(sym)))
+def _warn_choice_select_imply(sym, expr, expr_type):
+ msg = "the choice symbol {} is {} by the following symbols, which has " \
+ "no effect: ".format(_name_and_loc(sym), expr_type)
+ # si = select/imply
+ for si in split_expr(expr, OR):
+ msg += "\n - " + _name_and_loc(split_expr(si, AND)[0])
+ sym.kconfig._warn(msg)
+# Predefined preprocessor functions
+def _filename_fn(kconf, args):
+ return kconf._filename
+def _lineno_fn(kconf, args):
+ return str(kconf._linenr)
+def _info_fn(kconf, args):
+ print("{}:{}: {}".format(kconf._filename, kconf._linenr, args[1]))
+ return ""
+def _warning_if_fn(kconf, args):
+ if args[1] == "y":
+ kconf._warn(args[2], kconf._filename, kconf._linenr)
+ return ""
+def _error_if_fn(kconf, args):
+ if args[1] == "y":
+ raise KconfigError("{}:{}: {}".format(
+ kconf._filename, kconf._linenr, args[2]))
+ return ""
+def _shell_fn(kconf, args):
+ # Use universal newlines mode to prevent e.g. stray \r's in command output
+ # on Windows
+ if _IS_PY2:
+ # No decoding on Python 2
+ stdout, stderr = subprocess.Popen(
+ args[1], shell=True,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ universal_newlines=True
+ ).communicate()
+ else:
+ # Passing universal_newlines=True and/or 'encoding' on Python 3 turns
+ # on decoding of the output (bytes -> str), which might fail
+ try:
+ stdout, stderr = subprocess.Popen(
+ args[1], shell=True,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ universal_newlines=True, encoding=kconf._encoding
+ ).communicate()
+ except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
+ _decoding_error(e, kconf._filename, kconf._linenr)
+ if stderr:
+ kconf._warn(
+ "'{}' wrote to stderr: {}".format(args[1], stderr.rstrip("\n")),
+ kconf._filename, kconf._linenr)
+ return stdout.rstrip("\n").replace("\n", " ")
+# Public global constants
+# Integers representing symbol types
+ HEX,
+ INT,
+) = range(6)
+# Integers representing menu and comment menu nodes
+) = range(2)
+# Converts a symbol/choice type to a string
+ UNKNOWN: "unknown",
+ BOOL: "bool",
+ TRISTATE: "tristate",
+ STRING: "string",
+ HEX: "hex",
+ INT: "int",
+ 0: "n",
+ 1: "m",
+ 2: "y",
+ "n": 0,
+ "m": 1,
+ "y": 2,
+# Internal global constants (plus public expression type
+# constants)
+# Are we running on Python 2?
+_IS_PY2 = sys.version_info[0] < 3
+# Tokens, with values 1, 2, ... . Avoiding 0 simplifies some checks by making
+# all tokens except empty strings truthy.
+ _T_AND,
+ _T_BOOL,
+ _T_ENV,
+ _T_HELP,
+ _T_HEX,
+ _T_IF,
+ _T_INT,
+ _T_LESS,
+ _T_MENU,
+ _T_NOT,
+ _T_ON,
+ _T_OR,
+) = range(1, 51)
+# Public integers representing expression types
+# Having these match the value of the corresponding tokens removes the need
+# for conversion
+OR = _T_OR
+# Keyword to token map, with the get() method assigned directly as a small
+# optimization
+_get_keyword = {
+ "---help---": _T_HELP,
+ "allnoconfig_y": _T_ALLNOCONFIG_Y,
+ "bool": _T_BOOL,
+ "boolean": _T_BOOL,
+ "choice": _T_CHOICE,
+ "comment": _T_COMMENT,
+ "config": _T_CONFIG,
+ "def_bool": _T_DEF_BOOL,
+ "def_hex": _T_DEF_HEX,
+ "def_int": _T_DEF_INT,
+ "def_string": _T_DEF_STRING,
+ "def_tristate": _T_DEF_TRISTATE,
+ "default": _T_DEFAULT,
+ "defconfig_list": _T_DEFCONFIG_LIST,
+ "depends": _T_DEPENDS,
+ "endchoice": _T_ENDCHOICE,
+ "endif": _T_ENDIF,
+ "endmenu": _T_ENDMENU,
+ "env": _T_ENV,
+ "grsource": _T_ORSOURCE, # Backwards compatibility
+ "gsource": _T_OSOURCE, # Backwards compatibility
+ "help": _T_HELP,
+ "hex": _T_HEX,
+ "if": _T_IF,
+ "imply": _T_IMPLY,
+ "int": _T_INT,
+ "mainmenu": _T_MAINMENU,
+ "menu": _T_MENU,
+ "menuconfig": _T_MENUCONFIG,
+ "modules": _T_MODULES,
+ "on": _T_ON,
+ "option": _T_OPTION,
+ "optional": _T_OPTIONAL,
+ "orsource": _T_ORSOURCE,
+ "osource": _T_OSOURCE,
+ "prompt": _T_PROMPT,
+ "range": _T_RANGE,
+ "rsource": _T_RSOURCE,
+ "select": _T_SELECT,
+ "source": _T_SOURCE,
+ "string": _T_STRING,
+ "tristate": _T_TRISTATE,
+ "visible": _T_VISIBLE,
+# Tokens after which strings are expected. This is used to tell strings from
+# constant symbol references during tokenization, both of which are enclosed in
+# quotes.
+# Identifier-like lexemes ("missing quotes") are also treated as strings after
+# these tokens. _T_CHOICE is included to avoid symbols being registered for
+# named choices.
+_STRING_LEX = frozenset((
+ _T_BOOL,
+ _T_HEX,
+ _T_INT,
+ _T_MENU,
+# Tokens for types, excluding def_bool, def_tristate, etc., for quick
+# checks during parsing
+_TYPE_TOKENS = frozenset((
+ _T_BOOL,
+ _T_INT,
+ _T_HEX,
+# Helper functions for getting compiled regular expressions, with the needed
+# matching function returned directly as a small optimization.
+# Use ASCII regex matching on Python 3. It's already the default on Python 2.
+def _re_match(regex):
+ return re.compile(regex, 0 if _IS_PY2 else re.ASCII).match
+def _re_search(regex):
+ return re.compile(regex, 0 if _IS_PY2 else re.ASCII).search
+# Various regular expressions used during parsing
+# The initial token on a line. Also eats leading and trailing whitespace, so
+# that we can jump straight to the next token (or to the end of the line if
+# there is only one token).
+# This regex will also fail to match for empty lines and comment lines.
+# '$' is included to detect a variable assignment left-hand side with a $ in it
+# (which might be from a macro expansion).
+_command_match = _re_match(r"\s*([$A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\s*")
+# An identifier/keyword after the first token. Also eats trailing whitespace.
+_id_keyword_match = _re_match(r"([A-Za-z0-9_/.-]+)\s*")
+# A fragment in the left-hand side of a preprocessor variable assignment. These
+# are the portions between macro expansions ($(foo)). Macros are supported in
+# the LHS (variable name).
+_assignment_lhs_fragment_match = _re_match("[A-Za-z0-9_-]*")
+# The assignment operator and value (right-hand side) in a preprocessor
+# variable assignment
+_assignment_rhs_match = _re_match(r"\s*(=|:=|\+=)\s*(.*)")
+# Special characters/strings while expanding a macro (')', ',', and '$(')
+_macro_special_search = _re_search(r"\)|,|\$\(")
+# Special characters/strings while expanding a string (quotes, '\', and '$(')
+_string_special_search = _re_search(r'"|\'|\\|\$\(')
+# A valid right-hand side for an assignment to a string symbol in a .config
+# file, including escaped characters. Extracts the contents.
+_conf_string_match = _re_match(r'"((?:[^\\"]|\\.)*)"')
+# Token to type mapping
+ _T_HEX: HEX,
+ _T_INT: INT,
+# Constant representing that there's no cached choice selection. This is
+# distinct from a cached None (no selection). We create a unique object (any
+# will do) for it so we can test with 'is'.
+# Used in comparisons. 0 means the base is inferred from the format of the
+# string.
+ HEX: 16,
+ INT: 10,
+ STRING: 0,
+# Note: These constants deliberately equal the corresponding tokens (_T_EQUAL,
+# _T_UNEQUAL, etc.), which removes the need for conversion
+_RELATIONS = frozenset((
+_REL_TO_STR = {
+ EQUAL: "=",
+ UNEQUAL: "!=",
+ LESS: "<",
+ LESS_EQUAL: "<=",
+ GREATER: ">",
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..598e306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# intended to be included from shell-script
+if test -z "$PY_SOURCES"; then
+ echo "PY_SOURCES variable must be set"
+ exit 1
+testport() {
+ if test -c $PORT; then
+ true
+ else
+ echo "$PORT not connected" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+case "$1" in
+ console)
+ testport
+ screen $PORT 115200
+ ;;
+ flash)
+ testport
+ ;;
+ setup)
+ testport
+ $_SCRIPTS_DIR/ "${PORT}" "${_PROJECT_DIR}/.config"
+ ;;
+ copy)
+ testport
+ for file in $PY_SOURCES; do
+ $_SCRIPTS_DIR/ "${PORT}" "${_PROJECT_DIR}/$file" "$file"
+ done
+ ;;
+ format)
+ testport
+ ;;
+ reset)
+ testport
+ echo -e -n "\003\004" > "${PORT}"
+ sleep 3
+ ;;
+ config)
+ export srctree="${_PROJECT_DIR}"
+ export KCONFIG_CONFIG="${_PROJECT_DIR}/.config"
+ python3 "$_SCRIPTS_DIR/" "${_PROJECT_DIR}/Kconfig"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Command '$1' not supported" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a805610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,2454 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (c) 2018, Nordic Semiconductor ASA and Ulf Magnusson
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
+A curses-based menuconfig implementation. The interface should feel familiar to
+people used to mconf ('make menuconfig').
+Supports the same keys as mconf, and also supports a set of keybindings
+inspired by Vi:
+ J/K : Down/Up
+ L : Enter menu/Toggle item
+ H : Leave menu
+ Ctrl-D/U: Page Down/Page Down
+ G/End : Jump to end of list
+ g/Home : Jump to beginning of list
+The mconf feature where pressing a key jumps to a menu entry with that
+character in it in the current menu isn't supported. A jump-to feature for
+jumping directly to any symbol (including invisible symbols) is available
+Space and Enter are "smart" and try to do what you'd expect for the given
+menu entry.
+ can be run either as a standalone executable or by calling the
+menu.menuconfig() function with an existing Kconfig instance. The second option
+is a bit inflexible in that it will still load and save .config, etc.
+When run in standalone mode, the top-level Kconfig file to load can be passed
+as a command-line argument. With no argument, it defaults to "Kconfig".
+The KCONFIG_CONFIG environment variable specifies the .config file to load (if
+it exists) and save. If KCONFIG_CONFIG is unset, ".config" is used.
+$srctree is supported through Kconfiglib.
+Other features
+ - Seamless terminal resizing
+ - No dependencies on *nix, as the 'curses' module is in the Python standard
+ library
+ - Unicode text entry
+ - Improved information screen compared to mconf:
+ * Expressions are split up by their top-level &&/|| operands to improve
+ readability
+ * Undefined symbols in expressions are pointed out
+ * Menus and comments have information displays
+ * Kconfig definitions are printed
+ - Python 3 only
+ This is mostly due to Python 2 not having curses.get_wch(), which is needed
+ for Unicode support.
+ - Doesn't work out of the box on Windows
+ Has been tested to work with the wheels provided at
+ though.
