diff options
authorYves Fischer <>2015-07-06 22:36:30 +0200
committerYves Fischer <>2015-07-06 22:55:43 +0200
commit34b4ce45511cf26a7846bb3524581c97a158e868 (patch)
parent059bed7574351310a022a8f3ae911bafe524380b (diff)
tests pass
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/pyinfluxtools/ b/pyinfluxtools/
index 7654051..7ce39aa 100644
--- a/pyinfluxtools/
+++ b/pyinfluxtools/
@@ -2,40 +2,35 @@
import re
import sys
-from pprint import pprint
-from funcparserlib.lexer import make_tokenizer, Token, LexerError
-from funcparserlib.parser import (some, a, maybe, many, finished, skip)
+from funcparserlib.lexer import make_tokenizer
+from funcparserlib.parser import (some, maybe, many, finished, skip, NoParseError)
class WriteRequest(object):
def parse(lines):
Parse multiple Write objects separeted by new-line character.
- >> lines = []
- >> lines += ['cpu']
- >> lines += ['cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west']
- >> lines += ['cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west field1=1,field2=2']
- >> lines += ['cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west field1=1,field2=2 1234']
- >> print("\\n".join(map(str, WriteRequest.parse("\\n".join(lines)))))
- cpu
- cpu,host="serverA",region="us-west"
+ >>> print(Write.parse("foo b=1"))
+ foo b=1
+ >>> lines = []
+ >>> lines += ['cpu field=123']
+ >>> lines += ['cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west field1=1,field2=2']
+ >>> lines += ['cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west field1=1,field2=2 1234']
+ >>> print("\\n".join(map(str, WriteRequest.parse("\\n".join(lines)))))
+ cpu field=123
cpu,host="serverA",region="us-west" field1=1,field2=2
cpu,host="serverA",region="us-west" field1=1,field2=2 1234
writes = map(Write.parse, lines.split("\n"))
return list(writes)
- @staticmethod
- def parseFile(file):
- for line in file.readlines():
- yield Write.parse(line)
class Write(object):
def __init__(self, key, tags, fields, timestamp=None):
self.key = key
self.tags = tags
@@ -48,22 +43,21 @@ class Write(object):
if isinstance(self.fields, dict):
self.fields = self.fields.items()
- @staticmethod
- def tokenize(str):
- specs = [
- ('Comma', (r',',)),
- ('Space', (r' ',)),
- ('Equal', (r'=',)),
- ('Quote', (r'"',)),
- ('Escape', (r'\\',)),
- ('Int', (r'[0-9]+',)),
- ('Float', (r'-?(\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)',)),
- ('Text', (r'[A-Za-z\200-\377_0-9-\.]+',)),
- ]
- useless = [] #'Comma', 'NL', 'Space', 'Header', 'Footer']
- t = make_tokenizer(specs)
- return [x for x in t(str) if x.type not in useless]
+ specs = [
+ ('Comma', (r',',)),
+ ('Space', (r' ',)),
+ ('Equal', (r'=',)),
+ ('Quote', (r'"',)),
+ ('Escape', (r'\\',)),
+ ('Int', (r'[0-9]+',)),
+ ('Float', (r'-?(\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)',)),
+ ('Char', (r'.',)),
+ ]
+ @staticmethod
+ def tokenize(line):
+ tokenizer = make_tokenizer(Write.specs)
+ return list(tokenizer(line))
def parse(line):
@@ -91,7 +85,7 @@ class Write(object):
>>> Write.parse('cpu host=server\\ A,region=us\\ west')
<Write key=cpu tags=[] fields=[('host', 'server A'), ('region', 'us west')] timestamp=None>
- >>> Write.parse('cpu ho\=st=server\ A,region=us\ west')
+ >>> Write.parse('cpu ho\\=st=server\ A,region=us\ west')
<Write key=cpu tags=[] fields=[('ho=st', 'server A'), ('region', 'us west')] timestamp=None>
>>> print(Write.parse('cpu ho\=st=server\ A,region=us\ west'))
@@ -109,10 +103,10 @@ class Write(object):
>>> print(Write.parse('cpu field12=12 123123123'))
cpu field12=12 123123123
- >> print(Write.parse('cpu field12=12 1231abcdef123'))
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- funcparserlib.parser.NoParseError: should have reached <EOF>: 1,20-1,28: Text 'abcdef123'
+ >>> try:
+ ... print(Write.parse('cpu field12=12 1231abcdef123'))
+ ... except NoParseError:
+ ... pass
>>> print(Write.parse("cpu,x=3,y=4,z=6 field\ name=\\"HH \\\\\\"World\\",x=asdf\\\\ foo"))
cpu,x=3,y=4,z=6 field\\ name="HH \\"World",x="asdf foo"
@@ -129,37 +123,72 @@ class Write(object):
>>> Write.parse('"measurement\ with\ quotes",tag\ key\ with\ spaces=tag\,value\,with"commas" field_key\\\\\\\\="string field value, only \\\\" need be quoted"')
