path: root/pyinflux/client/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pyinflux/client/')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pyinflux/client/ b/pyinflux/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b485861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyinflux/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+import typing
+import io
+import re
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+from urllib.parse import quote as urlquote, urlencode
+import json
+import codecs
+class Line(object):
+ def __init__(self, key, tags, fields, timestamp=None):
+ self.key = key
+ self.tags = tags
+ self.fields = fields
+ self.timestamp = timestamp
+ if isinstance(self.tags, dict):
+ self.tags = self.tags.items()
+ if isinstance(self.fields, dict):
+ self.fields = self.fields.items()
+ @staticmethod
+ def escape_identifier(string):
+ return re.sub(r'([\\,= ])', '\\\\\\1', string)
+ @staticmethod
+ def escape_tags(taglist):
+ return ",".join(map(lambda kv:
+ (Line.escape_identifier(kv[0]) + "=" + Line.escape_identifier(kv[1])),
+ taglist))
+ @staticmethod
+ def escape_value(obj):
+ if (isinstance(obj, float) or
+ isinstance(obj, int) or
+ isinstance(obj, bool)):
+ return str(obj)
+ else:
+ obj = str(obj)
+ return "\"" + obj.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\""
+ @staticmethod
+ def escape_fields(kvlist):
+ def escape_key(string):
+ return re.sub(r'(["\\,= ])', '\\\\\\1', string)
+ return ",".join(
+ map(lambda kv: escape_key(kv[0]) + "=" + Line.escape_value(kv[1]),
+ kvlist))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ >>> print(repr(Line('test', [('a','b')], [('value','asd\\\\')])))
+ <Line key=test tags=[('a', 'b')] fields=[('value', 'asd\\\\')] timestamp=None>
+ """
+ return "<{} key={} tags={} fields={} timestamp={}>".format(
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.key, self.tags, self.fields, self.timestamp)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """
+ >>> print(Line('test', [('a','b')], [('value','asd\\\\')]))
+ test,a=b value="asd\\\\"
+ """
+ result = self.escape_identifier(self.key)
+ if self.tags:
+ result += ","
+ result += self.escape_tags(self.tags)
+ if self.fields:
+ result += " "
+ result += self.escape_fields(self.fields)
+ if self.timestamp:
+ result += " "
+ result += str(self.timestamp)
+ return result
+class QueryResultOption:
+ CODEC = codecs.getreader('utf-8')
+ def __init__(self, exec_func: typing.Callable[[], io.IOBase]):
+ self.exec_func = exec_func
+ self._json = None
+ self._text = None
+ def as_json(self):
+ if self._json is None:
+ fh = self.CODEC(self.exec_func())
+ self._json = json.load(fh)
+ fh.close()
+ return self._json
+ def as_text(self):
+ if self._text is None:
+ fh = self.CODEC(self.exec_func())
+ self._text =
+ fh.close()
+ return self._text
+class Influx:
+ def __init__(self, host: str, port: int = 8086, username: str = None, password: str = None):
+ """
+ :param username: username and password:
+ :param password: if set both must be set
+ """
+ self._write_url = "http://{host}:{port}/write?".format(**locals())
+ self._query_url_get = "http://{host}:{port}/query?".format(**locals())
+ self._query_url_post = "http://{host}:{port}/query".format(**locals())
+ if username and password:
+ self._write_url += 'username=' + username + '&password' + password + '&'
+ self._query_url_get += 'username=' + username + '&password' + password + '&'
+ self._query_url_post += '?username=' + username + '&password' + password
+ def write_db(self, db: str, lines: [Line]):
+ url = self._write_url + "db=" + urlquote(db)
+ request_data = "\n".join(map(str, lines)).encode('utf-8')
+ with urlopen(url, request_data) as fh:
+ response =
+ return response.decode('utf-8')
+ def query_db(self, db: str, query: str) -> QueryResultOption:
+ def get_fh() -> io.IOBase:
+ url = self._query_url_get + 'db=' + urlquote(db) + '&q=' + urlquote(query)
+ return urlopen(url)
+ return QueryResultOption(get_fh)
+ def execute(self, query: str) -> QueryResultOption:
+ def get_fh() -> io.IOBase:
+ return urlopen(self._query_url_post, urlencode({'q': query}).encode('utf-8'))
+ return QueryResultOption(get_fh)
+class InfluxDB(Influx):
+ def __init__(self, db: str, host: str, port: int = 8086, username: str = None, password: str = None):
+ super().__init__(host, port, username, password)
+ self._db = db
+ def write(self, lines: [Line]):
+ return self.write_db(self._db, lines)
+ def query(self, query: str):
+ return self.query_db(self._db, query)