+import curses
+import errno
+import locale
+import os
+import platform
+import re
+import textwrap
+# We need this double import for the _expr_str() override below
+import kconfiglib
+from kconfiglib import Symbol, Choice, MENU, COMMENT, MenuNode, \
+ AND, OR, NOT, \
+ expr_value, split_expr, \
+ standard_kconfig, standard_config_filename
+# Configuration variables
+# If True, try to convert LC_CTYPE to a UTF-8 locale if it is set to the C
+# locale (which implies ASCII). This fixes curses Unicode I/O issues on systems
+# with bad defaults. ncurses configures itself from the locale settings.
+# Related PEP:
+# How many steps an implicit submenu will be indented. Implicit submenus are
+# created when an item depends on the symbol before it. Note that symbols
+# defined with 'menuconfig' create a separate menu instead of indenting.
+# Number of steps for Page Up/Down to jump
+_PG_JUMP = 6
+# How far the cursor needs to be from the edge of the window before it starts
+# to scroll. Used for the main menu display, the information display, the
+# search display, and for text boxes.
+# Minimum width of dialogs that ask for text input
+# Number of arrows pointing up/down to draw when a window is scrolled
+# Lines of help text shown at the bottom of the "main" display
+[Space/Enter] Toggle/enter [ESC] Leave menu [S] Save
+[O] Load [?] Symbol info [/] Jump to symbol
+[A] Toggle show-all mode [C] Toggle show-name mode
+[Q] Quit (prompts for save) [D] Save minimal config (advanced)
+# Lines of help text shown at the bottom of the information dialog
+[ESC/q] Return to menu
+# Lines of help text shown at the bottom of the search dialog
+Type text to narrow the search. Regexes are supported (via Python's 're'
+module). The up/down cursor keys step in the list. [Enter] jumps to the
+selected symbol. [ESC] aborts the search. Type multiple space-separated
+strings/regexes to find entries that match all of them. Type Ctrl-F to
+view the help of the selected item without leaving the dialog.
+def _init_styles():
+ global _HELP_STYLE
+ global _LIST_STYLE
+ global _LIST_SEL_STYLE
+ global _PATH_STYLE
+ # Initialize styles for different parts of the application. The arguments
+ # are ordered as follows:
+ #
+ # 1. Text color
+ # 2. Background color
+ # 3. Attributes
+ # 4. Extra attributes if colors aren't available. The colors will be
+ # ignored in this case, and the attributes from (3.) and (4.) will be
+ # ORed together.
+ # A_BOLD tends to produce faint and hard-to-read text on the Windows
+ # console, especially with the old color scheme, before the introduction of
+ #
+ BOLD = curses.A_NORMAL if _IS_WINDOWS else curses.A_BOLD
+ # Separator lines between windows. Also used for the top line in the symbol
+ # information dialog.
+ # Edit boxes
+ _INPUT_FIELD_STYLE = _style(curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.A_NORMAL, curses.A_STANDOUT)
+ # List of items, e.g. the main display
+ _LIST_STYLE = _style(curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.A_NORMAL )
+ # Style for the selected item
+ _LIST_SEL_STYLE = _style(curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.A_NORMAL, curses.A_STANDOUT)
+ # Like _LIST_(SEL_)STYLE, for invisible items. Used in show-all mode.
+ _LIST_INVISIBLE_STYLE = _style(curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.A_NORMAL, BOLD )
+ _LIST_INVISIBLE_SEL_STYLE = _style(curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.A_NORMAL, curses.A_STANDOUT)
+ # Help text windows at the bottom of various fullscreen dialogs
+ _HELP_STYLE = _style(curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE, BOLD )
+ # Top row in the main display, with the menu path
+ _PATH_STYLE = _style(curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE, BOLD )
+ # Symbol information text
+ # Frame around dialog boxes
+ # Body of dialog boxes
+ _DIALOG_BODY_STYLE = _style(curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.A_NORMAL )
+# Main application
+# color_attribs holds the color pairs we've already created, indexed by a
+# (<foreground color>, <background color>) tuple.
+# Obscure Python: We never pass a value for color_attribs, and it keeps
+# pointing to the same dict. This avoids a global.
+def _style(fg_color, bg_color, attribs, no_color_extra_attribs=0,
+ color_attribs={}):
+ # Returns an attribute with the specified foreground and background color
+ # and the attributes in 'attribs'. Reuses color pairs already created if
+ # possible, and creates a new color pair otherwise.
+ #
+ # Returns 'attribs | no_color_extra_attribs' if colors aren't supported.
+ if not curses.has_colors():
+ return attribs | no_color_extra_attribs
+ if (fg_color, bg_color) not in color_attribs:
+ # Create new color pair. Color pair number 0 is hardcoded and cannot be
+ # changed, hence the +1s.
+ curses.init_pair(len(color_attribs) + 1, fg_color, bg_color)
+ color_attribs[(fg_color, bg_color)] = \
+ curses.color_pair(len(color_attribs) + 1)
+ return color_attribs[(fg_color, bg_color)] | attribs
+# "Extend" the standard kconfiglib.expr_str() to show values for symbols
+# appearing in expressions, for the information dialog.
+# This is a bit hacky, but officially supported. It beats having to reimplement
+# expression printing just to tweak it a bit.
+def _expr_str_val(expr):
+ if isinstance(expr, Symbol) and not expr.is_constant and \
+ not _is_num(
+ # Show the values of non-constant (non-quoted) symbols that don't look
+ # like numbers. Things like 123 are actually a symbol references, and
+ # only work as expected due to undefined symbols getting their name as
+ # their value. Showing the symbol value there isn't helpful though.
+ if not expr.nodes:
+ # Undefined symbol reference
+ return "{}(undefined/n)".format(
+ return '{}(="{}")'.format(, expr.str_value)
+ if isinstance(expr, tuple) and expr[0] == NOT and \
+ isinstance(expr[1], Symbol):
+ # Put a space after "!" before a symbol, since '! FOO(="y")' makes it
+ # clearer than '!FOO(="y")' that "y" is the value of FOO itself
+ return "! " + _expr_str(expr[1])
+ # We'll end up back in _expr_str_val() when _expr_str_orig() does recursive
+ # calls for subexpressions
+ return _expr_str_orig(expr)
+# Do hacky expr_str() extension. The rest of the code will just call
+# _expr_str().
+_expr_str_orig = kconfiglib.expr_str
+kconfiglib.expr_str = _expr_str_val
+_expr_str = _expr_str_val
+# Entry point when run as an executable, split out so that setuptools'
+# 'entry_points' can be used. It produces a handy menuconfig.exe launcher on
+# Windows.
+def _main():
+ menuconfig(standard_kconfig())
+def menuconfig(kconf):
+ """
+ Launches the configuration interface, returning after the user exits.
+ kconf:
+ Kconfig instance to be configured
+ """
+ globals()["_kconf"] = kconf
+ global _config_filename
+ global _show_all
+ global _conf_changed
+ _config_filename = standard_config_filename()
+ if os.path.exists(_config_filename):
+ _conf_changed = False
+ print("Using existing configuration '{}' as base"
+ .format(_config_filename))
+ _kconf.load_config(_config_filename)
+ else:
+ # Always prompt for save if the output configuration file doesn't exist
+ _conf_changed = True
+ if kconf.defconfig_filename is not None:
+ print("Using default configuration found in '{}' as base"
+ .format(kconf.defconfig_filename))
+ _kconf.load_config(kconf.defconfig_filename)
+ else:
+ print("Using default symbol values as base")
+ # Any visible items in the top menu?
+ _show_all = False
+ if not _shown_nodes(_kconf.top_node):
+ # Nothing visible. Start in show-all mode and try again.
+ _show_all = True
+ if not _shown_nodes(_kconf.top_node):
+ # Give up. The implementation relies on always having a selected
+ # node.
+ print("Empty configuration -- nothing to configure.\n"
+ "Check that environment variables are set properly.")
+ return
+ # Disable warnings. They get mangled in curses mode, and we deal with
+ # errors ourselves.
+ _kconf.disable_warnings()
+ # Make curses use the locale settings specified in the environment
+ locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
+ # Try to fix Unicode issues on systems with bad defaults
+ _convert_c_lc_ctype_to_utf8()
+ # Get rid of the delay between pressing ESC and jumping to the parent menu
+ os.environ.setdefault("ESCDELAY", "0")
+ # Enter curses mode. _menuconfig() returns a string to print on exit, after
+ # curses has been de-initialized.
+ print(curses.wrapper(_menuconfig))
+# Global variables used below:
+# _cur_menu:
+# Menu node of the menu (or menuconfig symbol, or choice) currently being
+# shown
+# _shown:
+# List of items in _cur_menu that are shown (ignoring scrolling). In
+# show-all mode, this list contains all items in _cur_menu. Otherwise, it
+# contains just the visible items.
+# _sel_node_i:
+# Index in _shown of the currently selected node
+# _menu_scroll:
+# Index in _shown of the top row of the main display
+# _parent_screen_rows:
+# List/stack of the row numbers that the selections in the parent menus
+# appeared on. This is used to prevent the scrolling from jumping around
+# when going in and out of menus.
+# _show_all:
+# If True, "show-all" mode is on. Show-all mode shows all symbols and other
+# items in the current menu, including those that lack a prompt or aren't
+# currently visible.
+# Invisible items are drawn in a different style to make them stand out.
+# _show_name:
+# If True, the names of all symbol are shown in addition to the prompt.
+# _conf_changed:
+# True if the configuration has been changed. If False, we don't bother
+# showing the save-and-quit dialog.
+# We reset this to False whenever the configuration is saved explicitly
+# from the save dialog.
+def _menuconfig(stdscr):
+ # Logic for the main display, with the list of symbols, etc.
+ globals()["stdscr"] = stdscr
+ global _conf_changed
+ global _show_name
+ _init()
+ while True:
+ _draw_main()
+ curses.doupdate()
+ c = _get_wch_compat(_menu_win)
+ if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
+ _resize_main()
+ if c in (curses.KEY_DOWN, "j", "J"):
+ _select_next_menu_entry()
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_UP, "k", "K"):
+ _select_prev_menu_entry()
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_NPAGE, "\x04"): # Page Down/Ctrl-D
+ # Keep it simple. This way we get sane behavior for small windows,
+ # etc., for free.
+ for _ in range(_PG_JUMP):
+ _select_next_menu_entry()
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_PPAGE, "\x15"): # Page Up/Ctrl-U
+ for _ in range(_PG_JUMP):
+ _select_prev_menu_entry()
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_END, "G"):
+ _select_last_menu_entry()
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_HOME, "g"):
+ _select_first_menu_entry()
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_RIGHT, " ", "\n", "l", "L"):
+ # Do appropriate node action. Only Space is treated specially,
+ # preferring to toggle nodes rather than enter menus.