<Write key="measurement with quotes" tags=[('tag key with spaces', 'tag,value,with"commas"')] fields=[('field_key\\\\', 'string field value, only " need be quoted')] timestamp=None>
- #>>> Write.parse('disk_free value=442221834240,working\ directories="C:\My Documents\Stuff for examples,C:\My Documents"')
- #Fails.... this format is just crazy
+ >>> Write.parse('disk_free value=442221834240,working\ directories="C:\My Documents\Stuff for examples,C:\My Documents"')
+ <Write key=disk_free tags=[] fields=[('value', 442221834240), ('working directories', 'C:\\\\My Documents\\\\Stuff for examples,C:\\\\My Documents')] timestamp=None>
+ >>> Write.parse('disk_free value=442221834240,working\ directories="C:\My Documents\Stuff for examples,C:\My Documents" 123')
+ <Write key=disk_free tags=[] fields=[('value', 442221834240), ('working directories', 'C:\\\\My Documents\\\\Stuff for examples,C:\\\\My Documents')] timestamp=123>
+ >>> print(Write.parse('foo,foo=2 field_key\\\\\\="string field"'))
+ foo,foo=2 field_key\\\\="string field"
+ >>> print(Write.parse('foo,foo=2 field_key="string\\\\" field"'))
+ foo,foo=2 field_key="string\\" field"
+ >>> print(Write.parse('foo field0=tag,field1=t,field2=true,field3=True,field4=TRUE'))
+ foo field0="tag",field1=True,field2=True,field3=True,field4=True
+ >>> print(Write.parse('foo field1=f,field2=false,field3=False,field4=FALSE,field5=fag'))
+ foo field1=False,field2=False,field3=False,field4=False,field5="fag"
+ >>> print(Write.parse('"measurement\ with\ quotes",tag\ key\ with\ spaces=tag\,value\,with"commas" field_key\\\\\\="string field value, only \\\\" need be quoted"'))
+ "measurement\ with\ quotes",tag\ key\ with\ spaces="tag,value,with\\"commas\\"" field_key\\\\="string field value, only \\" need be quoted"
+ >>> Write.parse('"measurement\ with\ quotes" foo=1')
+ <Write key="measurement with quotes" tags=[] fields=[('foo', 1)] timestamp=None>
tokval = lambda t: t.value
- toksval = lambda x: "".join(x)
- token = lambda type: some(lambda t: t.type == type)
- space = token('Space') >> tokval
- comma = token('Comma') >> tokval
- quote = token('Quote') >> tokval
- escape_space = token('Escape') + token('Space') >> (lambda x: " ")
- escape_comma = token('Escape') + token('Comma') >> (lambda x: ",")
- escape_equal = token('Escape') + token('Equal') >> (lambda x: "=")
- escape_quote = token('Escape') + token('Quote') >> (lambda x: "\"")
- escape_escape = token('Escape') + token('Escape') >> (lambda x: "\\")
- plain_int = token('Int') >> (lambda t: int(tokval(t)))
- plain_int_text = token('Int') >> tokval
- plain_float = token('Float') >> (lambda t: float(tokval(t)))
- plain_float_text = token('Float') >> tokval
- plain_bool = some( lambda t: t.type == 'Text' and t.value.lower() in ["t", "true"]) >> (lambda t: True) | \
- some( lambda t: t.type == 'Text' and t.value.lower() in ["f", "false"]) >> (lambda t: False)
- plain_text = token("Text") >> tokval
- identifier = many( plain_text | escape_space | escape_comma | escape_escape | plain_int_text | token('Quote') >> tokval ) >> toksval
- quoted_text = many( escape_escape | escape_quote | plain_text | space | comma | plain_int_text | plain_float_text) >> (lambda x: "".join(x))
- unquoted_text = many( escape_space | escape_comma | escape_equal | escape_escape | quote | plain_text | plain_int_text ) >> toksval
- string_value = ( skip(token('Quote')) + quoted_text + skip(token('Quote')) ) | unquoted_text
- kv_value = plain_int | plain_float | plain_bool | string_value
- kv = string_value + skip(token('Equal')) + kv_value >> (lambda x: (x[0],x[1]))
+ joinval = "".join
+ someToken = lambda type: some(lambda t: t.type == type)
+ true_values = ["t", "true", "True", "TRUE"]
+ false_values = ["f", "false", "False", "FALSE"]
+ char = someToken('Char') >> tokval
+ space = someToken('Space') >> tokval
+ comma = someToken('Comma') >> tokval
+ quote = someToken('Quote') >> tokval
+ escape = someToken('Escape') >> tokval
+ equal = someToken('Equal') >> tokval
+ escape_space = skip(escape) + space >> joinval
+ escape_comma = skip(escape) + comma >> joinval
+ escape_equal = skip(escape) + equal >> joinval