+ sel_node = _shown[_sel_node_i]
+ if sel_node.is_menuconfig and not \
+ (c == " " and _prefer_toggle(sel_node.item)):
+ _enter_menu(sel_node)
+ else:
+ _change_node(sel_node)
+ if _is_y_mode_choice_sym(sel_node.item):
+ # Immediately jump to the parent menu after making a choice
+ # selection, like 'make menuconfig' does
+ _leave_menu()
+ elif c in ("n", "N"):
+ _set_sel_node_tri_val(0)
+ elif c in ("m", "M"):
+ _set_sel_node_tri_val(1)
+ elif c in ("y", "Y"):
+ _set_sel_node_tri_val(2)
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_BACKSPACE, _ERASE_CHAR,
+ "\x1B", # \x1B = ESC
+ "h", "H"):
+ if c == "\x1B" and _cur_menu is _kconf.top_node:
+ res = quit_dialog()
+ if res:
+ return res
+ else:
+ _leave_menu()
+ elif c in ("o", "O"):
+ if _conf_changed:
+ c = _key_dialog(
+ "Load",
+ "You have unsaved changes. Load new\n"
+ "configuration anyway?\n"
+ "\n"
+ " (Y)es (C)ancel",
+ "yc")
+ if c is None or c == "c":
+ continue
+ if _load_dialog():
+ _conf_changed = False
+ elif c in ("s", "S"):
+ if _save_dialog(_kconf.write_config, _config_filename,
+ "configuration"):
+ _conf_changed = False
+ elif c in ("d", "D"):
+ _save_dialog(_kconf.write_min_config, "defconfig",
+ "minimal configuration")
+ elif c == "/":
+ _jump_to_dialog()
+ # The terminal might have been resized while the fullscreen jump-to
+ # dialog was open
+ _resize_main()
+ elif c == "?":
+ _info_dialog(_shown[_sel_node_i], False)
+ # The terminal might have been resized while the fullscreen info
+ # dialog was open
+ _resize_main()
+ elif c in ("a", "A"):
+ _toggle_show_all()
+ elif c in ("c", "C"):
+ _show_name = not _show_name
+ elif c in ("q", "Q"):
+ res = quit_dialog()
+ if res:
+ return res
+def quit_dialog():
+ if not _conf_changed:
+ return "No changes to save"
+ while True:
+ c = _key_dialog(
+ "Quit",
+ " Save configuration?\n"
+ "\n"
+ "(Y)es (N)o (C)ancel",
+ "ync")
+ if c is None or c == "c":
+ return None
+ if c == "y":
+ if _try_save(_kconf.write_config, _config_filename,
+ "configuration"):
+ return "Configuration saved to '{}'" \
+ .format(_config_filename)
+ elif c == "n":
+ return "Configuration was not saved"
+def _init():
+ # Initializes the main display with the list of symbols, etc. Also does
+ # misc. global initialization that needs to happen after initializing
+ # curses.
+ global _ERASE_CHAR
+ global _path_win
+ global _top_sep_win
+ global _menu_win
+ global _bot_sep_win
+ global _help_win
+ global _parent_screen_rows
+ global _cur_menu
+ global _shown
+ global _sel_node_i
+ global _menu_scroll
+ global _show_name
+ # Looking for this in addition to KEY_BACKSPACE (which is unreliable) makes
+ # backspace work with TERM=vt100. That makes it likely to work in sane
+ # environments.
+ #
+ # erasechar() returns a 'bytes' object. Since we use get_wch(), we need to
+ # decode it. Just give up and avoid crashing if it can't be decoded.
+ _ERASE_CHAR = curses.erasechar().decode("utf-8", "ignore")
+ _init_styles()
+ # Hide the cursor
+ _safe_curs_set(0)
+ # Initialize windows
+ # Top row, with menu path
+ _path_win = _styled_win(_PATH_STYLE)
+ # Separator below menu path, with title and arrows pointing up
+ _top_sep_win = _styled_win(_SEPARATOR_STYLE)
+ # List of menu entries with symbols, etc.
+ _menu_win = _styled_win(_LIST_STYLE)
+ _menu_win.keypad(True)
+ # Row below menu list, with arrows pointing down
+ _bot_sep_win = _styled_win(_SEPARATOR_STYLE)
+ # Help window with keys at the bottom
+ _help_win = _styled_win(_HELP_STYLE)
+ # The rows we'd like the nodes in the parent menus to appear on. This
+ # prevents the scroll from jumping around when going in and out of menus.
+ _parent_screen_rows = []
+ # Initial state
+ _cur_menu = _kconf.top_node
+ _shown = _shown_nodes(_cur_menu)
+ _sel_node_i = 0
+ _menu_scroll = 0
+ _show_name = False
+ # Give windows their initial size
+ _resize_main()
+def _resize_main():
+ # Resizes the main display, with the list of symbols, etc., to fill the
+ # terminal
+ global _menu_scroll
+ screen_height, screen_width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
+ _path_win.resize(1, screen_width)
+ _top_sep_win.resize(1, screen_width)
+ _bot_sep_win.resize(1, screen_width)
+ help_win_height = len(_MAIN_HELP_LINES)
+ menu_win_height = screen_height - help_win_height - 3
+ if menu_win_height >= 1:
+ _menu_win.resize(menu_win_height, screen_width)
+ _help_win.resize(help_win_height, screen_width)
+ _top_sep_win.mvwin(1, 0)
+ _menu_win.mvwin(2, 0)
+ _bot_sep_win.mvwin(2 + menu_win_height, 0)
+ _help_win.mvwin(2 + menu_win_height + 1, 0)
+ else:
+ # Degenerate case. Give up on nice rendering and just prevent errors.
+ menu_win_height = 1
+ _menu_win.resize(1, screen_width)
+ _help_win.resize(1, screen_width)
+ for win in _top_sep_win, _menu_win, _bot_sep_win, _help_win:
+ win.mvwin(0, 0)
+ # Adjust the scroll so that the selected node is still within the window,
+ # if needed
+ if _sel_node_i - _menu_scroll >= menu_win_height:
+ _menu_scroll = _sel_node_i - menu_win_height + 1
+def _menu_win_height():
+ # Returns the height of the menu display
+ return _menu_win.getmaxyx()[0]
+def _prefer_toggle(item):
+ # For nodes with menus, determines whether Space should change the value of
+ # the node's item or enter its menu. We toggle symbols (which have menus
+ # when they're defined with 'menuconfig') and choices that can be in more
+ # than one mode (e.g. optional choices). In other cases, we enter the menu.
+ return isinstance(item, Symbol) or \
+ (isinstance(item, Choice) and len(item.assignable) > 1)
+def _enter_menu(menu):
+ # Makes 'menu' the currently displayed menu
+ global _cur_menu
+ global _shown
+ global _sel_node_i
+ global _menu_scroll
+ shown_sub = _shown_nodes(menu)
+ # Never enter empty menus. We depend on having a current node.
+ if shown_sub:
+ # Remember where the current node appears on the screen, so we can try
+ # to get it to appear in the same place when we leave the menu
+ _parent_screen_rows.append(_sel_node_i - _menu_scroll)
+ # Jump into menu
+ _cur_menu = menu
+ _shown = shown_sub
+ _sel_node_i = 0
+ _menu_scroll = 0
+def _jump_to(node):
+ # Jumps directly to the menu node 'node'
+ global _cur_menu
+ global _shown
+ global _sel_node_i
+ global _menu_scroll
+ global _show_all
+ global _parent_screen_rows
+ # Clear remembered menu locations. We might not even have been in the
+ # parent menus before.
+ _parent_screen_rows = []
+ # Turn on show-all mode if the node isn't visible
+ if not (node.prompt and expr_value(node.prompt[1])):
+ _show_all = True
+ _cur_menu = _parent_menu(node)
+ _shown = _shown_nodes(_cur_menu)
+ _sel_node_i = _shown.index(node)
+ # Center the jumped-to node vertically, if possible
+ _menu_scroll = max(_sel_node_i - _menu_win_height()//2, 0)
+def _leave_menu():
+ # Jumps to the parent menu of the current menu. Does nothing if we're in
+ # the top menu.
+ global _cur_menu
+ global _shown
+ global _sel_node_i
+ global _menu_scroll
+ if _cur_menu is _kconf.top_node:
+ return
+ # Jump to parent menu
+ parent = _parent_menu(_cur_menu)
+ _shown = _shown_nodes(parent)
+ _sel_node_i = _shown.index(_cur_menu)
+ _cur_menu = parent
+ # Try to make the menu entry appear on the same row on the screen as it did
+ # before we entered the menu.
+ if _parent_screen_rows:
+ # The terminal might have shrunk since we were last in the parent menu
+ screen_row = min(_parent_screen_rows.pop(), _menu_win_height() - 1)
+ _menu_scroll = max(_sel_node_i - screen_row, 0)
+ else:
+ # No saved parent menu locations, meaning we jumped directly to some
+ # node earlier. Just center the node vertically if possible.
+ _menu_scroll = max(_sel_node_i - _menu_win_height()//2, 0)
+def _select_next_menu_entry():
+ # Selects the menu entry after the current one, adjusting the scroll if
+ # necessary. Does nothing if we're already at the last menu entry.
+ global _sel_node_i
+ global _menu_scroll
+ if _sel_node_i < len(_shown) - 1:
+ # Jump to the next node
+ _sel_node_i += 1
+ # If the new node is sufficiently close to the edge of the menu window
+ # (as determined by _SCROLL_OFFSET), increase the scroll by one. This
+ # gives nice and non-jumpy behavior even when
+ # _SCROLL_OFFSET >= _menu_win_height().
+ if _sel_node_i >= _menu_scroll + _menu_win_height() - _SCROLL_OFFSET:
+ _menu_scroll = min(_menu_scroll + 1,
+ _max_scroll(_shown, _menu_win))
+def _select_prev_menu_entry():
+ # Selects the menu entry before the current one, adjusting the scroll if
+ # necessary. Does nothing if we're already at the first menu entry.
+ global _sel_node_i
+ global _menu_scroll
+ if _sel_node_i > 0:
+ # Jump to the previous node
+ _sel_node_i -= 1
+ # See _select_next_menu_entry()
+ if _sel_node_i <= _menu_scroll + _SCROLL_OFFSET:
+ _menu_scroll = max(_menu_scroll - 1, 0)
+def _select_last_menu_entry():
+ # Selects the last menu entry in the current menu
+ global _sel_node_i
+ global _menu_scroll
+ _sel_node_i = len(_shown) - 1
+ _menu_scroll = _max_scroll(_shown, _menu_win)
+def _select_first_menu_entry():
+ # Selects the first menu entry in the current menu
+ global _sel_node_i
+ global _menu_scroll
+ _sel_node_i = _menu_scroll = 0
+def _toggle_show_all():
+ # Toggles show-all mode on/off
+ global _show_all
+ global _shown
+ global _sel_node_i
+ global _menu_scroll
+ # Row on the screen the cursor is on. Preferably we want the same row to
+ # stay highlighted.
+ old_row = _sel_node_i - _menu_scroll
+ _show_all = not _show_all
+ # List of new nodes to be shown after toggling _show_all
+ new_shown = _shown_nodes(_cur_menu)
+ # Find a good node to select. The selected node might disappear if show-all
+ # mode is turned off.
+ # If there are visible nodes before the previously selected node, select
+ # the closest one. This will select the previously selected node itself if
+ # it is still visible.
+ for node in reversed(_shown[:_sel_node_i + 1]):
+ if node in new_shown:
+ _sel_node_i = new_shown.index(node)
+ break
+ else:
+ # No visible nodes before the previously selected node. Select the
+ # closest visible node after it instead.
+ for node in _shown[_sel_node_i + 1:]:
+ if node in new_shown:
+ _sel_node_i = new_shown.index(node)
+ break
+ else:
+ # No visible nodes at all, meaning show-all was turned off inside
+ # an invisible menu. Don't allow that, as the implementation relies
+ # on always having a selected node.
+ _show_all = True
+ return
+ _shown = new_shown
+ # Try to make the cursor stay on the same row in the menu window. This
+ # might be impossible if too many nodes have disappeared above the node.
+ _menu_scroll = max(_sel_node_i - old_row, 0)
+def _draw_main():
+ # Draws the "main" display, with the list of symbols, the header, and the
+ # footer.
+ #
+ # This could be optimized to only update the windows that have actually
+ # changed, but keep it simple for now and let curses sort it out.
+ term_width = stdscr.getmaxyx()[1]
+ #
+ # Update the top row with the menu path
+ #
+ _path_win.erase()
+ # Draw the menu path ("(top menu) -> menu -> submenu -> ...")
+ menu_prompts = []
+ menu = _cur_menu
+ while menu is not _kconf.top_node:
+ menu_prompts.append(menu.prompt[0])
+ menu = _parent_menu(menu)
+ menu_prompts.append("(top menu)")
+ menu_prompts.reverse()
+ # Hack: We can't put ACS_RARROW directly in the string. Temporarily
+ # represent it with NULL. Maybe using a Unicode character would be better.
+ menu_path_str = " \0 ".join(menu_prompts)
+ # Scroll the menu path to the right if needed to make the current menu's
+ # title visible
+ if len(menu_path_str) > term_width:
+ menu_path_str = menu_path_str[len(menu_path_str) - term_width:]
+ # Print the path with the arrows reinserted
+ split_path = menu_path_str.split("\0")
+ _safe_addstr(_path_win, split_path[0])
+ for s in split_path[1:]:
+ _safe_addch(_path_win, curses.ACS_RARROW)
+ _safe_addstr(_path_win, s)
+ _path_win.noutrefresh()
+ #
+ # Update the separator row below the menu path
+ #
+ _top_sep_win.erase()
+ # Draw arrows pointing up if the symbol window is scrolled down. Draw them
+ # before drawing the title, so the title ends up on top for small windows.
+ if _menu_scroll > 0:
+ _safe_hline(_top_sep_win, 0, 4, curses.ACS_UARROW, _N_SCROLL_ARROWS)
+ # Add the 'mainmenu' text as the title, centered at the top
+ _safe_addstr(_top_sep_win,
+ 0, (term_width - len(_kconf.mainmenu_text))//2,
+ _kconf.mainmenu_text)
+ _top_sep_win.noutrefresh()
+ #
+ # Update the symbol window
+ #
+ _menu_win.erase()
+ # Draw the _shown nodes starting from index _menu_scroll up to either as
+ # many as fit in the window, or to the end of _shown
+ for i in range(_menu_scroll,
+ min(_menu_scroll + _menu_win_height(), len(_shown))):
+ node = _shown[i]
+ if node.prompt and expr_value(node.prompt[1]):
+ style = _LIST_SEL_STYLE if i == _sel_node_i else _LIST_STYLE
+ else:
+ style = _LIST_INVISIBLE_SEL_STYLE if i == _sel_node_i else \
+ _safe_addstr(_menu_win, i - _menu_scroll, 0, _node_str(node), style)
+ _menu_win.noutrefresh()
+ #
+ # Update the bottom separator window
+ #
+ _bot_sep_win.erase()
+ # Draw arrows pointing down if the symbol window is scrolled up
+ if _menu_scroll < _max_scroll(_shown, _menu_win):
+ _safe_hline(_bot_sep_win, 0, 4, curses.ACS_DARROW, _N_SCROLL_ARROWS)
+ # Indicate when show-all and/or show-name mode is enabled
+ enabled_modes = []
+ if _show_all:
+ enabled_modes.append("show-all")
+ if _show_name:
+ enabled_modes.append("show-name")
+ if enabled_modes:
+ s = " and ".join(enabled_modes) + " mode enabled"
+ _safe_addstr(_bot_sep_win, 0, term_width - len(s) - 2, s)
+ _bot_sep_win.noutrefresh()
+ #
+ # Update the help window
+ #
+ _help_win.erase()
+ for i, line in enumerate(_MAIN_HELP_LINES):
+ _safe_addstr(_help_win, i, 0, line)
+ _help_win.noutrefresh()
+def _parent_menu(node):
+ # Returns the menu node of the menu that contains 'node'. In addition to
+ # proper 'menu's, this might also be a 'menuconfig' symbol or a 'choice'.
+ # "Menu" here means a menu in the interface.
+ menu = node.parent
+ while not menu.is_menuconfig:
+ menu = menu.parent
+ return menu
+def _shown_nodes(menu):
+ # Returns a list of the nodes in 'menu' (see _parent_menu()) that should be
+ # shown in the menu window
+ res = []
+ def rec(node):
+ nonlocal res
+ while node:
+ # Show the node if its prompt is visible. For menus, also check
+ # 'visible if'. In show-all mode, show everything.
+ if _show_all or \
+ (node.prompt and expr_value(node.prompt[1]) and not \
+ (node.item == MENU and not expr_value(node.visibility))):
+ res.append(node)
+ # If a node has children but doesn't have the is_menuconfig
+ # flag set, the children come from a submenu created implicitly
+ # from dependencies. Show those in this menu too.
+ if node.list and not node.is_menuconfig:
+ rec(node.list)
+ node =
+ rec(menu.list)
+ return res
+def _change_node(node):
+ # Changes the value of the menu node 'node' if it is a symbol. Bools and
+ # tristates are toggled, while other symbol types pop up a text entry
+ # dialog.
+ if not isinstance(node.item, (Symbol, Choice)):
+ return
+ # This will hit for invisible symbols in show-all mode
+ if not (node.prompt and expr_value(node.prompt[1])):
+ return
+ # sc = symbol/choice
+ sc = node.item
+ if sc.type in (INT, HEX, STRING):
+ s = sc.str_value
+ while True:
+ s = _input_dialog("Value for '{}' ({})".format(
+ node.prompt[0], TYPE_TO_STR[sc.type]),
+ s, _range_info(sc))
+ if s is None:
+ break
+ if sc.type in (INT, HEX):
+ s = s.strip()
+ # 'make menuconfig' does this too. Hex values not starting with
+ # '0x' are accepted when loading .config files though.
+ if sc.type == HEX and not s.startswith(("0x", "0X")):
+ s = "0x" + s
+ if _check_validity(sc, s):
+ _set_val(sc, s)
+ break
+ elif len(sc.assignable) == 1:
+ # Handles choice symbols for choices in y mode, which are a special
+ # case: .assignable can be (2,) while .tri_value is 0.
+ _set_val(sc, sc.assignable[0])
+ else:
+ # Set the symbol to the value after the current value in
+ # sc.assignable, with wrapping
+ val_index = sc.assignable.index(sc.tri_value)
+ _set_val(sc, sc.assignable[(val_index + 1) % len(sc.assignable)])
+def _set_sel_node_tri_val(tri_val):
+ # Sets the value of the currently selected menu entry to 'tri_val', if that
+ # value can be assigned
+ sc = _shown[_sel_node_i].item
+ if isinstance(sc, (Symbol, Choice)) and tri_val in sc.assignable:
+ _set_val(sc, tri_val)
+def _set_val(sc, val):
+ # Wrapper around Symbol/Choice.set_value() for updating the menu state and
+ # _conf_changed
+ global _conf_changed
+ # Use the string representation of tristate values. This makes the format
+ # consistent for all symbol types.
+ if val in TRI_TO_STR:
+ val = TRI_TO_STR[val]
+ if val != sc.str_value:
+ sc.set_value(val)
+ _conf_changed = True
+ # Changing the value of the symbol might have changed what items in the
+ # current menu are visible. Recalculate the state.
+ _update_menu()
+def _update_menu():
+ # Updates the current menu after the value of a symbol or choice has been
+ # changed. Changing a value might change which items in the menu are
+ # visible.
+ #
+ # Tries to preserve the location of the cursor when items disappear above
+ # it.
+ global _shown
+ global _sel_node_i
+ global _menu_scroll
+ # Row on the screen the cursor was on
+ old_row = _sel_node_i - _menu_scroll
+ sel_node = _shown[_sel_node_i]
+ # New visible nodes
+ _shown = _shown_nodes(_cur_menu)
+ # New index of selected node
+ _sel_node_i = _shown.index(sel_node)
+ # Try to make the cursor stay on the same row in the menu window. This
+ # might be impossible if too many nodes have disappeared above the node.
+ _menu_scroll = max(_sel_node_i - old_row, 0)
+def _input_dialog(title, initial_text, info_text=None):
+ # Pops up a dialog that prompts the user for a string
+ #
+ # title:
+ # Title to display at the top of the dialog window's border
+ #
+ # initial_text:
+ # Initial text to prefill the input field with
+ #
+ # info_text:
+ # String to show next to the input field. If None, just the input field
+ # is shown.
+ win = _styled_win(_DIALOG_BODY_STYLE)
+ win.keypad(True)
+ info_lines = info_text.split("\n") if info_text else []
+ # Give the input dialog its initial size
+ _resize_input_dialog(win, title, info_lines)
+ _safe_curs_set(2)
+ # Input field text
+ s = initial_text
+ # Cursor position
+ i = len(initial_text)
+ def edit_width():
+ return win.getmaxyx()[1] - 4
+ # Horizontal scroll offset
+ hscroll = max(i - edit_width() + 1, 0)
+ while True:
+ # Draw the "main" display with the menu, etc., so that resizing still
+ # works properly. This is like a stack of windows, only hardcoded for
+ # now.
+ _draw_main()
+ _draw_input_dialog(win, title, info_lines, s, i, hscroll)
+ curses.doupdate()
+ c = _get_wch_compat(win)
+ if c == "\n":
+ _safe_curs_set(0)
+ return s
+ if c == "\x1B": # \x1B = ESC
+ _safe_curs_set(0)
+ return None
+ if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
+ # Resize the main display too. The dialog floats above it.
+ _resize_main()
+ _resize_input_dialog(win, title, info_lines)
+ else:
+ s, i, hscroll = _edit_text(c, s, i, hscroll, edit_width())
+def _resize_input_dialog(win, title, info_lines):
+ # Resizes the input dialog to a size appropriate for the terminal size
+ screen_height, screen_width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
+ win_height = 5
+ if info_lines:
+ win_height += len(info_lines) + 1
+ win_height = min(win_height, screen_height)
+ win_width = max(_INPUT_DIALOG_MIN_WIDTH,
+ len(title) + 4,
+ *(len(line) + 4 for line in info_lines))
+ win_width = min(win_width, screen_width)
+ win.resize(win_height, win_width)
+ win.mvwin((screen_height - win_height)//2,
+ (screen_width - win_width)//2)
+def _draw_input_dialog(win, title, info_lines, s, i, hscroll):
+ edit_width = win.getmaxyx()[1] - 4
+ win.erase()
+ _draw_frame(win, title)
+ # Note: Perhaps having a separate window for the input field would be nicer
+ visible_s = s[hscroll:hscroll + edit_width]
+ _safe_addstr(win, 2, 2, visible_s + " "*(edit_width - len(visible_s)),
+ for linenr, line in enumerate(info_lines):
+ _safe_addstr(win, 4 + linenr, 2, line)
+ _safe_move(win, 2, 2 + i - hscroll)
+ win.noutrefresh()
+def _load_dialog():
+ # Dialog for loading a new configuration
+ #
+ # Return value:
+ # True if a new configuration was loaded, and False if the user canceled
+ # the dialog
+ global _show_all
+ filename = ""
+ while True:
+ filename = _input_dialog("File to load", filename, _load_save_info())
+ if filename is None:
+ return False
+ filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
+ if _try_load(filename):
+ sel_node = _shown[_sel_node_i]
+ # Turn on show-all mode if the current node is (no longer) visible
+ if not (sel_node.prompt and expr_value(sel_node.prompt[1])):
+ _show_all = True
+ _update_menu()
+ # The message dialog indirectly updates the menu display, so _msg()
+ # must be called after the new state has been initialized
+ _msg("Success", "Loaded {}".format(filename))
+ return True
+def _try_load(filename):
+ # Tries to load a configuration file. Pops up an error and returns False on
+ # failure.
+ #
+ # filename:
+ # Configuration file to load
+ # Hack: strerror and errno are lost after we raise the custom IOError with
+ # troubleshooting help in Kconfig.load_config(). Adding them back to the
+ # exception loses the custom message. As a workaround, try opening the file
+ # separately first and report any errors.
+ try:
+ open(filename).close()
+ except OSError as e:
+ _error("Error loading {}\n\n{} (errno: {})"
+ .format(filename, e.strerror, errno.errorcode[e.errno]))
+ return False
+ try:
+ _kconf.load_config(filename)
+ return True
+ except OSError as e:
+ _error("Error loading {}\n\nUnknown error".format(filename))
+ return False
+def _save_dialog(save_fn, default_filename, description):
+ # Dialog for saving the current configuration
+ #
+ # save_fn:
+ # Function to call with 'filename' to save the file
+ #
+ # default_filename:
+ # Prefilled filename in the input field
+ #
+ # description:
+ # String describing the thing being saved
+ #
+ # Return value:
+ # True if the configuration was saved, and False if the user canceled the
+ # dialog
+ filename = default_filename
+ while True:
+ filename = _input_dialog("Filename to save {} to".format(description),
+ filename, _load_save_info())
+ if filename is None:
+ return False
+ filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
+ if _try_save(save_fn, filename, description):
+ _msg("Success", "{} saved to {}".format(description, filename))
+ return True
+def _try_save(save_fn, filename, description):
+ # Tries to save a configuration file. Pops up an error and returns False on
+ # failure.
+ #
+ # save_fn:
+ # Function to call with 'filename' to save the file
+ #
+ # description:
+ # String describing the thing being saved
+ try:
+ save_fn(filename)
+ return True
+ except OSError as e:
+ _error("Error saving {} to '{}'\n\n{} (errno: {})"
+ .format(description, e.filename, e.strerror,
+ errno.errorcode[e.errno]))
+ return False
+def _key_dialog(title, text, keys):
+ # Pops up a dialog that can be closed by pressing a key
+ #
+ # title:
+ # Title to display at the top of the dialog window's border
+ #
+ # text:
+ # Text to show in the dialog
+ #
+ # keys:
+ # List of keys that will close the dialog. Other keys (besides ESC) are
+ # ignored. The caller is responsible for providing a hint about which
+ # keys can be pressed in 'text'.
+ #
+ # Return value:
+ # The key that was pressed to close the dialog. Uppercase characters are
+ # converted to lowercase. ESC will always close the dialog, and returns
+ # None.
+ win = _styled_win(_DIALOG_BODY_STYLE)
+ win.keypad(True)
+ _resize_key_dialog(win, text)
+ while True:
+ # See _input_dialog()
+ _draw_main()
+ _draw_key_dialog(win, title, text)
+ curses.doupdate()
+ c = _get_wch_compat(win)
+ if c == "\x1B": # \x1B = ESC
+ return None
+ if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
+ # Resize the main display too. The dialog floats above it.
+ _resize_main()
+ _resize_key_dialog(win, text)
+ elif isinstance(c, str):
+ c = c.lower()
+ if c in keys:
+ return c
+def _resize_key_dialog(win, text):
+ # Resizes the key dialog to a size appropriate for the terminal size
+ screen_height, screen_width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
+ lines = text.split("\n")
+ win_height = min(len(lines) + 4, screen_height)
+ win_width = min(max(len(line) for line in lines) + 4, screen_width)
+ win.resize(win_height, win_width)
+ win.mvwin((screen_height - win_height)//2,
+ (screen_width - win_width)//2)
+def _draw_key_dialog(win, title, text):
+ win.erase()
+ _draw_frame(win, title)
+ for i, line in enumerate(text.split("\n")):
+ _safe_addstr(win, 2 + i, 2, line)
+ win.noutrefresh()
+def _draw_frame(win, title):
+ # Draw a frame around the inner edges of 'win', with 'title' at the top
+ win_height, win_width = win.getmaxyx()
+ win.attron(_DIALOG_FRAME_STYLE)
+ # Draw top/bottom edge
+ _safe_hline(win, 0, 0, " ", win_width)
+ _safe_hline(win, win_height - 1, 0, " ", win_width)
+ # Draw left/right edge
+ _safe_vline(win, 0, 0, " ", win_height)
+ _safe_vline(win, 0, win_width - 1, " ", win_height)
+ # Draw title
+ _safe_addstr(win, 0, (win_width - len(title))//2, title)
+ win.attroff(_DIALOG_FRAME_STYLE)
+def _jump_to_dialog():
+ # Implements the jump-to dialog, where symbols can be looked up via
+ # incremental search and jumped to.
+ #
+ # Returns True if the user jumped to a symbol, and False if the dialog was
+ # canceled.
+ # Search text
+ s = ""
+ # Previous search text
+ prev_s = None
+ # Search text cursor position
+ s_i = 0
+ # Horizontal scroll offset
+ hscroll = 0
+ # Index of selected row
+ sel_node_i = 0
+ # Index in 'matches' of the top row of the list
+ scroll = 0
+ # Edit box at the top
+ edit_box = _styled_win(_INPUT_FIELD_STYLE)
+ edit_box.keypad(True)
+ # List of matches
+ matches_win = _styled_win(_LIST_STYLE)
+ # Bottom separator, with arrows pointing down
+ bot_sep_win = _styled_win(_SEPARATOR_STYLE)
+ # Help window with instructions at the bottom
+ help_win = _styled_win(_HELP_STYLE)
+ # Give windows their initial size
+ _resize_jump_to_dialog(edit_box, matches_win, bot_sep_win, help_win,
+ sel_node_i, scroll)
+ _safe_curs_set(2)
+ # TODO: Code duplication with _select_{next,prev}_menu_entry(). Can this be
+ # factored out in some nice way?
+ def select_next_match():
+ nonlocal sel_node_i
+ nonlocal scroll
+ if sel_node_i < len(matches) - 1:
+ sel_node_i += 1
+ if sel_node_i >= scroll + matches_win.getmaxyx()[0] - _SCROLL_OFFSET:
+ scroll = min(scroll + 1, _max_scroll(matches, matches_win))
+ def select_prev_match():
+ nonlocal sel_node_i
+ nonlocal scroll
+ if sel_node_i > 0:
+ sel_node_i -= 1
+ if sel_node_i <= scroll + _SCROLL_OFFSET:
+ scroll = max(scroll - 1, 0)
+ while True:
+ if s != prev_s:
+ # The search text changed. Find new matching nodes.
+ prev_s = s
+ try:
+ # We could use re.IGNORECASE here instead of lower(), but this
+ # is noticeably less jerky while inputting regexes like
+ # '.*debug$' (though the '.*' is redundant there). Those
+ # probably have bad interactions with, which
+ # matches anywhere in the string.
+ #
+ # It's not horrible either way. Just a bit smoother.
+ regex_searches = [re.compile(regex).search
+ for regex in s.lower().split()]
+ # No exception thrown, so the regexes are okay
+ bad_re = None
+ # List of matching nodes
+ matches = []
+ for node in _searched_nodes():
+ for search in regex_searches:
+ # Does the regex match either the symbol name or the
+ # prompt (if any)?
+ if not (search( or
+ (node.prompt and
+ search(node.prompt[0].lower()))):
+ # Give up on the first regex that doesn't match, to
+ # speed things up a bit when multiple regexes are
+ # entered
+ break
+ else:
+ matches.append(node)
+ except re.error as e:
+ # Bad regex. Remember the error message so we can show it.
+ bad_re = "Bad regular expression"
+ # re.error.msg was added in Python 3.5
+ if hasattr(e, "msg"):
+ bad_re += ": " + e.msg
+ matches = []
+ # Reset scroll and jump to the top of the list of matches
+ sel_node_i = scroll = 0
+ _draw_jump_to_dialog(edit_box, matches_win, bot_sep_win, help_win,
+ s, s_i, hscroll,
+ bad_re, matches, sel_node_i, scroll)
+ curses.doupdate()
+ c = _get_wch_compat(edit_box)
+ if c == "\n":
+ if matches:
+ _jump_to(matches[sel_node_i])
+ _safe_curs_set(0)
+ return True
+ elif c == "\x1B": # \x1B = ESC
+ _safe_curs_set(0)
+ return False
+ elif c == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
+ # We adjust the scroll so that the selected node stays visible in
+ # the list when the terminal is resized, hence the 'scroll'
+ # assignment
+ scroll = _resize_jump_to_dialog(
+ edit_box, matches_win, bot_sep_win, help_win,
+ sel_node_i, scroll)
+ elif c == "\x06": # \x06 = Ctrl-F
+ _safe_curs_set(0)
+ _info_dialog(matches[sel_node_i], True)
+ _safe_curs_set(1)
+ scroll = _resize_jump_to_dialog(
+ edit_box, matches_win, bot_sep_win, help_win,
+ sel_node_i, scroll)
+ elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN:
+ select_next_match()
+ elif c == curses.KEY_UP:
+ select_prev_match()
+ elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE: # Page Down
+ # Keep it simple. This way we get sane behavior for small windows,
+ # etc., for free.
+ for _ in range(_PG_JUMP):
+ select_next_match()
+ elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE: # Page Up
+ for _ in range(_PG_JUMP):
+ select_prev_match()
+ else:
+ s, s_i, hscroll = _edit_text(c, s, s_i, hscroll,
+ edit_box.getmaxyx()[1] - 2)
+# Obscure Python: We never pass a value for cached_search_nodes, and it keeps
+# pointing to the same list. This avoids a global.
+def _searched_nodes(cached_search_nodes=[]):
+ # Returns a list of menu nodes to search, sorted by symbol name
+ if not cached_search_nodes:
+ # Sort symbols by name and remove duplicates, then add all nodes for
+ # each symbol.
+ #
+ # Duplicates appear when symbols have multiple menu nodes (definition
+ # locations), but they appear in menu order, which isn't what we want
+ # here. We'd still need to go through sym.nodes as well.
+ for sym in sorted(set(_kconf.defined_syms), key=lambda sym:
+ cached_search_nodes.extend(sym.nodes)
+ return cached_search_nodes
+def _resize_jump_to_dialog(edit_box, matches_win, bot_sep_win, help_win,
+ sel_node_i, scroll):
+ # Resizes the jump-to dialog to fill the terminal.
+ #
+ # Returns the new scroll index. We adjust the scroll if needed so that the
+ # selected node stays visible.
+ screen_height, screen_width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
+ bot_sep_win.resize(1, screen_width)
+ help_win_height = len(_JUMP_TO_HELP_LINES)
+ matches_win_height = screen_height - help_win_height - 4
+ if matches_win_height >= 1:
+ edit_box.resize(3, screen_width)
+ matches_win.resize(matches_win_height, screen_width)
+ help_win.resize(help_win_height, screen_width)
+ matches_win.mvwin(3, 0)
+ bot_sep_win.mvwin(3 + matches_win_height, 0)
+ help_win.mvwin(3 + matches_win_height + 1, 0)
+ else:
+ # Degenerate case. Give up on nice rendering and just prevent errors.
+ matches_win_height = 1
+ edit_box.resize(screen_height, screen_width)
+ matches_win.resize(1, screen_width)
+ help_win.resize(1, screen_width)
+ for win in matches_win, bot_sep_win, help_win:
+ win.mvwin(0, 0)
+ # Adjust the scroll so that the selected row is still within the window, if
+ # needed
+ if sel_node_i - scroll >= matches_win_height:
+ return sel_node_i - matches_win_height + 1
+ return scroll
+def _draw_jump_to_dialog(edit_box, matches_win, bot_sep_win, help_win,
+ s, s_i, hscroll,
+ bad_re, matches, sel_node_i, scroll):
+ edit_width = edit_box.getmaxyx()[1] - 2
+ #
+ # Update list of matches
+ #
+ matches_win.erase()
+ if matches:
+ for i in range(scroll,
+ min(scroll + matches_win.getmaxyx()[0], len(matches))):
+ sym = matches[i].item
+ sym_str = '{}(="{}")'.format(, sym.str_value)
+ if matches[i].prompt:
+ sym_str += ' "{}"'.format(matches[i].prompt[0])
+ _safe_addstr(matches_win, i - scroll, 0, sym_str,
+ _LIST_SEL_STYLE if i == sel_node_i else _LIST_STYLE)
+ else:
+ # bad_re holds the error message from the re.error exception on errors
+ _safe_addstr(matches_win, 0, 0, bad_re or "No matches")
+ matches_win.noutrefresh()
+ #
+ # Update bottom separator line
+ #
+ bot_sep_win.erase()
+ # Draw arrows pointing down if the symbol list is scrolled up
+ if scroll < _max_scroll(matches, matches_win):
+ _safe_hline(bot_sep_win, 0, 4, curses.ACS_DARROW, _N_SCROLL_ARROWS)
+ bot_sep_win.noutrefresh()
+ #
+ # Update help window at bottom
+ #
+ help_win.erase()
+ for i, line in enumerate(_JUMP_TO_HELP_LINES):
+ _safe_addstr(help_win, i, 0, line)
+ help_win.noutrefresh()
+ #
+ # Update edit box. We do this last since it makes it handy to position the
+ # cursor.
+ #
+ edit_box.erase()
+ _draw_frame(edit_box, "Jump to symbol")
+ # Draw arrows pointing up if the symbol list is scrolled down
+ if scroll > 0:
+ # TODO: Bit ugly that _DIALOG_FRAME_STYLE is repeated here
+ _safe_hline(edit_box, 2, 4, curses.ACS_UARROW, _N_SCROLL_ARROWS,
+ # Note: Perhaps having a separate window for the input field would be nicer
+ visible_s = s[hscroll:hscroll + edit_width]
+ _safe_addstr(edit_box, 1, 1, visible_s, _INPUT_FIELD_STYLE)
+ _safe_move(edit_box, 1, 1 + s_i - hscroll)
+ edit_box.noutrefresh()
+def _info_dialog(node, from_jump_to_dialog):
+ # Shows a fullscreen window with information about 'node'.
+ #
+ # If 'from_jump_to_dialog' is True, the information dialog was opened from
+ # within the jump-to-dialog. In this case, we make '/' from within the
+ # information dialog just return, to avoid a confusing recursive invocation
+ # of the jump-to-dialog.
+ # Top row, with title and arrows point up
+ top_line_win = _styled_win(_SEPARATOR_STYLE)
+ # Text display
+ text_win = _styled_win(_INFO_TEXT_STYLE)
+ text_win.keypad(True)
+ # Bottom separator, with arrows pointing down
+ bot_sep_win = _styled_win(_SEPARATOR_STYLE)
+ # Help window with keys at the bottom
+ help_win = _styled_win(_HELP_STYLE)
+ # Give windows their initial size
+ _resize_info_dialog(top_line_win, text_win, bot_sep_win, help_win)
+ # Get lines of help text
+ lines = _info_str(node).split("\n")
+ # Index of first row in 'lines' to show
+ scroll = 0
+ while True:
+ _draw_info_dialog(node, lines, scroll, top_line_win, text_win,
+ bot_sep_win, help_win)
+ curses.doupdate()
+ c = _get_wch_compat(text_win)
+ if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
+ _resize_info_dialog(top_line_win, text_win, bot_sep_win, help_win)
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_DOWN, "j", "J"):
+ if scroll < _max_scroll(lines, text_win):
+ scroll += 1
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_NPAGE, "\x04"): # Page Down/Ctrl-D
+ scroll = min(scroll + _PG_JUMP, _max_scroll(lines, text_win))
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_PPAGE, "\x15"): # Page Up/Ctrl-U
+ scroll = max(scroll - _PG_JUMP, 0)
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_END, "G"):
+ scroll = _max_scroll(lines, text_win)
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_HOME, "g"):
+ scroll = 0
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_UP, "k", "K"):
+ if scroll > 0:
+ scroll -= 1
+ elif c == "/":
+ # Support starting a search from within the information dialog
+ if from_jump_to_dialog:
+ # Avoid recursion
+ return
+ if _jump_to_dialog():
+ # Jumped to a symbol. Cancel the information dialog.
+ return
+ # Stay in the information dialog if the jump-to dialog was
+ # canceled. Resize it in case the terminal was resized while the
+ # fullscreen jump-to dialog was open.
+ _resize_info_dialog(top_line_win, text_win, bot_sep_win, help_win)
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_BACKSPACE, _ERASE_CHAR,
+ "\x1B", # \x1B = ESC
+ "q", "Q", "h", "H"):
+ return
+def _resize_info_dialog(top_line_win, text_win, bot_sep_win, help_win):
+ # Resizes the info dialog to fill the terminal
+ screen_height, screen_width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
+ top_line_win.resize(1, screen_width)
+ bot_sep_win.resize(1, screen_width)
+ help_win_height = len(_INFO_HELP_LINES)
+ text_win_height = screen_height - help_win_height - 2
+ if text_win_height >= 1:
+ text_win.resize(text_win_height, screen_width)
+ help_win.resize(help_win_height, screen_width)
+ text_win.mvwin(1, 0)
+ bot_sep_win.mvwin(1 + text_win_height, 0)
+ help_win.mvwin(1 + text_win_height + 1, 0)
+ else:
+ # Degenerate case. Give up on nice rendering and just prevent errors.
+ text_win.resize(1, screen_width)
+ help_win.resize(1, screen_width)
+ for win in text_win, bot_sep_win, help_win:
+ win.mvwin(0, 0)
+def _draw_info_dialog(node, lines, scroll, top_line_win, text_win,
+ bot_sep_win, help_win):
+ text_win_height, text_win_width = text_win.getmaxyx()
+ #
+ # Update top row
+ #
+ top_line_win.erase()
+ # Draw arrows pointing up if the information window is scrolled down. Draw
+ # them before drawing the title, so the title ends up on top for small
+ # windows.
+ if scroll > 0:
+ _safe_hline(top_line_win, 0, 4, curses.ACS_UARROW, _N_SCROLL_ARROWS)
+ title = ("Symbol" if isinstance(node.item, Symbol) else
+ "Choice" if isinstance(node.item, Choice) else
+ "Menu" if node.item == MENU else
+ "Comment") + " information"
+ _safe_addstr(top_line_win, 0, (text_win_width - len(title))//2, title)
+ top_line_win.noutrefresh()
+ #
+ # Update text display
+ #
+ text_win.erase()
+ for i, line in enumerate(lines[scroll:scroll + text_win_height]):
+ _safe_addstr(text_win, i, 0, line)
+ text_win.noutrefresh()
+ #
+ # Update bottom separator line
+ #
+ bot_sep_win.erase()
+ # Draw arrows pointing down if the symbol window is scrolled up
+ if scroll < _max_scroll(lines, text_win):
+ _safe_hline(bot_sep_win, 0, 4, curses.ACS_DARROW, _N_SCROLL_ARROWS)
+ bot_sep_win.noutrefresh()
+ #
+ # Update help window at bottom
+ #
+ help_win.erase()
+ for i, line in enumerate(_INFO_HELP_LINES):
+ _safe_addstr(help_win, i, 0, line)
+ help_win.noutrefresh()
+def _info_str(node):
+ # Returns information about the menu node 'node' as a string.
+ #
+ # The helper functions are responsible for adding newlines. This allows
+ # them to return "" if they don't want to add any output.
+ if isinstance(node.item, Symbol):
+ sym = node.item
+ return (
+ _name_info(sym) +
+ _prompt_info(sym) +
+ "Type: {}\n".format(TYPE_TO_STR[sym.type]) +
+ 'Value: "{}"\n\n'.format(sym.str_value) +
+ _help_info(sym) +
+ _direct_dep_info(sym) +
+ _defaults_info(sym) +
+ _select_imply_info(sym) +
+ _kconfig_def_info(sym)
+ )
+ if isinstance(node.item, Choice):
+ choice = node.item
+ return (
+ _name_info(choice) +
+ _prompt_info(choice) +
+ "Type: {}\n".format(TYPE_TO_STR[choice.type]) +
+ 'Mode: "{}"\n\n'.format(choice.str_value) +
+ _help_info(choice) +
+ _choice_syms_info(choice) +
+ _direct_dep_info(choice) +
+ _defaults_info(choice) +
+ _kconfig_def_info(choice)
+ )
+ # node.item in (MENU, COMMENT)
+ return _kconfig_def_info(node)
+def _name_info(sc):
+ # Returns a string with the name of the symbol/choice. Names are optional
+ # for choices.
+ return "Name: {}\n".format( if else ""
+def _prompt_info(sc):
+ # Returns a string listing the prompts of 'sc' (Symbol or Choice)
+ s = ""
+ for node in sc.nodes:
+ if node.prompt:
+ s += "Prompt: {}\n".format(node.prompt[0])
+ return s
+def _choice_syms_info(choice):
+ # Returns a string listing the choice symbols in 'choice'. Adds
+ # "(selected)" next to the selected one.
+ s = "Choice symbols:\n"
+ for sym in choice.syms:
+ s += " - " +
+ if sym is choice.selection:
+ s += " (selected)"
+ s += "\n"
+ return s + "\n"
+def _help_info(sc):
+ # Returns a string with the help text(s) of 'sc' (Symbol or Choice).
+ # Symbols and choices defined in multiple locations can have multiple help
+ # texts.
+ s = ""
+ for node in sc.nodes:
+ if is not None:
+ s += "Help:\n\n{}\n\n" \
+ .format(textwrap.indent(, " "))
+ return s
+def _direct_dep_info(sc):
+ # Returns a string describing the direct dependencies of 'sc' (Symbol or
+ # Choice). The direct dependencies are the OR of the dependencies from each
+ # definition location. The dependencies at each definition location come
+ # from 'depends on' and dependencies inherited from parent items.
+ if sc.direct_dep is _kconf.y:
+ return ""
+ return 'Direct dependencies (value: "{}"):\n{}\n' \
+ .format(TRI_TO_STR[expr_value(sc.direct_dep)],
+ _split_expr_info(sc.direct_dep, 2))
+def _defaults_info(sc):
+ # Returns a string describing the defaults of 'sc' (Symbol or Choice)
+ if not sc.defaults:
+ return ""
+ s = "Defaults:\n"
+ for val, cond in sc.defaults:
+ s += " - "
+ if isinstance(sc, Symbol):
+ s += '{} (value: "{}")' \
+ .format(_expr_str(val), TRI_TO_STR[expr_value(val)])
+ else:
+ # Don't print the value next to the symbol name for choice
+ # defaults, as it looks a bit confusing
+ s +=
+ s += "\n"
+ if cond is not _kconf.y:
+ s += ' Condition (value: "{}"):\n{}' \
+ .format(TRI_TO_STR[expr_value(cond)],
+ _split_expr_info(cond, 7))
+ return s + "\n"
+def _split_expr_info(expr, indent):
+ # Returns a string with 'expr' split into its top-level && or || operands,
+ # with one operand per line, together with the operand's value. This is
+ # usually enough to get something readable for long expressions. A fancier
+ # recursive thingy would be possible too.
+ #
+ # indent:
+ # Number of leading spaces to add before the split expression.
+ if len(split_expr(expr, AND)) > 1:
+ split_op = AND
+ op_str = "&&"
+ else:
+ split_op = OR
+ op_str = "||"
+ s = ""
+ for i, term in enumerate(split_expr(expr, split_op)):
+ s += '{}{} {} (value: "{}")\n' \
+ .format(" "*indent,
+ " " if i == 0 else op_str,
+ _expr_str(term),
+ TRI_TO_STR[expr_value(term)])
+ return s
+def _select_imply_info(sym):
+ # Returns a string with information about which symbols 'select' or 'imply'
+ # 'sym'. The selecting/implying symbols are grouped according to which
+ # value they select/imply 'sym' to (n/m/y).
+ s = ""
+ def add_sis(expr, val, title):
+ nonlocal s
+ # sis = selects/implies
+ sis = [si for si in split_expr(expr, OR) if expr_value(si) == val]
+ if sis:
+ s += title
+ for si in sis:
+ s += " - {}\n".format(split_expr(si, AND)[0].name)
+ s += "\n"
+ if sym.rev_dep is not _kconf.n:
+ add_sis(sym.rev_dep, 2, "Symbols currently y-selecting this symbol:\n")
+ add_sis(sym.rev_dep, 1, "Symbols currently m-selecting this symbol:\n")
+ add_sis(sym.rev_dep, 0, "Symbols currently n-selecting this symbol (no effect):\n")
+ if sym.weak_rev_dep is not _kconf.n:
+ add_sis(sym.weak_rev_dep, 2, "Symbols currently y-implying this symbol:\n")
+ add_sis(sym.weak_rev_dep, 1, "Symbols currently m-implying this symbol:\n")
+ add_sis(sym.weak_rev_dep, 0, "Symbols currently n-implying this symbol (no effect):\n")
+ return s
+def _kconfig_def_info(item):
+ # Returns a string with the definition of 'item' in Kconfig syntax,
+ # together with the definition location(s)
+ nodes = [item] if isinstance(item, MenuNode) else item.nodes
+ s = "Kconfig definition{}, with propagated dependencies\n" \
+ .format("s" if len(nodes) > 1 else "")
+ s += (len(s) - 1)*"=" + "\n\n"
+ s += "\n\n".join("At {}:{}, in menu {}:\n\n{}".format(
+ node.filename, node.linenr, _menu_path_info(node),
+ textwrap.indent(str(node), " "))
+ for node in nodes)
+ return s
+def _menu_path_info(node):
+ # Returns a string describing the menu path leading up to 'node'
+ path = ""
+ node = _parent_menu(node)
+ while node is not _kconf.top_node:
+ path = " -> " + node.prompt[0] + path
+ node = _parent_menu(node)
+ return "(top menu)" + path
+def _styled_win(style):
+ # Returns a new curses window with background 'style' and space as the fill
+ # character. The initial dimensions are (1, 1), so the window needs to be
+ # sized and positioned separately.
+ win = curses.newwin(1, 1)
+ win.bkgdset(" ", style)
+ return win
+def _max_scroll(lst, win):
+ # Assuming 'lst' is a list of items to be displayed in 'win',
+ # returns the maximum number of steps 'win' can be scrolled down.
+ # We stop scrolling when the bottom item is visible.
+ return max(0, len(lst) - win.getmaxyx()[0])
+def _edit_text(c, s, i, hscroll, width):
+ # Implements text editing commands for edit boxes. Takes a character (which
+ # could also be e.g. curses.KEY_LEFT) and the edit box state, and returns
+ # the new state after the character has been processed.
+ #
+ # c:
+ # Character from user
+ #
+ # s:
+ # Current contents of string
+ #
+ # i:
+ # Current cursor index in string
+ #
+ # hscroll:
+ # Index in s of the leftmost character in the edit box, for horizontal
+ # scrolling
+ #
+ # width:
+ # Width in characters of the edit box
+ #
+ # Return value:
+ # An (s, i, hscroll) tuple for the new state
+ if c == curses.KEY_LEFT:
+ if i > 0:
+ i -= 1
+ elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
+ if i < len(s):
+ i += 1
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_HOME, "\x01"): # \x01 = CTRL-A
+ i = 0
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_END, "\x05"): # \x05 = CTRL-E
+ i = len(s)
+ elif c in (curses.KEY_BACKSPACE, _ERASE_CHAR):
+ if i > 0:
+ s = s[:i-1] + s[i:]
+ i -= 1
+ elif c == curses.KEY_DC:
+ s = s[:i] + s[i+1:]
+ elif c == "\x17": # \x17 = CTRL-W
+ # The \W removes characters like ',' one at a time
+ new_i ="(?:\w*|\W)\s*$", s[:i]).start()
+ s = s[:new_i] + s[i:]
+ i = new_i
+ elif c == "\x0B": # \x0B = CTRL-K
+ s = s[:i]
+ elif c == "\x15": # \x15 = CTRL-U
+ s = s[i:]
+ i = 0
+ elif isinstance(c, str):
+ # Insert character
+ s = s[:i] + c + s[i:]
+ i += 1
+ # Adjust the horizontal scroll so that the cursor never touches the left or
+ # right edges of the edit box, except when it's at the beginning or the end
+ # of the string
+ if i < hscroll + _SCROLL_OFFSET:
+ hscroll = max(i - _SCROLL_OFFSET, 0)
+ elif i >= hscroll + width - _SCROLL_OFFSET:
+ max_scroll = max(len(s) - width + 1, 0)
+ hscroll = min(i - width + _SCROLL_OFFSET + 1, max_scroll)
+ return s, i, hscroll
+def _load_save_info():
+ # Returns an information string for load/save dialog boxes
+ return "(Relative to {})\n\nRefer to your home directory with ~" \
+ .format(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ""))
+def _msg(title, text):
+ # Pops up a message dialog that can be dismissed with Space/Enter/ESC
+ _key_dialog(title, text, " \n")
+def _error(text):
+ # Pops up an error dialog that can be dismissed with Space/Enter/ESC
+ _msg("Error", text)
+def _node_str(node):
+ # Returns the complete menu entry text for a menu node.
+ #
+ # Example return value: "[*] Support for X"
+ # Calculate the indent to print the item with by checking how many levels
+ # above it the closest 'menuconfig' item is (this includes menus and
+ # choices as well as menuconfig symbols)
+ indent = 0
+ parent = node.parent
+ while not parent.is_menuconfig:
+ indent += _SUBMENU_INDENT
+ parent = parent.parent
+ # This approach gives nice alignment for empty string symbols ("() Foo")
+ s = "{:{}}".format(_value_str(node), 3 + indent)
+ # 'not node.prompt' can only be True in show-all mode
+ if not node.prompt or \
+ (_show_name and
+ (isinstance(node.item, Symbol) or
+ (isinstance(node.item, Choice) and
+ s += " <{}>".format(
+ if node.prompt:
+ s += " "
+ if node.item == COMMENT:
+ s += "*** {} ***".format(node.prompt[0])
+ else:
+ s += node.prompt[0]
+ if isinstance(node.item, Symbol):
+ sym = node.item
+ # Print "(NEW)" next to symbols without a user value (from e.g. a
+ # .config), but skip it for choice symbols in choices in y mode
+ if sym.user_value is None and \
+ not (sym.choice and sym.choice.tri_value == 2):
+ s += " (NEW)"
+ if isinstance(node.item, Choice) and node.item.tri_value == 2:
+ # Print the prompt of the selected symbol after the choice for
+ # choices in y mode
+ sym = node.item.selection
+ if sym:
+ for node_ in sym.nodes:
+ if node_.prompt:
+ s += " ({})".format(node_.prompt[0])
+ # Print "--->" next to nodes that have menus that can potentially be
+ # entered. Add "(empty)" if the menu is empty. We don't allow those to be
+ # entered.
+ if node.is_menuconfig:
+ s += " --->" if _shown_nodes(node) else " ---> (empty)"
+ return s
+def _value_str(node):
+ # Returns the value part ("[*]", "<M>", "(foo)" etc.) of a menu node
+ item = node.item
+ if item in (MENU, COMMENT):
+ return ""
+ # Wouldn't normally happen, and generates a warning
+ if item.type == UNKNOWN:
+ return ""
+ if item.type in (STRING, INT, HEX):
+ return "({})".format(item.str_value)
+ if _is_y_mode_choice_sym(item):
+ return "(X)" if item.choice.selection is item else "( )"
+ tri_val_str = (" ", "M", "*")[item.tri_value]
+ if len(item.assignable) == 1:
+ # Pinned to a single value
+ return "" if isinstance(item, Choice) else "-{}-".format(tri_val_str)
+ if item.type == BOOL:
+ return "[{}]".format(tri_val_str)
+ # item.type == TRISTATE
+ if item.assignable == (1, 2):
+ return "{{{}}}".format(tri_val_str) # {M}/{*}
+ return "<{}>".format(tri_val_str)
+def _is_y_mode_choice_sym(item):
+ # The choice mode is an upper bound on the visibility of choice symbols, so
+ # we can check the choice symbols' own visibility to see if the choice is
+ # in y mode
+ return isinstance(item, Symbol) and item.choice and item.visibility == 2
+def _check_validity(sym, s):
+ # Returns True if the string 's' is a well-formed value for 'sym'.
+ # Otherwise, displays an error and returns False.
+ if sym.type not in (INT, HEX):
+ # Anything goes for non-int/hex symbols
+ return True
+ base = 10 if sym.type == INT else 16
+ try:
+ int(s, base)
+ except ValueError:
+ _error("'{}' is a malformed {} value"
+ .format(s, TYPE_TO_STR[sym.type]))
+ return False
+ for low_sym, high_sym, cond in sym.ranges:
+ if expr_value(cond):
+ low = int(low_sym.str_value, base)
+ val = int(s, base)
+ high = int(high_sym.str_value, base)
+ if not low <= val <= high:
+ _error("{} is outside the range {}-{}"
+ .format(s, low_sym.str_value, high_sym.str_value))
+ return False
+ break
+ return True
+def _range_info(sym):
+ # Returns a string with information about the valid range for the symbol
+ # 'sym', or None if 'sym' isn't an int/hex symbol
+ if sym.type not in (INT, HEX):
+ return None
+ for low, high, cond in sym.ranges:
+ if expr_value(cond):
+ return "Range: {}-{}".format(low.str_value, high.str_value)
+ return "No range constraints."
+def _is_num(name):
+ # Heuristic to see if a symbol name looks like a number, for nicer output
+ # when printing expressions. Things like 16 are actually symbol names, only
+ # they get their name as their value when the symbol is undefined.
+ try:
+ int(name)
+ except ValueError:
+ if not name.startswith(("0x", "0X")):
+ return False
+ try:
+ int(name, 16)
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+ return True
+def _get_wch_compat(win):
+ # Decent resizing behavior on PDCurses requires calling resize_term(0, 0)
+ # after receiving KEY_RESIZE, while NCURSES (usually) handles terminal
+ # resizing automatically in get(_w)ch() (see the end of the
+ # resizeterm(3NCURSES) man page).
+ #
+ # resize_term(0, 0) reliably fails and does nothing on NCURSES, so this
+ # hack gives NCURSES/PDCurses compatibility for resizing. I don't know
+ # whether it would cause trouble for other implementations.
+ c = win.get_wch()
+ if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
+ try:
+ curses.resize_term(0, 0)
+ except curses.error:
+ pass
+ return c
+# Ignore exceptions from some functions that might fail, e.g. for small
+# windows. They usually do reasonable things anyway.
+def _safe_curs_set(visibility):
+ try:
+ curses.curs_set(visibility)
+ except curses.error:
+ pass
+def _safe_addstr(win, *args):
+ try:
+ win.addstr(*args)
+ except curses.error:
+ pass
+def _safe_addch(win, *args):
+ try:
+ win.addch(*args)
+ except curses.error:
+ pass
+def _safe_hline(win, *args):
+ try:
+ win.hline(*args)
+ except curses.error:
+ pass
+def _safe_vline(win, *args):
+ try:
+ win.vline(*args)
+ except curses.error:
+ pass
+def _safe_move(win, *args):
+ try:
+ win.move(*args)
+ except curses.error:
+ pass
+def _convert_c_lc_ctype_to_utf8():
+ # Windows rarely has issues here, and the PEP 538 implementation avoids
+ # changing the locale on it. None of the UTF-8 locales below were
+ # supported from some quick testing either. Play it safe.
+ return
+ def _try_set_locale(loc):
+ try:
+ locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, loc)
+ return True
+ except locale.Error:
+ return False
+ # Is LC_CTYPE set to the C locale?
+ if locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, None) == "C":
+ # This list was taken from the PEP 538 implementation in the CPython
+ # code, in Python/pylifecycle.c
+ for loc in "C.UTF-8", "C.utf8", "UTF-8":
+ if _try_set_locale(loc):
+ print("Note: Your environment is configured to use ASCII. To "
+ "avoid Unicode issues, LC_CTYPE was changed from the "
+ "C locale to the {} locale.".format(loc))
+ break
+# Are we running on Windows?
+_IS_WINDOWS = (platform.system() == "Windows")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ _main()
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de95af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+config = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], int(x[1]) if x[1].isdecimal() else x[1][1:-1] if x[1].startswith('"') and x[1].endswith('"') else x[1]), map(lambda x: x.strip().split("=", 1), filter(lambda x: '=' in x, open(".config").readlines()))))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import sys
+ if sys.argv[1] in config:
+ print(config[sys.argv[1]])
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8621bf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+set -x
+HOST=$(python3 ../scripts/ CONFIG_DHCP_HOSTNAME)
+SSID=$(python3 ../scripts/ CONFIG_WPA_SSID)
+PASS=$(python3 ../scripts/ CONFIG_WPA_KEYPHRASE)
+cat $PORT &
+# interrupt
+echo -e -n "\003" >$PORT
+# Enter RAW Repl
+echo -e -n "\001" >$PORT
+echo -e -n "import network\004" >$PORT
+echo -e -n "wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)\004" >$PORT
+echo -e -n "\004" >$PORT
+echo -e -n "wlan.config(dhcp_hostname='$HOST')\004" >$PORT
+echo -e -n "wlan.connect('$SSID', '$PASS')\004" >$PORT
+echo -e -n "ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF)\004" >$PORT
+echo -e -n "\004" >$PORT
+echo -e -n "\002" >$PORT
+sleep 3
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3e73b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+cat $PORT &
+trap "kill $PRINTER_PID; exit" SIGINT SIGTERM
+# interrupt
+echo -e -n "\003" >$PORT
+# Enter RAW Repl
+echo -e -n "\001" >$PORT
+sleep 0.5
+fsize=$(du -b $lname | cut -f 1)
+echo "Size of $lname $fsize"
+blocks=$(( $fsize / $blocksize ))
+echo -e -n "__fh = open('$rname', 'wb')\n" >$PORT
+echo -e -n "written = 0\n\004" >$PORT
+sleep 0.1
+echo -e -n "\003" >$PORT
+while [[ $pos -lt $fsize ]]; do
+ encoded=$(dd if=$lname ibs=1 skip=$pos count=$blocksize 2>/dev/null | python3 -c 'import sys; print(repr(, end="")')
+ echo -n "$pos..$(( $pos + $blocksize )) "
+ echo -n "written += __fh.write(${encoded})" > $PORT
+ echo -e -n "\n\004" > $PORT
+ pos=$(( $pos + $blocksize ))
+ sleep 0.08
+echo -e -n "__fh.close()\004" >$PORT
+echo -e -n "del(__fh)\004" >$PORT
+sleep 0.2
+echo -e -n "print('\\\\n\\\\n%s bytes written to file $rname\\\\n' % written)\004" >$PORT
+# enter normal repl
+echo -e -n "\002" >$PORT
+sleep 0.2
diff --git a/stromzähler3/Kconfig b/stromzähler3/Kconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afb1c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stromzähler3/Kconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+mainmenu "configuration"
+source ../scripts/Kconfig-wifi
+menu "Influxdb"
+ string "Hostname of influxdb server"
+ int "Port number"
+ string "Path element for POST request"
diff --git a/stromzähler3/ b/stromzähler3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d30893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stromzähler3/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+config = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], int(x[1]) if x[1].isdigit() else x[1][1:-1] if x[1].startswith('"') and x[1].endswith('"') else x[1]), map(lambda x: x.strip().split("=", 1), filter(lambda x: '=' in x, open(".config").readlines()))))
diff --git a/stromzähler3/ b/stromzähler3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65499ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stromzähler3/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+import os
+import machine
+import socket
+import time
+import micropython as mp
+H_REQUEST = bytes('POST /%s HTTP/1.1\r\n' % PATH, 'utf8')
+H_HOST = bytes('Host: %s\r\n' % HOST, 'utf8')
+H_CONTENT_TYPE = bytes('Content-Type: application/x-www-urlencoded\r\n', 'utf8')
+H_CONTENT_LENGTH = bytes('Content-Length: %s\r\n', 'utf8')
+H_CONNECTION = bytes('Connection: close\r\n', 'utf8')
+H_NL = bytes('\r\n', 'utf8')
+def post(data):
+ print('[%d] Send HTTP POST: %s. Response: ' % (time.ticks_ms(), data), end='')
+ addr = socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, PORT)[0][-1]
+ data = bytes(data, 'utf8')
+ s = socket.socket()
+ s.connect(addr)
+ s.send(H_REQUEST)
+ s.send(H_HOST)
+ s.send(H_CONTENT_TYPE)
+ s.send(H_CONTENT_LENGTH % len(data))
+ s.send(H_CONNECTION)
+ s.send(H_NL)
+ s.send(data)
+ first_data = s.recv(100)
+ if first_data:
+ line, *_ = first_data.split(b'\r\n')
+ print(line, end='')
+ while data:
+ data = s.recv(100)
+ s.close()
+ print('')
+d4_total = 0
+d4_count = 0
+d1_total = 0
+d1_count = 0
+def update(t):
+ global d4_total, d4_count, d1_total, d1_count
+ d4 = d4_count
+ d1 = d1_count
+ post('stromzaehler3 d4_count=%d,d4_total=%d,d1_count=%d,d1_total=%d' % (
+ d4, d4_total, d1, d1_total))
+ d4_count -= d4
+ d1_count -= d1
+timer1 = machine.Timer(-1)
+timer1.init(period=10000, mode=machine.Timer.PERIODIC, callback=update)
+def persist(t):
+ write_persistent_int("d4_total.txt", d4_total)
+ write_persistent_int("d1_total.txt", d1_total)
+# Import
+def cb_d4(p):
+ global d4_total, d4_count
+ v = p.value()
+ if v != 1: # skip rising edge
+ d4_total += 1
+ d4_count += 1
+d4 = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.IN, pull=machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
+d4.irq(handler=lambda p: mp.schedule(cb_d4, p))
+# Export
+def cb_d1(p):
+ global d1_total, d1_count
+ v = p.value()
+ if v != 1: # skip rising edge
+ d1_count += 1
+ d1_total += 1
+d1 = machine.Pin(5, machine.Pin.IN)
+d1.irq(handler=lambda p: mp.schedule(cb_d1, p))
+# Pumpe
+d3_last_value = 0
+def cb_d3(p):
+ global d3_last_value
+ print('[%d] %s = %d' % (time.ticks_ms(), repr(p), p.value()))
+ v = 1 - p.value()
+ if v != d3_last_value:
+ post('stromzaehler3.Pumpe Status=%s' % v)
+ d3_last_value = v
+d3 = machine.Pin(0, machine.Pin.IN, pull=machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
+d3.irq(handler=lambda p: mp.schedule(cb_d3, p))
+print(" finished")
diff --git a/stromzähler3/ b/stromzähler3/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a76ff1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stromzähler3/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+PY_SOURCES=" .config"
+. ${0%/*}/../scripts/
diff --git a/temp0/Kconfig b/temp0/Kconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afb1c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/temp0/Kconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+mainmenu "configuration"
+source ../scripts/Kconfig-wifi
+menu "Influxdb"
+ string "Hostname of influxdb server"
+ int "Port number"
+ string "Path element for POST request"
diff --git a/temp0/ b/temp0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d30893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/temp0/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+config = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], int(x[1]) if x[1].isdigit() else x[1][1:-1] if x[1].startswith('"') and x[1].endswith('"') else x[1]), map(lambda x: x.strip().split("=", 1), filter(lambda x: '=' in x, open(".config").readlines()))))
diff --git a/temp0/ b/temp0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac1de7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/temp0/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+import time
+print("[{}] Start".format(time.ticks_ms()))
+import os
+import gc
+import socket
+import machine
+import onewire
+import ds18x20
+import network
+H_REQUEST = bytes('POST /%s HTTP/1.1\r\n' % PATH, 'utf8')
+H_HOST = bytes('Host: %s\r\n' % HOST, 'utf8')
+H_CONTENT_TYPE = bytes('Content-Type: application/x-www-urlencoded\r\n', 'utf8')
+H_CONTENT_LENGTH = bytes('Content-Length: %s\r\n', 'utf8')
+H_CONNECTION = bytes('Connection: close\r\n', 'utf8')
+H_NL = bytes('\r\n', 'utf8')
+def post(data):
+ print('[%d] Send HTTP POST: %s. Response: ' % (time.ticks_ms(), data), end='')
+ addr = socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, PORT)[0][-1]
+ data = bytes(data, 'utf8')
+ s = socket.socket()
+ s.connect(addr)
+ s.send(H_REQUEST)
+ s.send(H_HOST)
+ s.send(H_CONTENT_TYPE)
+ s.send(H_CONTENT_LENGTH % len(data))
+ s.send(H_CONNECTION)
+ s.send(H_NL)
+ s.send(data)
+ first_data = s.recv(100)
+ if first_data:
+ line, *_ = first_data.split(b'\r\n')
+ print(line, end='')
+ while data:
+ data = s.recv(100)
+ s.close()
+ print('')
+pins = [5,4,0,2,14]
+ow_list = list(map(onewire.OneWire, map(machine.Pin, pins)))
+ds_list = list(map(ds18x20.DS18X20, ow_list))
+def onewire_name(ba):
+ return "-".join(map(lambda x: "{:02X}".format(x), ba))
+def update(func):
+ global ds_list
+ data = []
+ for i in range(len(pins)):
+ pin_id = pins[i]
+ print("[{}] Read pin {}".format(time.ticks_ms(), pin_id))
+ ds = ds_list[i]
+ roms = ds.scan()
+ if len(roms) > 0:
+ time.sleep_ms(500)
+ ds.convert_temp()
+ time.sleep_ms(1000) #750
+ for rom in roms:
+ value = ds.read_temp(rom)
+ data.append("temp0,pin={},sensor={} value={}".format(pin_id, onewire_name(rom), value))
+ time.sleep_ms(100)
+ data.append("temp0.ticks,pin={} value={}".format(pin_id, time.ticks_ms()))
+ func("\n".join(data))
+ data = []
+wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
+def activate_wlan():
+ global wlan
+ print("[{}] Connect to WLAN".format(time.ticks_ms()))
+ wlan.connect()
+ while not wlan.isconnected():
+ print("[{}] Connecting to WLAN".format(time.ticks_ms()))
+ time.sleep_ms(500)
+ print("[{}] Connected to WLAN".format(time.ticks_ms()))
+print("[{}] Connected. Run loop".format(time.ticks_ms()))
+ while True:
+ gc.collect()
+ gc.disable()
+ print("[{}] Run update".format(time.ticks_ms()))
+ update(post)
+ gc.enable()
+ time.sleep_ms(2000)
+except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print("[{}] Loop aborted".format(time.ticks_ms()))
+except Exception as e:
+ msg = repr(e)
+ print("[{}] {}".format(time.ticks_ms(), msg))
+ try:
+ msg_esc = msg.replace("\"", "").replace("'", "").replace("\\", "")
+ post("temp0.exception value=\"{}\"".format(msg_esc))
+ finally:
+ time.sleep_ms(1000)
+ machine.reset()
diff --git a/temp0/ b/temp0/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8266585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/temp0/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+PY_SOURCES=" .config"
+. ${0%/*}/../scripts/