+ escape_quote = skip(escape) + quote >> joinval
+ escape_escape = skip(escape) + escape >> joinval
+ plain_int_text = someToken('Int') >> tokval
+ plain_int = plain_int_text >> (lambda v: int(v))
+ plain_float_text = someToken('Float') >> tokval
+ plain_float = plain_float_text >> (lambda v: float(v))
+ identifier = many(char | escape_space | escape_comma |
+ escape_escape | plain_int_text | quote) >> joinval
+ quoted_text_ = many(escape_quote | space | plain_int_text |
+ plain_float_text | char | comma |
+ escape) >> joinval
+ quoted_text = skip(quote) + quoted_text_ + skip(quote)
+ unquoted_text = many(escape_space | escape_comma |
+ escape_equal | escape_escape |
+ plain_int_text | char | quote) >> joinval
+ string_value = quoted_text | unquoted_text >> \
+ (lambda s: s in true_values and True
+ or s in false_values and False
+ or s not in false_values and s)
+ kv_value = plain_int | plain_float | string_value
+ kv = string_value + \
+ skip(equal) + kv_value >> (lambda x: (x[0], x[1]))
def setter(obj, propert):
def r(val):
@@ -167,70 +196,21 @@ class Write(object):
return (propert, val)
return r
- key = identifier
- tags = many( skip(token('Comma')) + kv) >> (lambda x: x) # (lambda x: [x[0]] + x[1])
- fields = ( kv + many( skip(token('Comma')) + kv ) ) >> (lambda x: [x[0]] + x[1])
- timestamp = plain_int
+ tags = many(skip(comma) + kv) >> (lambda x: x)
+ fields = (kv + many(skip(comma) + kv)) >> \
+ (lambda x: [x[0]] + x[1])
write = Write(None, None, None, None)
- toplevel = (key >> setter(write, "key")) + \
- maybe( tags >> setter(write, "tags") ) + \
- ( skip(token('Space')) + (fields >> setter(write, "fields")) ) + \
- maybe( skip(token('Space')) + timestamp >> setter(write, "timestamp") ) + \
- skip(finished) >> (lambda x: x)
- try:
- result = toplevel.parse(Write.tokenize(line))
- except:
- pprint(line, stream=sys.stderr)
- pprint(write, stream=sys.stderr)
- pprint(Write.tokenize(line), stream=sys.stderr)
- raise
- #pprint({line : result}, stream=sys.stderr)
+ toplevel = (identifier >> setter(write, "key")) + \
+ maybe(tags >> setter(write, "tags")) + \
+ (skip(space) + (fields >> setter(write, "fields"))) + \
+ maybe(skip(space) + plain_int >> setter(write, "timestamp")) + \
+ skip(finished) >> (lambda x: x)
+ result = toplevel.parse(Write.tokenize(line))
+ #pprint(result)
return write
- def unescape(string):
- return re.sub(r'(?<!\\)([\\,=])', '', string)
- def unescape_value(string):
- if string.startswith("\"") and string.endswith("\""):
- string = re.sub(r'(?<!\\)(["])', '', string)
- else:
- string = unescape(string)
- if re.match("^[0-9]+$", string):
- return int(string)
- elif re.match("^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$", string):
- return float(string)
- elif string.lower() in ["t", "true", "f", "false"]:
- return string.lower in ["t", "true"]
- else:
- return string
- args = re.split(r"(?<!\\) ", line)
- key, *tags = re.split(r"(?<!\\),", args[0])
- key = unescape(key)
- if tags:
- tags = map(lambda tag: re.split(r"(?<!\\)=", tag), tags)
- tags = map(lambda tag: (unescape(tag[0]), unescape_value(tag[1])), tags)
- tags = list(tags)
- else:
- tags = None
- if len(args) > 1:
- fields = re.split(r"(?<!\\),", args[1])
- fields = map(lambda field: re.split(r"(?<!\\)=", field), fields)
- fields = map(lambda field: (unescape(field[0]), unescape_value(field[1])), fields)
- fields = list(fields)
- else:
- fields = None
- if len(args) > 2:
- timestamp = int(args[2])
- else:
- timestamp = None
- return Write(key, tags, fields, timestamp)
def __repr__(self):
return "<{} key={} tags={} fields={} timestamp={}>".format(
self.__class__.__name__, self.key, self.tags, self.fields, self.timestamp)
@@ -244,13 +224,12 @@ class Write(object):
return str(obj)
obj = str(obj)
- return "\"" + obj.replace("\"","\\\"") + "\""
+ return "\"" + obj.replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\""
def escape_kv(kvlist):
return ",".join(
- map(lambda kv: escape_key(kv[0]) + "=" + escape_value(kv[1]),
- kvlist))
+ map(lambda kv: escape_key(kv[0]) + "=" + escape_value(kv[1]),
+ kvlist))
result = escape_key(self.key)
@@ -272,4 +251,3 @@ class Write(object):
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest